PAE8LWHITBY FREE PRE SWEDNESDAYlMY 1,187 New ,owners take over McCullough Jewellers By JANET BROWNE Wby change something that's been a success for alm ost three decà des? There's no reason to, according to aarry Davis, one of the new owners of the long established Mc- Cullough Jewellers on Dundas St. E. "It was successful the wayit was before, so we're just oning to hang in with the way it is,"' says Diavis, who bas been part of the business for 12 years. : Since 1959,_the store bas served'ý Wbitby thrOugh tbe expertise of jeweller Frank McCullough -and watchrnaker Gord Jones. Both men retired at the same tirne this spring, and sold their respective parts of the business to Davis and watchrnaker PaurHayes.- .The store -has a wide array of jewelry, specializing in rings of al sorts, and a line of Bulova watches. But both men admit that the main- stay of the business is the repairs, done on botb jewelry and watches. "The business bas been built on repairs for, so many years, '" says Davis, who Iearned this art of jewelry repair from McCullough. "It's rnostly independents who do their own repairs. It's important to BARRY'DAVIS The noa me noacquiition fee inesimnent with, more!1 Froi (lhe manager ufl(t istriùîl CruxAil Funid - Canada s long-terni investmient tund gromi leader - cumies an exceptiuîîal new pro(luct: Industrial Horizon Fund. Ind(ustri'tl Horizon uffers the s.aie l)ruoen lirofessuonal management ..the same highi level ut personal service fruni one of the tully qualified, independent representative \lt charges nu acquisition fee. lIn fact, if vour investnient is long terni. chances are vout xvili pay nu redemption fee, eitîher. Broaden your vistas. CalI or %vrite fur mure infourmatuon un Industrial Horizon Fund, tudavt\! Industriel« Horiýzon Fund EhPlease send nie mure information un hIdusirial Hourizon Julin( NAMF ADDhRESS l1)AL cm Rux CODE PIIONE (Ho<me) (Butsiiivss JAMES STATHAM WOOD GUNDY INC. 2 SIMCOE STREET SOUTHI SUITE 500 OSHAWA, ONT. Li H 4G2 Tel: 576-3768 Toronto: 686-0690 4,z ,~ mdi'un/ b /rqî~ILktnnz/!îu,4v ~wu vu. Iittuuig lu S.. b>. ttir 10) people, toc- that tufe répairs -are done at the location where they bring their jewelry in." Davis bas - a certificate in diamond appraising and bas taken courses in diamond setting. He says be hasn't mucb time to. bandcraft jewelry because be is "so busy witb repairs," but be will do so if a custorner bas a special request. Davis says tbat most of the retail sales are in diarnonds. "Ail sizes, prices, qualities - we don't just stick. to one kind, " be says. Like rnost of the long establisbed stores in Whitby, McCulloigh's customers are mostly tbosewho have been eorning for years and years," but that is changing. "Witb tbe way the town's growing now, we see lots of new faces - it's a good sign, " says Davis. -Hayes was sought out by the store's original watcbmaker, Gord Jones, to take oVer bis end of the business tbrough the Watcb- makers Association. Hayes says he welcomed the change as he was strictly doing repairs during bis years at Seiko. 1Hayes, a native of England, studied watcbrnaking at George Brown College and as a top student there, be was able to take final training at the Wostep Centre de Perfectionnement Horloger scbool i Neuchatel, Switzerland, a coun- try well-known for watcbes. "The teachers were true watcb- makers:"' says Hayes,"'You kind of gota different aspect of tbings."' Upon returning,"he workéd at Rcilex in Toronto and then at Seiko for eigbt years before coming to Whitby. He lives in Ajax. ItR's the first time I've bandled the. retail business as welI.« "'Yousee a rnuch broader cross section of the business wben you're out there. It's a good opporutnity to branch out." Hayes doesn't see any major breakthroughs in the near futuire as far as watch tecbnology is concer- ned, short of gimmicks like tbe TV watch. "There's been radical changes in the past 20 years, but the technology bas corne tua peak right now. They've reacbed an accuracy level of about two seconds a year witb the quartz watcbes. " Tbe McCullougb business has lasted tbrougb the years wbile other .'wbolesale' businesses bave corne and gone. "Tbey make their rnoney, and then close up. Those, businesses work for a wbile for those wbo care only about size and prices of diamonds, not quality. We like to sbow people exactly wbat they're getting wben tbey, buy a diamonid." PAUL HAYES The molle compkexyr needs become, the moeyoull apreciae the s im plicity of bormwingfM us. First you need a car. Then a home. Then a seCond car. How about home improvements? Or a larger home? Jnvestments? National Trust understands that the more successful you become, the more complex your needs become. So we've made horrowmng as simple as: One: Corne in or caîl us. You'll find our rates competitive and our staff friendly and courteous. Two: We'll complete an application. Three: Leave the rest to us. We'll get you your lban or mortgage quickly and tailored to your needs. Limited Time Offer0 We've also made borrowing fro. offers on our loans and mortgag if you're looking for a simple w, nearest National Trust branch branches arc open 8 a.m. to 8 p.n with convenient hours on Saturda SA NatîonalVi iand Grey Trutco Conipany ihe simple way to bomrwis to talk to us lirst. WHITBY 352 Broclk St. S. 666-1800 308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324 AJAX Harwood Place Mail S. 683-7344 OSHAWA 32 Simcoe St. S. 723-5207 PICKERING Pickering Super Centre 831-6501