Whitby Free Press, 3 Dec 1986, p. 28

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pânp 29. WEnNESDAY. DECEMBER 3e 1906p WHITBV FREE PRESS ARTICE ATCLSv RICE*ATMOIE AUTOTIEERC FO AFO R ORLALE FOR SALEO R CROSS COUNTRY SKIS, boots& potes suifabie for cilidren 7-12. Childa rolltop desk. Cati evenings. 5790027. CU-STOM MIA-DE matching living room and dIning'roum ahes, tvory with goid oversheers. 25 f i. tor living room.,end 10 fi. for dInIng roor, excellent condition, $55. Phone 668-5180. 23 CHANNEL CB. Base Station COBRA 135 $100. 2 sehool desks $25 ach. Rwing machine $25. 6U8-9738. SKIS - 170, bots * 9i 10$85o Chine cabinet $195. Duncen phyfe set, 4 chairs $395. Chesf 0f drawers $55. 683-6838. ORDER NOW for Xmes. Deicloos meaty cabbege rula .- deiivered. Phone 427-0095. FOR SALE girls figure skates, size 2, $15. ChIid sized skating helmet, $7. Pnone 6681116. ROUND OAK pedestatSte for sale, 6 mtching chairs, 5 leaves for table, ail in excorient con. Oit lu, shIng $1.3950r bast futfer tut set. must, soif. Aiso clrinef lot sale. $101. Cati 63«638,. GEOTYPE prels-os ettering soc n stock ai Dickson Printing & 0f- fice Supplies In the Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large sefectiOtt ut styles and 5100. WhY Puy more fot a emalet sheof ut ettering? 683.1968. CHESTERFIELD with matching chair. one sWivel chair. $300, wiii dalloar. Culit 571-0866. $$$SACRIFICE SACRIFICE M$ buildings priced for immediate liquidation. Ail Items In stock. 28x40u14 $3.996. 40x60x14 $.500. 46880s4 $9.250. 70e96o24 $21.789. Vrloas sizes evaifobie UP to 120,ft. cide. Fac- tory direct clearance. Serlous bayers oniy. Att buildings priced for immediafe deivey Culit toit- trea 1800.381-2115 ot 1.416858. 2448. USED DESKS, Flas, storage cabinets, stackIng. Ofice Chairs, Steel adiustabie sheiving, store, dIsplilys, Blairs Nec & Use&. It Aieo Ave.. ýi bodbrIdge. FPhone (41)851.81W0. Neer Hcy. 7.& 400. Mon-Fni 9.5, St. 10.1.- MATTRESSES and box springs at huit price. McKeen FurnitUre. 524 Simcoe Strepl South. Oshuwa. 7255181. AZ-Z FR6. ENGfNEERED BUILDINGS. Nec types, Steel & wood. qUonset. cladding. For true vaue, action & anscets (416) 626-1794. Leave message Or culect ater a p.m. week-ends. Ask for Wely. Free brochures. WAÀTER PROBLEMSP In. roductng New Techtliogy for treting watts a cistertis, offering souce f0 taucet protection throaghout entIte cater System. RUsTY -. .-.SMELLY -. .-.BAD TASTI NG . .-.WATER, bacteria, sfaining. & more. No sait or Masy chemnIcas ... maintenan- ce freis. Sethe resuts for pour. seit wtth our -month tfief otter. Cai now foitrea 14800-268-2656 or wrIf a Azîec Water Purification Sptems. 203-1030 Kamato Rd., MISsissauga. Ont. Area code 807 catil1.416-624-4344 leolecti. KITCHEN electriec aliirount globe ight ixtare, off white with painfed rose trim, brocs and gxid, $5. Put Ight recessed celing fletur, $4. Change table. white, $25. Rainattet, $5. Eighl pine raiisgs, $30. 655-4682. 10 e 10 OREENHOUSE 9140. 1000W Moea Haide $195. Plus 10,00gardening produets. Great prices. Send $2. for Into-pack. Western Water Ferme. 1244 Seymour si.. Vancouver. B.C. V8B 3N9. 160462-6636. CANON 31oXL Super 8 movie camnera cith 865. 25.5 mm 200M eong, excellant condition, asking $125 or best ut fer. Phone 666- 2271, evenings. STEEL BUILDING WIHTER WORKS SPECtAL. Heip us keep factory bosy durlng slow cinter months -Save ihousands - avoid opecoming price Increases imited steel Phone loneeriEconospen 1800-387- 6896. CHESTERFIELD suites, lovsets. sectioneis. legs thon ½h price. Large setection. McKeen Furniure, 524 Simcoe S.S., Oshawa. 