PAGE 36 WHITBY FREE PRESS WEDNtSDAY MAY 6,1987 LASS FFOREDSL BUILDINGS - SPECIAL clearance 20'x24'-$2400; 24'x24'-$2700; 28'x36'- $3900; 32'x36'-$4400; 36'x48'-$6500; 40'x60'-$8200. Call 985-7930. CEDAR FOR hedge, scotch pine perenlal plants. 655-4550. MICRO FURNACE, ideal for cot- tage, trailer, boat, family room, hot house or Workshop. Free demon- stration. $139."1 plus tax. Phone 683- 2638. 1OR SALE Babies cradie, excellent condition. Assorted tbables clothes. $65.00. Call 668-0657. CHESTERFIELD sectionals, less Large selectlon.f 524 Simcoe St. 5181. suites, loveseats, than half price. McKeen Furniture, S., Oshawa. 725- MATTRESSES and box springs at half price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe $t. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. ADS To sell the small items that you thought weren't worth advertising. * Items must sell for less than $50 - price must be stated in ad , - multiple item ads must total less * than $50. * Maximum 15 words * Cash or VISA only VALBAR hardtop tent trailer, ex- cellent condition. Asking $2500. or b.o. Enviroiet toilet, ideal for cot- tage. $275. or b.o. also Bench seat for 85 Chev. van. $350. Ph. 655-4533., FOR SALE 1981 Honda CB 750 Custom - $2,000.QO. Excellent con- dition, low rriileage. With extras $2,500.00. 430-1203. STEEL BUILDINGS- Spring Clearan- ce - as low as $1.99 -per sq. ft. for complete building - Save thousands while steel supplies last. AIl styles available. Ploneer/Econospan 1-800- 387-6896. B KENMORE automatic washer, white, ln working order. $50. Ph. 723-4932. STAY COOL during those hot sum- mer days with an 8000 BTU Hotpoint air condîti qner. Used for 3, summers. $275.00. 668-6710 after 5 p.m. Man's 10-speed Raleigh bike. In ex- cellent condition. $150. Call after 4 p.m. 666-3936. Horse, 5-year-old mare 14.2 h.h. Ph. 985-0159. ELECTROHOME AIR CONDITIONER 10,000 B.T.U. $275. Baseboard heater, $15.; pair Uniroyal w/w½ tires, p.i. 95/75R14 $30.; 1 set of spoked hub- caps $20. Ph. 668-3442. ADMIRAL Stove, 8 years old. $200.00 or best offer. Cali after 7 p.m. 655- 3729. KENMORE apartment size dryer. Excellent condition $150.00 firm Cali 436-1377. SEARS CRAFTSMAN, Snowblower, 5 horsepower, single stage 20", Ai condition about 8 years old $295.00 Call 668-1987. TO GIVE AWAY German shepherd excellent watch dog. Free for a good home. Cali 668-8946. 1978 VENTURE Hardtop camper by Star Craft. Sieeps 6, swing out kit- chen, sink, AC/DC, propane fridge and stove. Excellent condition. Stored winters. $3200.00 Cali 666- 3346. 1RATES. Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject all advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $5 for 25 words; 12¢ each additional word BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; 15¢ each additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 65e per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge $5 pre-paid, $7.50 billed DISPLAYICLASSIFIED 70e per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) DEADLINE. Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. COACHMIAN HARDTOP TENT trailer, sleeps 5, has table and soreen door. Excellent- condition. $1850. Cal 668-5032 after5 cp.m. KITCHEN CABINETS, good con- dition, 9 years old, 4 upper âà nd 4 Iower units, for U shaped kitchen. $1 200.00 GENERAL ELECTRICself clean stove $250.00 Cali 668-0735. FOR SALE White enamal bird cage with stand. Like new. $70 or best of- fer. Cali 430-0841. MIRACLE SPAN NUMBER 1 in steel buildings. Check these prices: 25x32 $2,597, 40x6O $5,797, 32x34 $3,497, 50x80 $8,897. Othersizes to choose from. All buildings are complete with large doors. Sale en- ds April 30th, 1987, or when allocated steel is sold. Call toîl free 1-800-387-4910 MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Work shirts $2.75, Work pants $3.50, work boots $15. Send $2 for catalogue (reimbursement lst or- der). