Whitby Free Press, 10 Dec 1986, p. 25

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. DECý 10, 1986 PAGE 25ý WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ AD~ ROOMS luE I i~ai ~I I ~ING ~ED NOTICES ~ONS ~ FRSE- Drop Int ibe DObcson Prinling and Office Suppiy store In the Ajax Plana and pick up a, Sfres copy of the 1988 Mairic Calendar. PrInled In two cotoura. il makos for handy refersnce.' 683-19U. ONE ACRE siiualed on the top of a hiti In Pickering overiooking KInsais, Graenwood, Ajax, Brougham, Brooklin laine and a clear'a(gbt of the Toronto CN Tower. Park your lent or build a cottage. (I wiii obtain building perit). Oniy $lSimonih for a lent; oniy $250/month for a col- lage. Cati 8558988 Pickering. STORAGE SPACE location: sc- cas off Hwy. 7 just N. oi Ajax. 5 acres xl parking, eocellext for alaorixg boats, traitera, truckns, campera, race cars, buses, trac- tors. hsavy mschinsry, building materisîs and other producîs. Aiea Indoor aborage avaiisbie. Fenced property with iocked gales, daiiy access, 3150) an- nuaiiy. Cai 855988. LAkRGE COMMERCIAL LOT for rent. Siiuated In a commercial compisu prasexiiy containIng many wxrk abopa. This Hwy. 7 fronlage lot ln Pickeoring enables, pouï to gins sales and service of ho!aNymachlnery, omnit engines, i'wIding, iandscapIng etc. Dommrclai signa ara permItted. ~,0.0mxntly Includea snow- ~ wnroad maintenance_. sinsurance, lindacaping, ýo""tnel.lng, etc. A building cao sravctad on Ibis commercial lt làosuit pour needs. Clt 85-898. WORKSNOP FOR SALE. New building jul complstad, Inmutited, cernent fixor. 100 AMP service. Excellent for machine répair, wetding, ammii mnginms, : kl-doors, iandacaptng, etc. SIluatsd on a Ibres (3) acre commercial complex in Pickering. Hwy. 7 frontage enabies you 10 gine sales and service wlh ait appropriate signe and drive-in traff (c. $9,500-00 cash. Snow piowtng, maitenance, taxes, Inaurance, advertising, etc. $100.00 monihty. Cati ef5o.896 FREE STORAGE & parking for tleavy machinery, mquipment, farm Imptemenîs, Iractora, bulldozers, backhoss, loads, Iratiors, ficela, enow piows, In- duel rtai equtpmeilt, building matertais. ftrewood, nowmobiles, ornat angines, ump trucks, g radera, tracior- trailors, etc. Aiso avattabia for <ent commercial lots and fiorksbops from $lsOimonth and ip. Att buildings tnsxiated, cerment fioors and heavy hydro. L ocated on a very large commer- ciai compîmu with over one mile 0f Hwy. 7 frontage ln Pickering just North orthie Ajax Shopping Centre. This excellent location anabies pou lx gins sales and r rvIces of ait mechanicai Items. amnlp ol drive-ln trafftc and ait pproprtate signe permIssIbie. %W SERVICES 1 GRAMMER for people who bale grammar" la the Ideai pocinet referexce boxok for business people. $3.95 par copp and avatiIabe i Dtckson Printing & office Supplies ix the Ajax Plaza. Deaier Inquiries Inviied 683-1988. JO:-KL o.INN *COMPUTERS *WORD PIIOCESSING *LEOALIMEDICAL SEC. *RECEPTIONISTITYPIST *800KKÉEPINO CLERK *ACCOUNTINGIBUSINESS 'FASHION *- MERCHANDISING & DESIGN eHOTEL & RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. 9COMPUTERIZED BANKINO & CUSTOMER SERVICE *DENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -FInanctat Assi stance may be aaitable -Job Pacement Assiloance TORONTO SCHOOLOF I1 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 Hours ofIinstruction. Next clame Marcb 1421et. Contact South. western Ontarlo Sctiooi of Auc. tioneering, P.0. Box 145, In nerkilp, Ont. NOJ iMO (519) 469 3936(519)65372115. FRE: 1986 guide to siudy-ai- home correspondance DIplomna courses for prestiglous careers: AccountIng, Air condiiioning, BookeepIng, Business, Cosmetotogp, Eictronics, Legailediat Secretarp, Psychotogy, Trave, Granton <SA) 263 Adetaide West, Toronto, 1- 800-268&1121. SECOME AN AUCTIONEER, Canadien champion Insructors. Classes tari Jan. 12-23, 1987. Jordon and McLean 808001 ot AuctIoneering, Box 94, Ktcoiy, Alla., TOB 2P0 403) 840-2211. (403)8425528. A CAREER IN TRUCKIN. Tran. sport drivers needed. Now la the lime to train for pour Oie.A licnes.