Whitby Free Press, 10 Dec 1986, p. 4

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PAGE;~ 4 ~i iî i :;I'tS.~~î) :î.v u ~, w hitby VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TC P ublishad avary Wadnesday By677209,Ontario Ic. P hane: 668-6111 ~ Lq~~~ ~ The Free Press Building >WN131lBrock Sret North DWM P.O.Box 206, Whilby. Ont. OOUG ANDERSON Publilhar MAURICE PIFHER Editor KEN HATHAWAY Adverlislng Manager liii,,ii~ V liun u..'lîaêîîmiiul*jwîiunI ~ i i tît ,juinil l l ii 1) mri-iluifmuiM lihmrv-idluwm' Another voice for Whi'tby A bill was passed in the Ontario legislature recently which will give regional municipalities. including Durham Region. more representatives on regional council. Whitby and Ajax, as had been proposed after a close vote on the matter earlier this year. will be the benefitting municipalities as each will add another regional councillor. Whitby currentty has three representatives- Mayor Bob Attersley and couüncillors Gerry Emm (regional works committee chairman) and Tom Edwards (régional works services comittee member) - and a fourth will only help give Whitby better representation at the regional level, after a period of under-represen- talion. Oshawa's il councillors at the regional level opposed extra representation. and Oshawa Mayor Allan Pilkey managed to delay the eventual decision made in September. Among the com- plaints of Oshawa councillors was that regional council might someday balloon in size based on the current system of representation by population. perhaps ta the detriment of effective. government. With the move ta accept two extra councillors ta the 31-member council came a recommen- dation ta study the existing formula of represen- tation, That study is ta take into account growth in the region. n Durham Region, there is a regional represen- tative from a municipality for approximate!ly every 11,000 residents. Smaller municipalities such as Brock. Uxbridge and Scugog dont meet that ratio but each have two representatives on region. Accordlng ta updated population projections, the region is expected ta have almost 370,000 residents by 1991, almost 400,000 by 1996 and more than 425,000 by the turn of the century. WIth the potential for almost 40 members in about 15-- years, the study wiIl analyze whether further in- creases in size will make the decision-making process 100 unwieldy,' as one councillor has suggested. At present tl s not too unwieldy, and it s unlikely nr the near future to expand to such size and costthat steps have to be taken to reduce representation. The current process may not be perfect but it works. The opinions, the voices, of several rather than few are welcomed. LETTER S TO THE EDITOR Why was waste disposai processingpermitted?0 E ditor: plied for by that same agaîn. By the way. why word from Quebec station. The people and Again, aur refusai lor classified as sensi vmany times does company! did the Whitby Free about Decom's in- town council do not want Decoun coming to Whit- industrial area.E pany like Plastic Counillor Gerry Press flot print anything cinerators when that is Decom to build that by has nothing to do that mean sensitivi e Finishers have Emm keeps walking on about this -deal? - not the issue atall? station on Decom's with Quebec or New our health? )e charged for the very eggs he selis by- Continuing oni waste Decom applied for a proposed site. York's inquiries 'on- Yours tr ng. by the council teling'the committee to disposais: why are siteý in Whithy to build That is a fact and that Decon-. Mrs. L. Pelteni it hv? Yet. that. make sure waste does -we- ail waiting for their waste transfer is aur only concern! The proposed site is Wl not end up in aur ditches and roadways. It already has Gerry Emm! And il wili very same council has now unanimousiy ap- praved a waste disposai processing plant, ap- sitive Daes ve ta truly, fberg îitby Ashe is opposed to Bill 7chang-e To the Editor: "~The Holiest Day of ThE Year'" We've taken the Christ out of Christmas, now lets take the Satan out of Santa! Not one of the mer- chants or mal management have a Nativity scene or one promotion that resem- bles the reason for the celebration of the Virgin birth. The only referen- ce ta Madonna is the wild-looking, seductive creature' with the revealing decolietage decarating the caver of her attempt at a sang, "Like aVirgin! " As for Santa, the long lineup in front of Eaton's resembles more a lineup of infants on their way ta. the guillotine. They are terrified. trembling and screamiuig, as in their infantile eyes, their view la of a large, red. giant with a grotesque, white, hairv beard ready ta grab them'! But, this gargogle will give them everything warldiy their littie heart desires - Ramba toys, cabbage patch dolîs, guns, dungeons and dragons games and last but not ieast. faithiesanesa and hapelesaneas and non- charitability! Put the Christ back in Christmas and put San- ta in his place -, an imaginary Saint who wili, nat make dreams camne true! Shystered Shopper Barbara Black -.Whitby The following article by local MPP George Aýshe commenta on the recently approved anuendment ta, Bill 7 of the Ontario Iluman Rights Code, ta prohibit discrimination against homosexuals. Bill 7 is an omnibus bihll ntended ta make Ontario statutes conform ta Sec- tion 15 of the federal Charter of Rights and Freedoms. As you know by now, a vote in the legisiature has approved. in my view, special status for the "Gay" community. 1 was, and stili am. opposed ta the change and judging by the response from my con- stituents by telephone and letter you are as weil. In local weekiy uewspapers which carry my column. the foilowing appeared in the Oct. 22 editions. It bears repeating as many indicated they were not aware of my views on this important issue: -During this new fal session, members of the Legislative Assembly in Ontario wil have to debate and vote on the Liberal Government Bill -Equaiity Rights Statue Law Amendment Act 1966,-commauily known as Bill 7. During committee deliberations earlier this year, the Ottawa Centre NDP member of the legisiature. Evelyn Gigantes, made an amendment to Bill 7 which wouid prohibit discrimination I on the basis of sexual orien- tation. The amendmeuit passed. At the present time in Ontario. homosexuals do have the same rights as other citizens. They may exercise their right ta f ree speech, ta assemble, exercise any religlous preference they might have. They may own property, en- force cantracts, etc. Moreover. homosexuals canuiot be dismissed from empioyment ex- cept for 'ju t cause", the same as ALL other empioyees. One may disagree with a person's sexual preference withaut denying' that persan his or her rights'. To include sexuai orientation in the Human Rights Code would change the definitian of the famîly as it is presently under- stoad i the province of Ontario today. It wouid provide a functianai definitian which does not require heterosexuality as its foundation and wouid provide homosexuality as a legitimate, alter- nate lifestyle on the same basis as the traditional famiiy.. This amendment wouid mean that in ad- dition ta the rights shared by "Meveryane, homosexuais wauid have speciai right.s recogruizing in law their No other group is Drotected under law based on 'behaviar". The Charter of Rigbts protects citizens an the basis of identity, not behavior. Alcoholies and compulsive gam- blers do not qualify for. such protection, neither should homosexuals. The Charter of Rights states that everyone has the right not ta be discriminated against oui the basis of .ràèë, SEE PAGE 11l To the How a coni Surfac ta b polluti ofi Whi A real Christmas? PoIicv The Whtby Fiee Presa la alwaya Iooking for lettera to the edîtor and welcomes letters on any Issues that concern ts readers. Whiie the paper reservea the rlght to reject or edit any letters for publication, a letter that la short and Io the point la mont llkely to appear on our edtorial page In- tact. Athough flot ail Issues can be addreaaed in a short letter, the best la one of about 300 words or less. Ail letters to the edîtor muat be igned and accompanled by a phone number for the edltor'a Information. Letters may be aent to: The Edîtor, Whitby Free Press. 131 Brock Street Nor- thi, Whtby. Ont., LIN 5SI. 3y W....

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