Whitby Free Press, 23 Dec 1986, p. 4

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PAGE 4 'WHITBY FREE PRESS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23,1986, UAlPublashed ovory Wsdnosday DOUG ANDERSON UV tb By 677209 Ontario ne. Publahor W Editor The Free Promo Building KN AA VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN P.O. Box 206, Whltby, Ont. Advortising Manage The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby re8idents Making a merrier Christmas The efforts 0f local clubs and church groups dance of food. Meanwhile the list of perennial on Saturday. The remaining baskets were to be will help to make Christmas merry for needy contributors, include residents of Ashburn and deiiveredjhils week. familles in Whitby. Brooklin who f111 the stocking sevéral times over Other groups and organliations which collect "lt's been fantastic," says Capt. Doug Butt, for postmaster Moira Griffin ln the post office at for the needy include McDonalds Restaurant in Whtby Salvation Army officer. He says more and the.Ashburn general store; the IGA store on Brock Whitby;YWhitbyKinsmen, who distributed food ln more groups are contributing food and gifts, with St. S.; Whitby Seniors Activity Centre; Whitby cooperation with the IGA store on Anderson St.; the result that 70 familles ln the municipality wiII banks, which collected toys as part of a Down- Whitby Optimists, who handed out food baskets each receive two food baskets. town Business Improvement Area Christmas to Fairview Lodge residents; Whitby Tigers Run- drive; Cherney's Furniture Worid In Whitby; Toron- ning Club, who raised money from Sunday's suc- "lt's Just overwhelming," says Capt. Butt, to-Dominion Bank on Dundas St. W.; Jaycettes, cessful Fun Run for gifts for -Dr. J.O. Ruddy noting that donations Of canned and non- who pick up food dropped off at Whitby schools; Hospital patients, and Fairview Lodge residents; perishable foods this season have doubled last and others who were about to contribute as of Whitby churches, which annually provide for the year's totals. Last year, one food hamper was -publication of this edition. needy; William Littl.e Marketing & Motivation, given to each family ln Whltby. helping an Oshawa store to gather clothing; Sket- The donors to the Salvation Army? Empioyees Meanwhile, cash donations, such as by Whitby chiey Cleaners, colilecting coats for children. of both Whitby Psychiatric.Hospital and the Whit- Kiwanis, go toward the purchase of turkeys for the We apologize for-those omitted, but they, too, by office of Royal LePage Real Estate joined the food baskets. On Friday. 50 of the baskets were are recognized for their most worthy, charitable effort this year, helping to account for theabun- distributed by the Salvation Army and another 60 activities during the season of giving. LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Homnosexuals want 'more 'rights To the Editor: Re: Comments by MPP George Ashe in the Dec. 10 edition of The FreePressa Recently the Ontario legisiature passed amendxnents ta, Bill 7. Everything was pushed through quickly, wlthout public hearings. What's the big hurry? I arn totaily dismayed and disgusted with the whole affafr, par- ticularly with statemen- ta made In defence - staternents such as "lIt doesn't meaiu an accep- tance of - homosexual lifustyles"l or 'It's te stop -discrimination against harnesexuals in the-workplace, housing, public services." To al that, Isay "Bull"I A recýnt article in a newsapr recaunted how homosexuals will use the ýjlH i the courts te fight!for honiosexual couples "waziting ta adopt chldren. How can a child understand his/ber identity when there are ne clear-cut mother and father raies. It's ail muddled. Another article pain- ted out that the church lias a moral respon- sibiity ta give blessing te, homesexuality in the pulpits as weIl as in the pews. This is ludicrous. Homasexuals don't want equal rights, they want more rights than you or I. They want society ta accept their lifestyle in every reaini of life. Folkcs, I think we've been 'had. The soft- pedailed wool bas been puiled over aur eyes long enougli ta jam Biil7 down the tbreat of every "normal" member of society. I believe -gays should have the riglit te decent jobs in wbatever field of endeavor. they. cheose. . But ochool boards ought te have the riglit ta say ne ta lian- nosepcualGr. 1 teacfiers; the dhurch should!have tbejr.gbt te say no te a gay pàptor; the Big Brotberý organizatien sbould bç able ta saày no te gay 1 Big Brothers; adoption agencies should be able te s ay no te gay couples wanting ta adopt; ianeIords should have the ri ght te, say no ta, gay tenants just as they do ta tenan- ts tbey don't like; the armed forces should have the riglit te say no ta homosexuals wanting to enlist; How can we allow homosexuals, moraily, ta be Big Brothers? But tbat's what is going ta, happen. It's the Iaw you can't discriminate. 1 wander bow a homosexual pastor can be elected by a congregation whose members believe that the lifestyle is a sin, an abomination ta God, as stated in the Bible. God says "Love'your neighbor. " That in- cludes the bomnosexual. But that doesn't include accepting the lifestyle, his behavior at every turn. The God who said "Love your neighbor"' as yaurself" was also the God who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrha for their bomosexual lifestyles. We nmust love the homosexual but that love cannot be lave which accepta a lifestyle only ta appease that persan. That's nat love. We live in a free socîety, but in sucli a society there wilI always be the dilemnma of -one side abusing its rigbta ýta the detriment of others. Gays can now eitber use or abuse their rights. I tbink the public should brace itself for a wave of legal batties. The public.should also consider the consequen- ces of the ramrod action of aur duly elected representatives, atnd think where society Will now go. I sbake when I think of Sodom and Gomorrha, and civîlizations which. have disintegrated fr 1om-' SEE PAGES LETTER: Whitby hospital name should flot change Te the Editor: I am net in favor of the change in the name of Witby's Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital. When you change a name originally te henor a persan, such as Pr. Ruddy, I don't think you can just take it away. It leaves the door open te change other, names, such as school names. As for putting "V/bit- by" in the name ta bet- ter 'advertise 'the hospital, It is really thee doctors wha are the publicity of a hospital. They have te publicize it. If I want ta knew wbere the local hospital is, PUi find out, and I'm sure others do. "The name doesn't matter. Nanie changes alsa won't give us an or- thopedic hospital. Ex- tra services came from other channels. <The hospital cor- poration apparently lias ever 300 members, yet, only 23 voted -for the change. Is that really a quorum? It's also going to cost tbousands te change the name. I teink you're talking megabucks when you tallc about name change. If you don't like it, cal meajt 668-2982. Howard Eiiott. Whltby "ýI lmaày iot'kn ôw where è'tbp'ùtit- but wh at I re aly n edîýi sub idiz'èd fi üing!""'

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