WHITBY FREE PRESS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER,23, ioso. CHRISTMAS SUPPLEMENT. PAGE A .15 _ -o [ ý l THE CHRISTMAS PARADE I watchéd the Santa *Claus Parade yester- day. The parade Santa <Claus parade was neat. My dad and 1taped it. *Our frlends came over. Wè had bot chocolate. We made a fire ini the fireplace.'lIhad fun. Hoily Van Rossum Gr. 3 9yrs. B.A. Fairman P.S. Dear Santa, How are You feeling- Santa? .la Rudolph's *nose shlnlng as brlgbt as ever? I hope Mrs. Claus bas beeti fattenlng you up. How are the rein- deer, doing?. Are the -elves busy mà king toys? CHave fun on CMrstreas- Eve. Me Oh I've been good ail these days. I have been busy making my bed 'and doing chores. one of my favorite friends is An- drew Corier. Hie is two. lus parents are nice too. Also got a good report card. Maybe I can show you it some Urne. For Christmas I would llke a furskin' a birthstone ring, a stuffed. por- cupine and a ptatoe bead kid, please. <Your truly, lirista Reeson P.S.I give you per- mission to raid the refrigeratori But save the rotten. eggs for Chrlstmaejreakfast. Gr. 5 E.A. Fairrnan P.S. THEMNEANING OFCHRITMAS Mary's boy chid was bora on Christmas Day. Christinas is a time frsaigand loving, giin advisiting. Many people are very unfortunate not like us But it makes people feelgood te give and share on Christmas. You sbould respect others and love people just like Mary loved Jesus. By Stacey Brand Gr. 6 E.A. Fairman P.S. DearSanta, How are you? I arn fine. ' 10w is Ms,. Claus? 1Ihope she is fine too, I arn 5 years old now.-,I. bave been good this year. I've keep my room clean, I help with the bouse cleanlng and I love family a lot. I want some clothes, s tiffed toyes like, Sniarty Bear, Cricket, Bingo Bear, Care Bear and My Little Pony. I aiso wand somne board games like Strawborry Short cake, Gare Bear ggmes and some Gare Bear clothes and dishes. Yours truly, Jaunna Marche, Age il Gr. 5 E.A. Falrzan P.S. P.S. The céookesl- and milk are on the TV. Milk and cookies are not on the- mantde. because my dad bas' littie wine botleson it. C'est- Noel. Rita est pres de l'arbre de noel. Papa NoeI entre dans la maison vite. .11 dit "Ho bobo!" Stacey Johnson Age 6, Gr. 1 French Immersion E.A. Falrman P.S. Pere Noel entre dans les - Maison. Pere Noel arrive avec les cadeauxý. Il e tojue heureux. . 1Sue-AnnLaUlot Gr. 1 Frenich Imimersion E.A. Fairman P.S. THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT The Cbristmnas Spirit is not just the presents, food or the snow. . It's being with.fiamily and friends'; Knowiig you are loved; Enjoylng' eacb otber's company; And moat'of ail loving each other. -Wtitten by Terrie Kalnay E.A.FairmanP.S. Age 10 Grade 5 ANN UAL SALE of entertainment centres the perfect way to salve your storage problemS! PIONEER I~INTERIORS Making the Iegacy of our past part of your future. Open: Mon. - Wed. 10-6, Thurs. & Fr1. 10-9. Sat. 10-5:30 507 Brock St. N. (Hwy. 12) WHITBY 21/2 blocks north tif No. 2 668-4231 (Ajax 686-1123) VISA 1** ci CHRISTMAS STORIES from E.A. Fairma n P.S. THE «"TRUE" CHRISTMAS Long ago and far away ,>* A littie babe in a manger lay. For this babe the angels slng, 'Cause tins babe is'Christý the King. Jennifer Hooper, Grade 6, WestLyndeP.S. IWHITBY FABRICS jINVENTrORY SALE WUP TO 50 % OFF FABRICS ISALE END& DEC 31186 1JMERRY CI-RIS TMAS 21 UN DAS ST. E. IWHITBY 668-4821 -W-Àý 1 ', SEASOK$ GREETINGS)