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Quebec. JOS 1XO. GREENHOUSE & HYDROPONIC Equipment, supplies. Everything you need. Best quallty, super low prices. Greenhouses $169. Halides $105. Over 3,000 products in stock! Send $2 for info pack & FREE Magazine to Western Water Farms 1244 Seymour St. Vancouver, B.C. V68 3N9 1-604-682-6636 WANTED TO Y4 BUY/RENT OLD WRISTWATCHES wanted - men's only - Old ROLEX and PATEK Phillip wristwatches wanted. Also wanted Eatons "Quarter Century" square wristwatches (25 years ser- vice) will pay $750 and up for this watch. Phone 1-416-365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toron- to, Ontario M5A 1S2. B -HEEAL ETATE1 RESIDENTIAL I COMMERCIAL Cassar property maintenance, 666- 2803, property repairs, reasonable rates. PRIVATE -41 Brookdale Cres. Whit- by, 1800 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 years new, fenced, paved, an- dscaped, decorated, upgraded al brick, school, ensuite greenhouse kitchen, family room, in Otter Creek. Priced below market value to sell $179,800. Caîl 668-6708. AJAX 2 bedroom apartment, 11½ baths, on suite laundry, air con- ditioning, pool, sauna, and tennis. 5 appliances. $115,900.00 Call 427- 9058. One of a kind Tyrone $219,000, brand new 3 bedroom brick bungalow with double car garage. One four-piece with whirlpool, one 3-piece walkout, from huge family room, living room features unique brass fireplace and walkout to deck, eat-in kitchen and separate dining room, central vacuum and air. To see these and many more extras call 263-8823. TOWNHOUSE, private sale, north east Oshawa, large 4 level, 3 bedroom townhouse with garage, walkout on greenbelt, completely renovated with guarantee, beautiful natural decor, oak-brass common pool and playground. Close to catholic high school, parks, $106,900. Ph. 666-2985 for Open House. FOR SALE 1979 Lincoln town car. Fully loaded, brown/tan vinyl roof. Asking $4,000.00 Call 660-1530. 1977 TOYOTA Corolla liftback. Good condition, 123000 Km. Uncertified, asking $850. Cali 655-3555. Ford Martique 1977; very good. run- ning order and condition. Asking $1100. or nearest offer. Call 668- 6908. FOR SALE, 1977 Ford Granada, useful for parts, good motor and .transmission. $100.00 668-0505. 1979 CO RVETTE 4 speed, silver Wlth grey Interior, T roof,.power windows, P.S.,P.B., AMIFM cassette. Certified. 668-6261 after 7 p.m.. - AUCTIONIS ANTIQUE AUCTION FRIDAY, MAY 8,6:30 p.m. BROOKLIN COMMUNITY CENTRE CASSELS RD. E., HWY 7 & 12. Included in this sale are: a larg open hutch cupboard, grain painte jam cupboard, round pedestal table church pew, pine drop leaf table large sideboard, six-foot harves table, oak mantel, chimney cup board, pine wardrobe, small pin tables, oak chest of drawers,2 bedroom suites, dresser with mirror desk, dining table & six chairs, Vic torian sofa, pair of French chairs, lap desk, washstands, rockers, blanke boxes and drop leaf tables, spinning wheel, onehundred year old Cuckoc clock,W.W. clock, humpback clock hanging lamp, brass ceiling fixture 5-piece commode set, large granite ware pieces, wali boxes, baskets, old dolls, wooden doll house, fur niture, old radios, German WWI helmet, saddle, autographed picture of Sir Robert Borden, clock shelves, pictures & prints, selection of quilts. bread board, medicine chest, copper kettle, flower crocks, brass bell and a selection of china & glass. Partial listing only. Terms: cash, VISA or approved cheque. Note time change: Preview time 4:30 p.m. AUCTIONEER EARL MacKINNON 655-3526 AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, MAY 8,10 A.M. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CEN. TRE, Lindsay. Large sale of furniture, appliances, some antique furniture, excellent 9-piece Gibbard dining room suite, large estate sale. To consign or list your sale, Call McLEAN AUCTIONS (705) 324-2783 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUESDAY, MAY 12 - 6:30 p.m. Property of Mr. & Mrs. Ken Burley of Pontypool plusothers; cedar chest, modern dressers 'and chests of drawers, Bradford automatic washer, 24" RCA electric store, 4 poster beds, glass top coffee and end tables, table saw, lazyboy chairs, console and portable coloured T.V.'s, oak dropleaf table (with Barley twist legs) tent trailer, 11 h.p. Hardman riding lawn mow,. (good condition). DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN (705)786-2183 e d e, e, t .- ie 2 r, :t g9 o0 ,e AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 9,6:00 P.M. etODDFELLOW HALL ON Region Rd. No. 2 in Port Perry. Complete estate from Toronto with fridge, stove, washer, dryer, dining room suite, beds, dressers, upright piano, small trailer, shelving, ad-a- tent, camping equipment, 20 h.p. outboard, colour T.V., good bicycles. Patio furniture and many more good items. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 MAN WITH TRUCK will do clean up, painting, deliveries, moving jobs, etc. Resonable rates. Call 571-1913 anytime. You've thought about it and thought about It. Now do it! Become a BIG BROTHER TODAY. Call 579-2551. ANTIQUES ATTHE OLD MILL SHOW & SALE Historic Brooklin Flour Mill, Cassels Rd. E. Hwy 7 & 12. Local dealers selling country furniture, traditional furniture and interesting smails. Satur- day, May 9th, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. SHARON MacKINNON 655-3526 CORNEIL'S AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, MAY 8 at 6:00 P.M. Property of Mrs. lola Brown of Woodville plus others. 8-piece walnut dining room suite, wash stands, Kenmore automatic washer (1½ mos. old) 15 cu. ft. Almont chest, freezer (like neW), spring driven Vienna regulator walI clock, gingerbread clock, mantle clocks, pressback rockers, oak buffets, iron beds with brass trim, 2½/ h.p. Int. gas engine, Bushneil fish spoter, quantity of crocks, china and glass. DON CORNEIL UCTIONEER R.R.' LITTLE BRITAIN (705) 786.2183 EXCEPTIONAL ESTATE AUCTION TUESDAY MAY 12 at 10 A.M. 870 TAUNTON RD. E., WHITBY S (½ mle east ot Thckson Rd.) The ESTATE of the late J.E. NICKSON of Oshawa and WINDY HILL ANTIQUES of Richford Ver- mont U.S.A. operated by the late Mrs. J.E. Nickson moved to our barn to be cîeared consisting of roiltop desk with flat back top original lead glass door, oak· bow front china cabinet, large inlaid waînut china cabinet, buffet bow front glass (very unusual) early pine sideboard, bowfront mahoggany sideboard, english walnut flat back, round oak table (carved feet) marbletop bar mirrored back (circa 1865) round table 6 legs, marble Victorian- washstand, -oak extension table, super Victoria chair (circa 1850)aVic- toria chest of drawers, banded buri walnut 3 door bookcase ornamently carved 9-pce mission oak diner, 8- pce 0.&Diner (mint) Art Nouveau china-etagere (exception) cherry fireplace. mantle, 2 pine stain glass windows,' small -oak - chest of drawers, Victorian mirrors, Victorian shaving mirror, pine cradle, several parlour tables, several odd. chairs, coronation .glass, plates, - etc., Limoges, Royal Doulton sets, car- nival glass blue and white, Moorecroft large selection, cran- berry wine glasses, tumblers, bowls, pitchers, Amterish .vases, Shelley cups and saucers, Royal Worchester pieces 1876, pink luster plates, depression glass green pink and blue, large selectionBirk'ssilver brass candle sticks, (old) sterling silver pieces, Art Nouveau rose bowls, nippon, sterlling silverspoon sets. Jewelry some good pieces with appraisals plus many other articles. Note Time: 10:00 A.M. This is an ex- cellent sale of glass approx. 600 pieces and some quality pieces60f furniture plan to attend viewing Monday f rom 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.' ROSS McLEAN AUCTIONEER 576-7550 Toronto line 88-3291