-r---, PAGE 14, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1987 Connge vents cale ndar FROM PAGE 12 noon, Tuesday, Feb. 24, at the Whitby Legion, Branch 112. For more information cali Henry Perry at 668-2504. MUSEUM SHOW The Whitby Museum wil., celebrate Ontario Heritage Week, Feb. 16- 22, with a display of first day covers from the old post office from 1830. The museum is open Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday in its temporary location at the- Kendalwood Plaza, opposite Kelsey's 1 to 5P.m. PRESCHOOL DISPLAY "Focus on the Presehool Years" is the titie of a dlsplay at the Oshawa Shopping Cen' tre Feb. 20 and 21. As part of the display, a paarawil be set up to alloew children and parents. to interact together in a preschool environment. .-The display, for presehool chlldren in Durham Region and Northum- berland County, aims to, promote the role of the early childhood educator. The display is organized by the On- tarlo North Shore bran- ch of-the Association for Early Childhood Education. ITC MEETS The First Oshawa branch of International Training in Com- munication will meet at My Sister's Place Restaurant (upstairs), 339 Malaga Rd., Oshawa, on Monday, Feb. 23. Fellowship at 6 p.m., dinner 6:30 p.m. ($10). The theme of the meeting wil be "Climb the Highest Mountain" (aspire and attain). -ITO. provides com- munication and leader- ship skills. For more in- formation cail Dorothy Hart at 668-8191. IN WELSH COSTUME and compar- flower, are (1-r) Amanda Treloar, ing daffodils, the Welsh national Tina Hare and Rhiannon Jones. St,,,David' In the sixth century, a man named Dewi Sant, son of the king of Ceredigion ini South Wales, was an example of holy living who in- spired bis fellow Christian missionaries. His example made him the patron saint of Wales. Each year on March 1, the date of his death, Welsh natives around the world, in- cluding some 60 DurhamRegion residents, celebrate that day as St. David's to recognize the patron saint of the small principality to Special ' l0 10% /0 FF AIl Orders Baked Italian Dishes Pizza e Pastas - FREE DELI VERT Mon.-Thurs. llam-lpm Frl.-Sat. llam-2pm 701 DUN DAS ST.. W. 668-6362 Day Local Welsh to celebrate the west of England. The 60 area Welsh natives make up the Oshawa and District Welsh Society, a non- profit organisation dedicated to the preser- vation and promotion of Welsh culture. The Welsh flag, or Y Ddraig Goch (The Red. Dragon), will be flying at municipal oftice in the region while the society will hold the St. David's Day banquet Saturday, Feb.1 28. Tickets, $20 each, can be obtained by calling 668-660. CKAR radio will also have a St. David's Day broadcast from 9 to 10 a.m. on Sunday, March 1 to recognize the principality that was' the birthplace of, among others, such luminaries as actor Richard Burton' and singer Tom Jones. Wales is known to many as the "Land of Song," a title earned from the many choirs and other artists who have ear- ned international acclaini, according to society past president David A. Pugh. Many of the three million residents to Wales stili speak the Welsh language, or Yr- Iaith Cymraeg, once spoken throughout Wales,, England and parts of Scotland, the old Brythonic kingdoms. It is the oldest living language in Europe, says Pugh. Dewi Sant was accepted as patron saint from an early date aiid canonized in 1120 by Pope Calixtus II. The pope announced that two pilgrimages to St. Davids Cathedral on the west coast of Wales were equal to one pilgrimage to Rome.. Leam In A Hurry At Arthur Murray: From the Foxtrot and Waltz to the oh so semsai Tango Argentina, the professionai dance instructors ai an Arthur Murray Studio can show you how to put fun in your lufe and lde in your funI Cail us today and ieam to dance the fun and easy Arthur Murray way. c;, PLANNIN CORPORATION OF THE PANN TOWN OF WHITBY DPRMN NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING. Wednesday, February 25, 1987,7:30 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whltby Municipal Building Whltby, Ontario RE: DOWNTOWN WHITIBY SECONDARY PLAN STUDY lLlq 1t Fh bv ntdbi c etntetidSaeI' eotfrteDwt ?Ãinay la tEhil eprsnEÙ D.Terpt ilads cmns reeie t heseod tg[IlRpot]I i[ as 7cmmn1LndUeDn TrnpottonCne3sadEPiDE L]guie thDftueZiow n deeomn fldB re sow o teRH 1 boe Futhrinomato nteaoesm ay5obtiedzz alig ar Caaaho rc Jra ftePanig J rmn a 46 6-83 ROBRT . SOR J) ectoJLofLPlannin CopoatoEoimmEon]f hib 1:00ALLP.M. HURRY L Firt 50nroiled $ 39 00 Franchised Dance Studio 121 BROCK ST. N., O~WH 0001 t ~),~* '4 1 1 ici maim -