PAGE 10, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1987 e/I FEBRUARY l4th Ex ting Urnes in Dowtn Tbe merchants of downtown Whitby are deligbted witb al the activity and new changes that are now occurring on a daily basis in the downtown. Coming off of a very successful Christmas season, the promotional committee is currently planning 1987's special events for the downtown as many of Whit- by's résidents have expressed tbeir pleasure in par- ticipating in these fun-fiiled dsys and baving the chance to get to meet tbe merebants and find out wbat tbe downtown bas to offer. However, promotional days are only one of the many things happening in 1987. In case you bave flot driven tbrougb the downtown and its sidestreets lstely, you will be.quite surprised to see ail the new development that is occurring. Tbis new interest from developers and investors exemplifies the belief ini the strengtb and future of the downtown. The riglit combination of a growing community and an historic downtown witb old fasbioned flavour and charm make downtown Whitby a desirable place to inveat. Cooperation and assistance from the Town of Whitby, particularly from the Planning Depar- tment and council bas been a major force in the en- couragement of new, quality development. As a resuit of ail the new development taking place, a constant stream of inquiries for retail'spaceis being experienced by the developers of the new projects, realtors and the B.I.A. office. In addition to this, the B.I.A. is actively persuing new businesses that bave been successful in other communities to com- plement the existing retail mix and to meet the demand of the commumity and its surrounding ares. Here are sonre of the exciting new developments taking place right now in the downtown: Pearson Lanes is a cbarming project wbich is locsted on Mary Street West between Brock and Byron Streets. It is not a typical new commercial project, in fact it is quite historie in nature. Bil Lit- tle, the developer, acqured two century homes from the.other side of the street wben he found out they were going to be taken down to, make way for the new lwcury garden condominiums being built by the Sorichetti Group. Mr. Littie'l-bad those two bouses moved in between the two homes he already owned on Mary Street and smnce that move b as totaily renovated ail four ho-uses -into attractive retail establishments which accomodate Patricia's Boutique and Gallery (Fine Designer, Wear),, Doreen's Personal Toucb <Lingerie) and Gregory's Men's Wear and Haberdasher. Mr. Little bas received so many inquiries about space tbat lie has decided to add smail additions to eacb of the bouses to meet the demand. He already bas attractà ed Harrison House Interiors wbich wi.i specialize in furniture in one of the bouses and Harrison House Textiles wil be loeated in tbe addition wbicb will feature liens, towels and duvets. Adventure Classics specializing in Tilley Endurables. a Tes CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE