WHITBY FREE PRESSI WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1987, PAG3 Committee sks for land'scaping improvemen ts aplctini teewa etesv moio f efralbyte ayr Witby's administrative commit- tee bas asked for pavement and, "extensive landscaping" in order to permnit a' bus repair garage and' yard in a prestige industrial area . Planning departmnent had recommended approval of the ap- plication by Wbite Sterling Ltd. for the three-acre site onfSunray Court (going north from Consumers Dr.) But councillor Gerry Emm at- tempted to deny tbe application at last week's administrative commit- tee session. "We bave to try and keep that' area bigli prestige," he said. "We tnok a major step in imbroving that area."ý But Mayor Bob Attersley suppor- ted the application, saying it should be permitted if the site plan was "improved." Planning department had no ob- jections providinig the garage doors were at the rear of the building and the front yard was landscaped.' The mayor suggested that "'bet- ter" landscaping be carried out. "We can heavily landscape tbat particular property," bie said. "It woul dn't hurt tbe view of the area if it was heavily laiidscaped."$ He also- asked if tbe yard area could be paved to control dust. Nick Férraro, owner of Wbite Sterling and the property, bad argued -after -Emr's comments that hee bad already changed plans STUDENTS FROM the Gr. 5 English and French immersion classes at E. A. Fairman Public School created this banner on "ICreatures Both Real and Imaginary"l for the Royal Ontario Museum. DIANE HAMRE Liberal Candidate Nominee Invites all DURHAM EAST LIBERALS & FRIENDS ta an OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY - MARC H 27th 8:00 p.m. ACRES RESTAURANT Taunton Road, Bowmanvillel for the building and agreed to ian- dscape. 111 don't know what the problem is, " he said. ",W've been just as good a cor- porate cit izen as anyone in. tbe community," be, told committee, pointing out that he ."b'ad put $1 million in this town 12 years ago.", He later indicated. he could pave the property. Committee chairman Marcel Brunelle said he could support the landscaping" to bide the. activity and pavement. Emm's motion to deny the ap- plication was superceded 1w a The o~pplcation wlll again be considéred at the next meeting Of administration committee. Breakm at business Tbree typewriters, two com- puters and varions computer equipment *ere stolen from Matheson Gas Products at 530 Wat- Entry was gained by breaking a window. No value, bas been placed on the items stolen. 2l6MaryStE. Wbitby Save Over $3500.OO Canada's largesî Harden dealer is now offering.handcrafted solid cheriyfurniture ai s'erv <ffordable pri ces. The classic look of Queen Anne style dining room is neyer ou Idaîe<I. lis elegant uines and mellow finish will enhance your home for years Io> ('<me. Pic iiîîre your friends and family around the table surrounded by the warmth andl beauty of North America'sfinest solid cherry. Its a dream corne true - one of many-reasons to visit our unique shop in Whitby. regular price $12,000. for an 8 piece dining room now priced at $8.,495.00 HERITAGE HOUSE Mt. .JOHN BROUWER Garden Cntr &Landscaig "-Where Quality Cornes First"9 AA WIO VISIT OUR NEW 9,000 SQ. FT, ERDE RC T GARDEN CENTRE STORE FOR(LGE BOKT A WIDE SELECTION 0F: __ Fertilizer.7 e insecticide ST. ICOI S.W m "eTropical plants N Seeds * nterlocking brick CLASSICO RANDOM UNI.COBBLE UNI-STONE LUNTRio LA&NDSCAPE DESIGN MON-SAT 9-6 SUN 10-6 68 6-u15 4 5 -- -- dé HAIRDEN FINE -FURNITURE SALE Jl4 MaczVa i F URNITURE& UPHOLSTERY LTD. *ANTIQUES *NO-DIP RESTORED STRIPPING *CUSTOM oREPAIRS UPHOLSTERY .RIFINISHING A large.selection of Victorian parlour furniture avalable 413 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-5481 Fil ts~ *i Toingo 686-0061 Whitby 668-3483 HOLLAND- STONE ZURICH Il a ýf