Whitby Free Press, 10 Dec 1986, p. 24

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PAGE 24 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNIESDAY, DEC. 10, 1986 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ ARTICLES " wATCE ARTICLES RT TCE AUOMBIESRING BNED R 1 FOR SALE-l Q FOR SALE FÏORISALE FOR SALE FOR SALE, CUSTOM MADE rsalohtng lving tours and dlnfing room asheets, vutp wilh goid ovrshsars, 25 i. for living tours and 10 I. for dtnfing room, excelent condition, SM5. Phone 668-5180. 23 CHANNEL C.B. Base Sation COBRA1353$1W. 2 shoot desks $25 ssch. Rowing machins $25. 6689738. MATTRESSES and bus springs ai hait prica. McKeen Fumnira, 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawea. 7255181. CHERRY DROPLEAF table, 2 isaves, sxcellent condtion $375. Cai666.7370 evaninga., F.OR SALE. girls figure skates, size 2, $15. Chld slzed skating' hstrsel, $7. Plhuve 668111. GEOTYPE prseniellring now .ln sock ai Dckaon Prtnting &6Of- tice Suppiee@ inthe Aax ahop ping Plaza. Large saiectIon ot stlyes and azes. Why psy mrs for s amaiter shast oult ierIng? 681119613. CANON 31OXL Super 8 rsovIO camera wlh 8.5 - 25.5 Mm 200M leva, excellant conditon, asking $125 or bat aller. Phonoe66- 2271, sooninga. STEEL BUILDING WINTER WORKS SPECIAL Hstp us kesp facIory huap during slow wintsr moths - Save thousanda - svoid up-corotng prios increases limtrsld steel Phase PlonerEconospan 1.800-387- effl. 1 HARD WATER PROBLEMS? In. roducing the waler soltanor thal doavl tsas sait. Ho more iugging heavy baga ut custly sat. Other sotenarsre tmuvocaicums & olher good for pou minerais. Ws dovi sadd saiI 10 your walsr Or removs bonalisiat minerais, bscaoss iha'a vo guod lot ou. Othar sotenese ike up lots ut tours, use elecirtcllp, requite baciewaahing, cost ieptvy fo0I- salî & luo much 10 malaIsie. We. dovit. Cat lItfres 1800-268- 2M5 for heathiat, baet i atng, $Ott wats. FOR SALE dinsttea tabe, square, chrome legs, oast 6, sopandtng lu seat 8, $55. 666&1896. FRIGIDAIRE 3M" stecerto slave, avocadu green, vstp good con- dition, $150. Cati 4334689. 0 CANNONDALL qusensise bsd trame. Aiso wsshslandtnighl table. Housot Brugham. Dark ptns fnish, slightlipmarked. Boat ottet. 655.686 1 CAPTAIN'S BED, excetlent conditon $175. 6681538 NEW ICE CUBE crushst3$15; nere vaporiser $10; 15 le sets ut bed servIng trys complets wiIh ttda $2 a sel, new ssiad maker 37.50; tasndry tub comploes wiîh tapa $20 food sicer $20. 655«.600 USED DESKS, Files, turaga cabines, slscktng, Offtce Chairs, Sisal adjusiahis sheioing,. store dtaptaps. Bire New & Used, 21 Alan Ave., WoodbtIdge. Phone (416) 6518100. eur Hwy. 7 & 400. Mon-Fn 9-5, Sa. 10-1. A-Z PRE. 'ENINEERED BUILDINGS. Ne typas, sisal & wood, qoonnol, cIadding. For true vaue, action & anareera (416) 6261794. Lavo message or coiioci aler 6 p.m. waekends. Aak for Waiiy. Free brochures. HOMELITE actrtc goneretor, 600 w, used once, liseai over $50, soi33$W. 655.343, aller 5 CHESTERFIELD sotes, Jovseas. ssiionais, tes Ihan 'A prcs. Large seisclIon. McKsav Fumiiue, 524 Simcue St. S., Oshawea. 7255181. MICRO FURNACE. Instant hat rehors and when pou vaad Il. S1111 ime fot chrlsîmas. Doni b lt i In tha culd. Ordat posu loday. 663.263. ELECTROHOME humidifier, $W0. Food processor, Moulinas, hardtp usod, S5U. Phone 668-1328. 