Whfte ý CRAFTS & NUASEAY ~Ité1~ 3%'-4' -TALL TROPICAL CHRISTMAS TREE à %NORFOLK ISLAND Decra p our holiday saaot wIlh -The livng Christmas Trai" and njoy lils@malltilookand green c. flaga for pairs Io com. .....E.. .uf.l8.8 SAFERS CHRISTMAS TREE PRESERVATIVE A rend auesîy that heips recs keep tMirmisturq touat laiter cuttIxg & hlpsi prenant needia drop. 750 m. lReg 6.49 SALE 397 TIq A txp ring. trea 3 .et., oi use 6T7' TALL Choose fram the lrgest selection af No. 1 S Quallty natural Chrstmas trees. Speclally se ected by White Roe for fulInass, fresh- nosa end Inglastlng beauty lI EE STAND TREE BAGS Usa as a trac sirt - allen il's pquelity stand wittl 4" lima to talla pour trio xway 4sturdy legs for extra luil slip axer th tree ... No support. Large capacily morarnassy piales Io0 dean tank. For years & years up i HotUs a trac Up 107' Tait. a 1 _ __ I POINSETTIAS 6a" POT 6-8 EXTRA LARGE BLOOMS 1 A Chrismas traditixn Frosh rom tha grower. rown Io perection. Ouiantnled te hiooxnelithaholidssason md bhpxnd 1 Top qxililp lRed, Whiteanmd Pink Poinsetias. 0NLY99 M90isse i15or mr xr io 9 apo'aciulr boomsfa n rhight 99 fetcaliv Chisîms 91Large 10' Pot.1 POINSETT1I 3vxfmoisb.ax ith boonin à hands allsd iUl baaetxxompotx Ih tta eit. ds xforChristne$ grlxxvnx A"4 POT j99 ORLY AZALEAS txadad flhhcudaaend spe axis s blxxoms O aaOwrpffl n a hndeuatad baskt ih bl ady n ahxtdofîpnb endahite 5POT 1 88 ONLY14ýý Add tah tituch xith toth Chistmas ive Hol p ia*dyIo de«oirtlhtldn1 vga Add à ltaxa I OuCI'1 I utlaOfhC nnts, tvhhi CovfitOCrIstamas Iant apica -Wth hu rcan amp ONI.sY 1 4 4 eind cands. o hi ud ith rad bc. Large 6" Pot ONHLY 991'S L POINSTTA ON SNOW'. Ce hiemis:tounda -2499 ~ ~ta - CH ITMAS GIFT >d aidntO9 a.iut tuliy handctatad g litsterrariums tilled ith assorted tropical plants, ChrXOTascan 'ana,& CAMELLIA hind ianr 21t. toade withbýds a blome 1Santa.OuO aa @g 999 adir te butoIird ioxbS tinS A L E roineud. t r".mCil. 0io n i ONLY : Lj LIFELIKE CHRISTIMAS TREES DELUXE GREEN COLORADO SPRUCE ~ ~ Top quallty Trees 11used with extra layers and tips 10 croate the f ullest tree possible 1 41/21 TALL 1026 tips 5 Layers 61/21 TALL 2475 tips il Layers 71/21 TALL 3579 tips 12 Layers NOW ONLY 328? NOWO0NLY 8'488? NOW ONLY 1 15999 OFFOrnaments. Ovliiy ornments ln100s of styles and sioes Traditionat and cantempoarry.. Elegent porcelsin angeix la cuddip hend peintind Taddy Beers White Rase h.0 them aIl 1 Aller Sele Price tram .49 - 7.49 SALE IFROM a40 00 C AFTS AND LES Q § LIMITED0 OSHAWA ANORD 300TrAUNTON FRD. --C Corner Rtson/Taunton z0 OPEN SUNDA' WHITBY 1243 Dundas St. lIN.Ixa 4011 HOURS: Mon. - S&L: 9:001 amn- 9:00 pmn CEMBER 18. 199 Sun end HotIdéys: 9:00 am. -1 q501ba ECONOMY BAC S U N L O W Atraci aixa laps. Cardinala. Ores Bcas send Mote to pxur yard I 100% tripsd sunitower s"ed. ireshly harvestcd Io plaise pourtathorcd rinds f ONLY WHILE THE LA 0 8 8 Our Reg 1SUN- LOWERI -eSE E DS, iO LB, .PAGE 21 FP. 1 1