WHITBY FREE PRESS,, WEDNESDAY- APRIL 15,.1987, PAGE 23 whibe usies Ownership changeat downtown delîcatessen By DONNA DO4JALDSON Deli-iclous, describes the Dutch Gourmet Dell which bas opened it's doors at 118 Brock St. N. in Whitby, 1ý?ev1ousyXUrz Del L "IIt s a good location, there's no deli -i this area and the working people here need one," say owners Peter and Elisabeth Klyinsma of Whitby. The deli bas approximately 50 different varieties -f cold cuts, 15 varieties of meits, imported cheeses and special barbecue and party platters. "A gourmet deli is good for the working people who are in a rush. We bave- ready-to-cook meats which are convenient because they oinly take about three minutes to cook," says lynsma.ho c In addition, they sel hot and cold sandwiches, homemade soup, salade and will have new items on the menu daily. The K1lynsmas are very op- tiinistic about'their newbusiness and consider it as their "hobby." Originally from Holland, they came to Whitby for a vacation in * 196, liked the town and moved here in 1984. Peteriynsma previously *,sold spices iHolland. * li order to sell spices there you have to know everythig related to meats. We know our meâts and can tell our customers what is in them and even how to cook them," he says. Huge ma"gazine selection a t new store in plaza A new store has. opened at'the West Lynde Plaza called the Card & Magazine Centre. Owned by Stan Wontor, the business is managed by Pauline Hall of Whitby and Elaine Piskor of Oshawa, mother and daughter. "There is definitely a nieed for a store like this ini this area", said Piskor.. The store has a "huge" selection of magazines. Piskor said' they have magazines for which -people usually have to go to Scarborough. The tiore also ca rines a selectioni of giftware, gift wrap, stationery, books on tape, lottery tickets, stamps and greeting cards. "lWe have a good selection -of Easter cards, Easter baskets and tableware for Eastei;," said Piskor. They still haVe stock on order which will include- European newspapers, cbildren's books, stuf- fed animnais and they will also in- stail a Loto 649 machine. Store hours are from 9 arn. to 8 p.m. weekdays and Saturdays B'and stays h omeý ELISABETH KLYNSMA of the Dutch Gourmet Deli slices ham. The deli opened Iast Friday. . ~ Umm Members of the, Whitby Youth Concert Band won't be attending the provincial -Music Fest Canada Competition in Ottawa as had been planned. Witby's operations committee was, ready to award the group $1,5W0 towards the trip but music director Bruce Court recently in- formed comniittee -that band mem- bers had decided not te attend. Besides the normal coet of tran- portation and accommnodation, Court told the committee that it would cost an additinnal $35, per performer. Witb 50 musiciane making the tnip-that would bave been an ad- ditional $1,750. The total cost of the trip was epected to cost $5,000. 111 get the, impression that perbaps the festival is a money- making operation as well," said court. He said the group would rather raise funds for upcoming trips to the7 Calgary Winter Olympics li 1988 and-to, Britain next summer. Those two trips are expected. to cost $80,000. The more cmleyu needs become, themoeyulppeie the simpiîyfown fmuse First >ou need a car. Then a home. Then a second car. How about home improvements? Or a larger home? llnvestments? National Trust understands that. the more successful you become, the more complex your needs become.. So we've made borrowin*g as simple as: One: Corne in or cali us~. You'll find our rates competitive and our staff friendly and courteous. Two: We'1l complete an application. Thrcc: Leave the rest to us. We'1I get you your loau or mortgage quickly and taiored to your needs. Llinited Time Offer We've also made borrowing from us easier with special offers on oui boans and mortgages until lune 30, 1987. So if you're looking for a' simple way to borrow, contact your nearest National Trust branch in the White Pages. Most branches are open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday to Friday, with convenient hours on Saturday, too. NATIONAL TRUST ~ A National Victoria and Grey Trustco Company Thefi smple way to borrowis to ta&k to us llrst. WHITBY 35 Brock St. S. 666-1800 3082B da St. W. 668-932 AJAX O5SHAWA PICKERING Harwood Place Mail S. 683-7344 32 Simeoe St. S. 723-5207 Pickering Super Centre 831-6501 THE CORPORATION 0F, TH ETOWN OF WHITBY NMUI~ TOWN OF WHITBY 1987 INTERIM TAX NOTICE The *econd Instalment of taxes for 1987 le due and payable Aprîl 15, 1987. If payment iseflot received by the due date, penalty wili be added on the f irst day of defauit and the f Irst day of each calendar month so long as non-paymertt continues, at the rate of 11/% Per month or part thereof. .If you have flot recelved a tax bilh and you are responsible for payment, please contact the Tax Department at 668-5803 to obtain the necessary Information. Taxets may be paid at any Whitby bank wlthout bank collection charges, orat the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Corinne Wendt, A.M.C.T. (A), Tax Coilector, TOWN OF WHITBY LAM, ý-q% ýý