0 NuARC PLATEMAKER, WhItbp FePr roa 66.111. WATER PROBLEMS? In- iroductng New e Tchnoiogy fot lrealing Wellis a clama, ottering Boucs la tauset proection lhroughool enire waler syslem. RUSTY . .. SMELLY . , . BAD TASTîNG . .. WATER, bacteria, siaiving, & more. Ho sait or measy chsmnIcai... mainenu-. ce fres. Ses the rsuls lot your- stIf wth out 6.month Mrat citer. Cati n0w tlitrse 1.600.266.2656l or wrtl Aztec Walsr Puriicaton Spsma, 20311030Kamulo Rd., Miessisauga, Ont. Ares code 807 cai 1.416424-4344 cottecti. WINTER WORI<S PROORAM. Keep îles tactory busy durtng the wInlsr montha & cave Ihousanda. Exempe 25x34 $3.299. 40x40 $5,399. Other aises avatiabis. Cati Mircle Span tolt roc1400-387- 4910. VISIT our ussd lrnIlurs - rarehouso hy appoinîmanl. Bg savings on docks, chairs, Ming cabines, etc. Cai Dickson rin ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appoinimentu oe. 6683. 1968. XMAS SPECIAL Bup 2,0Ge1 ove FREE. Haver torget tl umlo your houdttghia off, agaînt Maka pour car moto visible on the road wilhout the o rof u a dssd bat- tory. Grat alocking stultart Tho headlight rominder atmptyplpugs Into fuse panai 39.95 plus a larn- ciode $2 shippîngihandiing. VISAIMIC Cati 1800-263-3735. Waskdays 9-9. Stewart Spociaitp, Box 905, Cobourg, Ov. K9A 4W4. Ordars shIpped serse day, CHESTERFIELD with matchtng chair, ove swtvsI chair, $30,relit dativer. CatI 5710866. 9 SUPER CHIMNEY 2000. Staintosa steel 7" chimnsp pips pipe used 5 rsonths). 6x3, 1s2, lxl'wreu it and brscesa$50. 668-7125 aller 6. TOTAL CONTENTS of Caramic business, Capial Raglan. 1200- 15W0 Individuel moida, grasn- wrer, pint, brushos. Ratocals Il wtIing. Reducad drastisattp 10 $32.499. Urus: The Orieans Star, Box ABC, 1977C Si. Joseph Btvd. Oreans, Oviarlo KIIC lES. SAVE MONEY - Boy uvtivtshed lurniure - Large setection Christmas speciats & gîfteIdeas ioacoysipotk art biankat Wood Fumiture, 308 Ottawa St. N., Hamiton 416 548.4171. 3$$SACRIFICE SACRIFICE U3$ huidings prtcad for Immadiate liquidation. AttiItems ln stock. 28x40s14 33,996. 40x6Oxt4 $6.500. 46x86s14 39.250. 70090u24 $21,789. Varloos sizes avatiabte op to 120 fi. l. de. Fac. tory direct clearance. Sartous hupera oviy. Ait buidtngs prlced for Immediate dstivary cail toit. Iras 1-387-2115 or 1-416858- 2446. SOFA à CHAIR $300. Colles tabte, $3. Slerso stand, $75. Orange tub chai, $75. Btack swtvst rocker, e9. Tel. Bus. 441- 7889, Home 631-9199. 0 XMAS TREES. Cut pour oren resal Ires. Pins, apruce & wehite pins svp sica $10 & up. Open 9 s.m. -9 pro. Hwy. 12 vorth, Mytits Saion, Tonins Rd. East. No. 45. USED STORE dtsptap racks for books and carde, Whtby Free Press, 668.6111. MONTREAL MILITARY Surplus: Wortshtrls $2.75, wortpanîs 33.50, reoribola $15. For caialog, ssvd $2 rstmburssd tiraIt order): Mtttary Surptus, Box 243, Si. Ttmothes, Osebso JOS iXO. PAL LOCK ORCHARDS Whitby Appias, Fears, Cider, Polatoas SpaItThIs We Boue Pesta 2.99 4 qt. Del. Apples 2.85 4 L Fil entravce forth ut Riossiand on Brosk S., east aide. OPEN DA<LY 1985 JEEP RENEGADE 8.000 mites, 6 cy., 5 speed. p.s., pb., tilt, many errras, $12.400. 65- 4682, aller 6 p.m. - - - 184 DODGE %u TON Pickup - Cap Inctuded, 6 cyl. auto, power stoerlng & brakes - provoos owners vere on request $6995.00. The NEW Whtby Dodge Chry star, 209 Ounda St. W., 666-3000. 183 PONTIAC OGOOLE, 4 dr., 6 cpI. auto. poweer equtpped & Il aven has air condtloning. $7400.00. The NEW Whttby Dodge Chrysier, 209 Dundus SI. W., 666- 3000. 81 PLYMOUTH CARAVELLE, 4 dr., 8 cyt. solo & atr covdiiontng - 1 owner, ioculiy owned unly 49,000 mies- Dont miesslot $33895.00. The NEW Wlrtby Dodge Chryslar, 209 Dunda St. W., 666&3000. 1980 OLOS 66 Regency 350, ellver satlra, bisa nterior, ioaded wth options, only 6,000km, watt mainiained. asktng $5.200 car- tlled. 855.4712. a 1980 HONDA ACCORD Haech- bush, 1 owver, ladies car - vew ln 81. Auto in excellent condition. Frics $3500 certflied. Phoeve866 1987. 