- For ,prescreenling Inter- view and job placementIinfor- mation, contact Merv Orra Tran. spor Driver Traning, Brampton 1»2685-1260. UNLIMED INCOMIE. Jobn our mail ordor program, work nt hom. For more Inormation smnd $1.00 for postage and trnditng to J & E Enlorprise, Box 39-P, Station M. Toronto, MS854T2. IDEAS,- INVENTIONS, PRODUC- Ts, ariworix wanted for pesen. talion, exhibition. National In. novaion Exposition. Von produce, we markeat. Sand sam- Pte, Information. B.M. Distribution Regd, 2805 Wer. brouck. Si. Laurent, Ouebsc, H4fi 2J. LEASE TO OWN pour own business equipmeni. Cotes sbip, $285 per month; Sub shop î295; Pizza business, $595; Dell store $859; Vareiy alore $895; Grocsry store $795; 30 seat restaurant 889. Installation, deliinry and taxes n01 Incuded. ArclIc Refrigersiion Equpmenl, establshed 1945. Please pbone Hamilon (416) 528.528; Toronto (41) 283280W. IMMEDIATE LOANS & ouright grants 10 Indlviduuls & companlea. 98% eligible. Fast. Conf Identil. Infobouse, P.0. Box 835, Adelalde S., Toronto, Ont. MSC 2K. NEW & USED CAR BUYS READ ... RIY .. SELL a ~~NFDUNDI 668-6111 II E P n the Malti Section 350of Extensioi Returr Assessi In al Mun Localtl Pursuanl 10Setl mont At. i here day of February, whichlhe axsu, 1986 ix requIred suantloithe prov n ail municipall Ontario. And notice ix hE final date for loc the Assexomer respect 0f uny lained in the ae 26th duy 0f Febn CORNEIL'S rof Subsection 2of AUCTION BARN ýtheAssessmentAct FRI., DEC. 12 n etTiie for AT 6P.M. n of Annual Duncan Fife drop)eaf iment Roils table, press back rocker, walnut china cabinet, niclPallil)es and mahogany bookcase, las ln Ontario chesterfie)ds, parlor cion3S of thexoxux-s tables, modemn dressers reby extend t0 the 5th and chests of drawers, 'y. 1987, the day upOSoakbdh) et toment roll forîhe yeur okbdhl et )d lo be retnrned pur- mahogany d(nIrtg chairs, is)ono ofîtheouid Act engine b)ock for 1913 ilites and localtileu l Ford car, pocket wat- ereby gîven that the ches, art deco hanging lging acompluintwiih lamp, washstands, quan- rI RenIew Board ln tity of o)d toys, china & iy axonosment con- tosposmenl roi) ix the glass. This wi)) be the mary, 1987. last sa)e of the season. Hon. RobertiF.Nixon Our nex) sale w)ll be Fr)., Miniserol evenue Jan. 16. DON CORNÉÏL OFFICE CLERI. Weii establitued company la ixokIng fxr an enthxslastleIxndividuel for permanent fuiitme position Ini the cierIcai deparîment. Muet posspesa good lyping sintis, njoy wrktng witb figures & worb weii wth Ille supervision, Computer eoprence beiptul but flot 55550- liai. Sertous appicants onip pese. Caf I 7232291. ELECTRICAL DISTRîBUTOR SALES. We araeupandIng again (n Oshawa. Exprienced Inaide sales 'person requtred. A minimum of 3 ears etectricai su- perience necessary. Atractive saaary and oulstanding benef ils 0f fered. Bond resume or ceit In slndc confidence Vatance Brown -Northern Canada Saes, 423 Bloor Si. W., Oshawa 7232291. Vino Mannarino. ENTREPRENEUR -, Oppor. lunity.- En(oy 8gb eamings In Auto Club andior adverising. Fexibe boum .- fult or par.ltme. Contact: Mr. Kaent ai (416) 988- 8220 or write 10 Cauirac Inc., PO. Box 307, London, Ont. N8A 4W2. A WELL estabiisbed cedar and prefab noms manufacturer ls tooking for disîribuiors In al provinces easi of Aberta. For In- formation phone Ken Jones ai (403) 286-1811 Cagary. NEEDED tmmedtately Wetders, Crpentera, EecîrIctans, Pium- bers, Management, Mach., Driver, Oprators, Enlry ienlildegreed up 10 532.50ibour. 14(308) 3823700 TransContinen- tai Job Bearcb, tee. ORANDPARENTS Olve pour grandchitd a Ittelime gifI - a Regitered Educatton Santngs Plan * Tac sbelered dollars ta psy for Ibeir post secondary educalion * Savings Insxred by CD.C*a non-proft Foundalon eslabiished In 1985. For prospec- lus and compote Informaion cati (416) 383-5231. TRUCIINO CAREERS. Driver job training with placement betp ta anaitabie. Compti detais can be maiied to pou. Phone Rodgera Scboot ai (418) 7893W4 wilh postai code.* VALMED HEALTH SERVICES INC. Requires RNs, RNAs for part-time work, varied hoijrs, ln In- stitution or homes. Cali for appointment, Monday to Fr(day. 433-1494 1 RELIABLE BABYSITTER required Wed.-Fri., 8-5, Garden and Bradley, Whtbp begtnning Jan. 87. Feferences required. Non. emoiner preferred, Piesse cai 8-89759 aller . NEWSPAPER PUBLISHER, Cbatienging management oppor. txnIty, Nova Scolia locaion. MueI hans newopaper producl knowiedge, markeing sense, and be botlom ins ortenled. Send reume 10 Advocale, 8ox 1000, Piclox, N.S. 85K IHO. XMAS RUSH. 8 par-ime people needed wlb cura. $7.50 per bour plus gas aiiowance. CuIt 883 335. DRIVERS wilb cube or step van needed ait day Wednesdayo and Tbursdaps. Permanent arrangement. 