PAGE 4, WHITBY FREE P1LESSP VWEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1987 No more-burniLng perm..its until weather turns wet An increasing nuniber of grass fires in the Whitby area has the Wlitby fire department worried. . So worried, that the departmeflt won't be issuing any permits to burn material until inoisture makes its way into the ground. "This is the worst year for grass fires in the past five years," says chief Ed Crouch. The department was called out to at least'five large grass fires last week, two of which were the resuit of youths playing with matches. >The largest of the five occurred just east of Halls Rd. , north of Hwy. 2 last Thursday. By the time the departmeflt had the fire out, the fire had lef t a black stain in a vacant f ield half a mile long and 100 metres wide. The fir e, which started abut 2:45 p.m., .was aided by a strong wind that even helped the fire jump a creek. Firefighters thought it would stop at the creek. The cause of the- fire was three youths playing with matches. Another fire caused by youths and matches, was at the corner of Anderson St. and Rossland again last Thursday. . According to Durham Regional Police, an RCMP officer witnessed three youths attempting to put a fire out. When they didn't succeed, they ran away. The fire department kept the fire detained to a grassy area, but police say it could have been worse due to the number of houses in the A WHITBY FIREFIGHTER hoses down wood after haif a -mile long and 100 metres wide. The cause of the putting out a grass fire east of Halls Rd. last Thur- fire was three youths playing with matches. No one, sday. The fire destroyed a field, leaving a black stain was hurt.. But for now, C rouhh s wrig wind, aided in spreading the fire. The other major, grass f ires the department handled last week were; at Garden St. and the CPR S fnundas St. ehind the near the old weighscales . 1Crouch says the department has also had to respond to a number of minor grass fires. The ban on the permits wil be lf- gnnows 1"Don't start any, fire you think you can keep under control. Ail you need Is a day like today (Monday) 'afld a breeze." Those who need training the mostj often lack the basic skills they need to get started. The Ontario Basic Skills program prepares aduits for a better future in Ontarids wor}ýplace. Free courses in three important areas are offered at most community colleges and sometimes through employer associations Se and unions. Bm STRAJNING Basic SkiIls READINESS:d fjb f or a beter futureCuslosheptan they want and the starting point for a training plan that meets career objectives. ACADE MJC UPGRADING: Courses provide up to grade 12 level in reading and writing, mathematics, science, and computer skills. JOB SEARCH: Classes deal with how to write a resume, fill out applications, do well at interviews, and follow up on job leads. TIrainees are taught how to compete in today's tough job market. If you, or someone you know, wants to start the Ontario Basic Skills Pro- gram, contact the Ontario Basic Skills Office at your local community college, or cail the toll-free HOTLJNE at the number below. For those who need them, there are allowances to help with costs of child- IXarning.Care, transporation and accommodation. 9 Any Ontario resident over We cari rftfo it 25 and eligible to work in, ýana1 PrOIt fom 'this province may apply. (0 Ontario HOTLINE NUMBER 1-800-387-5656 Minister, Hon. Gregory Sorbara (Information is available in English Premier, Hon. David Peterson and French.) School accommodation discussed at meeting rescinded an earlier motion that stated a sehool site was not required in the Monarch sub- division, subject to an access bemng provided. Instead, the board passed a motion that as a condition of draft plan approval for the subdlivision, a walkway be provided from a street in the subdivision to Resolute Park and from there to LyndevieW Cresc. Another motion was passed stating that students from both the Monarch and Hobbs-JaCiW developmeflt' attend E.A. Fairman Public School. One trustee stated that the students would be atten-. ding Fairman "at least. in- the foreseeable future" and not Colonel J.E. Farewell Public School, the Mayor Attersley said theTown only considers the development and whether it will fit the Town's of- ficiai plan. "This plan f alsâ into that," he told Fox, explainiflg that "small estate- type development" such as proposed is "fîtting" for the property. He added that the varying lot frontages proposed, from 15 metres (50 feet) to 23 metres (75 feet) "gets away from higb density housing.", "Does that mean people moving into large lots don't have kids?" asked Fox. Planning department will report on the application after ail com- ments have been received. Good food, fast and friendly service 308 Thickson Rd. S. and Consumners Dr. We Celebrating 5 Years in Business Wewouldl like 10 îhank you. our cu.qprners for your paronage over the lasi five years (wih special hcznks to Duponti Canada) andi Iook- forward 10 serving you in the years 10 corne. Now offering 15% off on any part y order of thirty subs or more. Great for college and high school parties, picnics. club get-togethers, dances and special events. jfoninipg l<îI< Barger% f,,,ire stee'r grîfliv1i <hik> -Make the bire,,Iace iî,ur placee A&P CORRECTION NOTICE In the A &P*DOLLAR DAZE f lyer being distributed to most homes in this area for the week ending March 28, 1987, Canada Grade "A", 5 Ibs. and up, FRESH CHIOKENS were incorrectly advertised at $3.281kg. - $1.4911b. This item wilI not be avaitable. DEL MONTE PUDDING CUPS, 4's -5 oz. should read "$2.00"; SANKA INSTANT ÇOFFEE should read "regular only"; DOVE BAR SOAP should read "package A &fone P apologizes for these errors and any incon.- venene hey may have caused aur customers. 1-li area. traciçb« JuWluab