1979 FORD LTD. as ta,bhast oller. 68-3471. 1979 DATSUN 310 GX 5 speed,' 63,000 original miles, vaw pint, AMIFM stereo, certiltad $1.800 or boaeoiter. Cui 055-8966. 1979 PONTIAC LEMANS, ps, pb, powear wtvclows, 2 door. AMIFM cassette, l0w miteaga. $1500 as sa or hoast olter. 427-1680. '79 CAPRI, 2 dr., 1 owvar & reeI prove Il, 34,000 mites, 4 cyt. auto, power teertng - reduced lu $3995.00 - The NEW Whtby Dodge Chrysar, 209 Dundas St. '78 ASPEN, 4 dr. auto. 6 cyi. .a perfect uitile 2nd car. 31295.00. The NEW Whitby Dodgs ChryIer. 209 Dundas St. W., 666- 3000. 1977 HONDA Hatchbacle, 4 speed, vew ciutch, rebotît motor, needa body work, $700 or boaseof- fer. 668.8528. 1975 GRANADA. vo rust, nere WATDTO rual.prootad.668.M68. BUYE NT 1 HO CKEY hlmai & sqoimstf-% TUK rantod for 6 year.oid. Godco-FRSL diion, Reasonabta prIco. Cuti FOSU 666.9909. TYPEWRITER raniat,, manp mahos and modats, by the woekend, wsek or month. Discounts avaitabto. DIckaov rinivg ,& Office Supplies ln Ihe Atas Ptazs. Cati us for business machine repaire. 663-1966. OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED. any maka - Mens onty, uns or one hundrod. Did Rolae wislwalchas wanted. Aso wetoed Etons "Quarter Cavlury" squrre rIst- watchess25 yaarasorvie). Wii psy $750 and up for ibis watch. WiIi aleco huy sirapa, crysiais, parta etc. for oid wrisiwtchos. 1- 416.03657240 or rel B. Walsh, 173 Ousen Si. E. Toronto, ont. MSA 1S2. 1974 FORD pick up Wi ton F 100, S450. 1977 Olda Delta 88, drIvon daiiy. can ho sortit lad, $850 otof-' for. 1975 Camaro, nooda budy work, runs good, $350 or offor. 7232818or436.115. FIREWOOD LOGS - roIx a es- dwood. Dsivered. 12 curd & 6 curd viada. Mrrili Barry 705754- 2258. FIREWOOD FOR SALE, 16" single corda, ait hardreuod mapte, btrch, trovwood & oak. $175.00 bush cord. FREE DELIVERY. Exceltont ires rorsovat service ai verp reasonabis pricea. Cati Faut ai 6554M6. PRIVATE TUTORINO by s cet- ified leacher con 1h81p)pour stsmenlta choot chitd over- corne hts achoot dtflfoulttisa Thtcksov - Hwp. 2 Phone 723. PIANO &THEORY lassons. Royal Conservslory prepatatton. Adultes & chitdrsn wstcoms. Cati Matgarel 661951. sNoW TIRES Iwo Uniropat steel baltîs radiai. P18580 R13. $60. Two F78-14, $30. Ait tires moun- ted on rtms. Cati 66&.3418. - 1 a PAIR 14" Michelin avare tires, ussd oniy ove e 5550,tIke nere $60: pair Cat Trac 80 sertes anores $50434-5419. TO BUY OR SELL ussd auto par. la. Cali 5795344. ask for Henry.« TRUNKS & FLOORS rspstred guaranteed 10 pose salsty checka. 655.8968 I DO EXCELLENT body work end paintý lobs on ensrythtng tram sports cars 10 domp trucks aI a very reasonabte rats. Ail work dons rors my Pickering home. Calt Richard for a res estimais. 655-8966 Pickering. BABY ITEMS for sale: crtb, S30. Hghechair, Silvercraaae. $150. Change table wllh tub, $25. Drasrlng table, $25. Car seats, Stroloo, $40 ea. Double airolter, Prego, $100. Fscher Prce mobile, $12. Englah pram, $40. Phonoe068.3990. ffOESNLS' Thanka to the Hoty SpIrIt & St. Judo tor prayers answered. s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ADULT VIDEOS- SPECIALOFFER- FEATURE FILM $14.95 CALL TOLLFREE 14800463.704 FOR FULL COLOR CATALOGUE CALI.1404.2.551 May the Scred Heard ut Jeaus Iii presoad, gorIied, iaved a adored throughout the world-now & trevor. Oh Sacred H sert of Joeus prey for us. St. Judo heiper aI miracles pray for us. St. JudÏ' heipor oI the hopelesa pray for' us. Say Ihis prayer 9 ltmes s dayý by the BIh day your prayer retîl ho enswored regardîessa ut how hopofos our situation seemas Pbication muet b. promtsed. DATES GALORE. For ait 5905 afl