8884111. PART-TIME evening betp needed 10, set appoinimento oner 1he obone wlh cients. 34.50 per hrur tix tari. Studenlas elcome eti 883-3340. SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? Cuit Phone 668-8943 Or otinss wii brng tilts untd gîcclings, long wibbheiplul cnmmunllp informaution. AUCTIONEER R.R. 1 LITTLE BRITAIN (705)786-2183 AUCTIONS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMI LY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKENDI. NFURNISNED room t0 renl. Kilchen & iaundry factfities. 430 ItSE Hý5L51 O FORHENI ~DS p lR~ QUIET SOUTH Osbawa aras, cose 10 soulh O.M., 651week, uss of kitxban, bath end tixndry R facililes. Firal and tact. Avatiabte FISH UN G F0R mmexîialely. Cat1157"4778. A BARGAIN? R The big catch (s here every weekIn the classif lods. Dont rock the boa) on costly Items$ cal) us) WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 Çj, HOMES FOR RENTj HOUSE FOR RENT BY LOTTERY LAND MANAGEMENT FILE T-08507 IN. 1 THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Dated ut Toronto Ihix 2618 day of Navember, 1986. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS N THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F EDNA MARGARET RATCLIF- FE, DECEASED. Ail cla)ms aga(nst the Estate of Edna Margaret Ra)c)iffe, late of the Town o) Whitby, Regiona) Municipa)(ty of Durham, Deceased, who died on or about the 2nd day 0f May, 1986, must be fi)ed with the under- slgned persona) representatîves on or before the lSth day of January, 1987, thereafter the undersigned wM)) distribute the assets 0f the sald estate having regard only to the c)a(ms then fled. Dated at Whitby, On- tario, this 5th day o) December, 1986. Irene Winifred Henry, Executrix, by her Solicitors, Coath, Lvingstone& Johnston 101 Dundas Street West P.O. Box 327 Wh)tby, Ontario LiN 5S4 ACME TENDERS FOR SUB TRADES WHITBY, ONTARIO Tenders wili be received (n Sudbury- by the undersigned until, 3 pin. Thur- sday, December 18, 1986 for a)) sub (rade priceà required for the construction of )he WHITBY MEDICAL SCENTRE Drawings and specif ications are - available for vieW1i-g- t Acme Building & Construction Ltd.' 95 BarberGreen Rd. Don Milîs, Ont. M3C3R9 (416) 445-8520 and Acme «Building& Construction Ltd. 289 Cedar St.* Sudbury, Ont. P3B 1M9) (705)6875-2251 TEDE JANITORIAL . CONTRACTORS. Tenders are invited <o Provide Janitoria) Services for a 2 year period at - the Regis)ry Office, 400 Centre St., WHîTBY, Ont. TENDER No. ORI- 86-244 Seaied Tenders wlii be received until 2:00 p.m. Loca) time on -TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1986. Tender Documents may be obtained (rom the Ontario Ministry o) Gover- riment Services, Orillila District Of- fice, 24 James St.' E., P.O. Box 790, Oriiia, Ontario. L3V 6K7. Note: For furîher in- formation ragarding. the Tenders, p)ease call tha Tenders Of- ((ce a) the above address, taiephone (705) 325-7403. The )owesl or any Tender nol necessari)y accep- ted. J (Located on the west aide of Hwy 351 11 5 where Hwy 351115 Interseots Co-Op Road Immedîateîy north of the village of Orono> One storey brick house with attached double car garage, frame garden shed and In-ground swImming pool. There are th ree bedrooms, a living room, dinling room and ktchen. The-f ul basement Is divided and conta)ns a recreation room with f irep)ace, of f)ce, workshop,,bath and laundry room and utiiity room. The house wll be open for Inspection on Thur- sday, December lBth, 1986 between 3:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. The Lease wil commence on or befo.re February 1lst, 1987 and be for a one year period. The rent ls $572.00 per month, not Including ut)iit)es. The succesef ul- tenant w))) be chosen by means o) a Lottery, subject to a cred)t check. Offer to Lease forms may be obtained from the M)nIstry's representat)ve who w))) be on the property on the afore-mentioned data and t(mes. Offer f0 Lease will be accepted by the Ministry Up until: 1:30 P.M., January 7th, 1987. Further Information and 0f fer to Lease forms may be obtained f rom: Property Section, Centra) Region 3501 Dufferin Street, 2nd F)oor Downsview, Ontario M3K 1N6 Telephone: (416) 248-3081 Representative Agent: Lou lacovino Every Offer to Lease submtted must be on the form prescribed by this Minstry. Oniy one Offer to Lease per famlly wi) be ac- cepted. L-

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