unttached. Thousanda ot mem- bers anxtous lu meet yo& Prestige Acquatntancea catt toitt' res 1.808.2639183. Hours naon' tiIs 8p.m. UNEMPLOYED?, Tha ýUners- ptoysd Haip Cantre 55n a.satt rile: Erspioymont Covaotting, Resumes. Unerspiopmsnt In- suransa, Worier' Compen- sation, O.H.i.P. and waitare iv- formation, or crila reterrats 10 olheragenctes. Cati 5791821; MAN WITH TRUCK< wiil dettvsr turnilurs, heip pou lu move. dlean up back yards and basarnents and oraatI odd loba. Very roasonabîs rates. Cai - 655-696. FURNITURE REFIHISHING. On- site repaira ta cigarette borna, scratches, etc. Pianos, TV, and ail othar lurilure. Fr00esatimales. 655"966. SNOW PLOWING, commercial and rssidsnttat. Guaranlssd good and puncloat service. 7 dups a reeek. SUNLAWN LAN. OSCAPING &SHOW REMOVAL. 427-5294. BABYSITTINO avaitable ln My home. Mon..- Fn. 1i liasiv Oter Crsek arsa & have cIlltdran of rsy oren. Baby weetoome, Cali 666- 2938. APTER HOUAS BABYSITTINO. Wsskends, evenings, amas shopping or smergsncy siîting avaitabie ln mp home. S2lhout. Cali Maris 8666.3778. DAY CARE avatiabis iv my homo, babesa Incladed, vutitîous meats, apactous plaproums, In- format issmting actiities. Aak aboute our pck-up service, reasonabîs rates, free bunnp rab. bita lforatt vew comrsraand plan- ty ut pela lu play wtth. Cati 655- 69M. MUSICAL, INSTUMETS HAMMOND eisslrontc organ,e kepoards, autoamaîto rhythm section, stool tnctuded, $900. Hgh Fidaltly speaker spters, 70 wats, air suspension, 12" woofer, 5" midrange, 3" tweseter, hiiiance conîrot 28"n6'xll", $100 pair. Pioneer boit driven fur- niable, magnstic carrldgo, atli. skutlng and uverhang chscker riih dust cuver, $75. Phoneo 666 4098. ACCORDIAN 'Scandaiti', 120- basa, ladies sîze, tths 55w, $900 firm. Organ - Lowry 'Magie Geste 88', eloectrIs,Ilike new, $3,000 irm. repacomant value $5.000. Toi. 5-4480. FREE FIIPPIES, mtsod brsed. Cole & Germnas Shopherd. Cal 655.6809 C57NCEM-KENMTSi COMGRATULATIONS on pour torlhcomIng Marriage. Pissas viae our samptes of sngraved weddîng Invtatonsaai.,pour isisure ln our Aax Fiaza alors, Dicksov Priting 6 &OltlicoSlip. pules. 0831966. WE'RE CLOSING FOR WINTER DEC. 207 1986a Your friendshlp is special to us. We hôpeyou have a holidaythat!sperfect ln everyway. WATCH FOR OUR OPENING SPECIALS EARLY IN.-,1987 Wrn BUGFORD ALUMINUM SALES LTD. R.R. 3 Brighton, Ontarlo- (613) 475-0521 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If*billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box nwnbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14 each additional word. however, we accept no liability regard1ing loas or damnage liable for failure to publiah an ad, or for typographic BRHDAH 70 o h is 0 od;1eec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the costof the space occupied BdiTHSA THl 70 o h is 0 words;1ec such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum coat of the firat insertion. dinîwr. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Pikess reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- isr reject ail advertiaements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before thiey can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday nmon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12< .each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43$ per uine <No wo id ~s allowed>. to insert or cancel Emporium Ada. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL 1Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00.-The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111

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