725-5181. NuARC FLATEMAKER, Whitby Free Press 6U86111 . FINAL CLEARANCE of video disecs $5 each. Bak TV. 369 ling St. W., Oshawa. 7255633. XMAS SPECIAL. Bup 2, Gel une FR66. Navet forgel to turo pour headights Off egaint Meke your car mure visible on the road cithout the curry of a dead bai- fery. Great stucking stutteri The, headtight reminder simpiy plugs mb touse panai $9.95 plus fax 1- dadae $2 shippingiheOdiing. VISAIMIC Cai 1.800-263-3735. Weekdaps 9.9. Stewart Speeiuitp. Box 905, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4W4. Orders shipped same day. AtATtONT Crmor coodstvo, inserts lto regulat ireptace.. giess door. goid trim. anking $225. Phone 68660053. ELECTROHOME humidifier,,$66. Food processor. Moulinait, hardlp ued. $555..hone 668-1328. LOTTO PLAYERSI Cuttuus about systems promislnglg ottery riches? Nec report eoposes ive hottest selters, faits best ceps 10 increese oddsi Fiva comploe systems onty $5. wouid eost $35 separuteip. Free Bonus: "Building Fortunes trom Fres Cotivetibles-, $2 ordered separafeip. Money beck guras- tood. Winter, 1497-½ OQueen St. W.71.Toronfo. MBR 1A3. HOMELITE elettie genetator, 600 c, used once,liste t Over $500, saili$35. 6553413, ater 5 HEY CURLERSf our eerd-genlS Infruduces curlings rotes & strategy to kds Sp using paing- cerds & miniature stonge,.bouse & scoreboard. Book of 400 curling Jokies and cartoons sn- ciuded. ideel Xmes gifttiSavon- dup money-buek gurantes. $2495 postpaid. For C.O.D. add $3, Bruce Lobap Curling Noveities, 410 Washington, Win0- nipeg, Manioba. R2f< 1L8. USED STORE disptap racks for bocks and cards, Whitbp Free Press, 668-6111. SOFA à CHAtIR $300. Coftee tubie. $35. Stereo stand, $75. orange tub chair, $75. Back acivel rocker, $90. Tel. Bus. 441- 7669, Home8631-9199. 0 FRIGIDAIRE 30" lecirie sf Ove. avocado green, nery good con. dit ion, $150. Cail 4334669. 0 FOR SALE dinelle table, square, Chrome loe, oseets 8,epatding to seat B8,55.666k1896. 0 VISIT our used turniture warehoue by appointmest. Big savings on desks, chairs, tiling cabinets, etc. Cuit Dickuon Frin- ing & Otice Supplies tu arrange an epipolntmenituovioc. 683- 1968. WINTER WORI<S PROGRAM. Kep the tectory busy during the vinter monthuS save thou5ends. Exemple 25x34 $3.299. 40x4O $5,399. Ohe r sues asallabie. Clt Mirecle Span tolit Irae1.800387- 4910. MICRO FURNACE spece age heter Seves poo money, dont be left ln the cold order pOars today. 6832638. MINIATURE SCHNAUZE RS, 5 maie papples.' CKC reglatered, shots, decurmed and homerlised, guud wlth ehitdren, non-shedding and non.etterglc, $400 eech. Cuit Port Ferry (416) 985-3960. . FR66 FUFFIES, mixd reed. Coulle & Germas Shepherd. Cati 6558809. MUSICL RUMEMNTS HAMMONO electronic orges, 2 kepboards. aulomatie rhythm section, stool nctudod, $960. t-igh Fidelity speaker system, 70 watts,' air suspension, 12' woofer, 5" mîdrange, 3' tweeter, brililance control 28"o6"xlt. $160 pair. Pioneer beit drives tur- nteble. magnele cartridge, anti- skating and overhang cheeker with dust cuver, $75. Phone 668- 4098.0 ACCORDtAN 'candali, 120 base. ladies size. ilke soc, $900 irm. Organ - Lowry *Magie Genle 8' electil, litre nec, $3.000 irm, replacement vaae $5.000. Tel. 6554480.0 HOCKEY belmet & vquipmeni canied for 6 yea-oid. Good con- dition, Reasovabie pries. Cal 666-9908. OLO WRISTWATCHES WANTED, any make - Mens onlp. one or une hondred. Oid Roien ctistcaiches canted. Aiso canted Estons 'Otuarter Ceniury" square crIst- watehes 25 yers service). Wiii puy $750 and up for ibis catch. Wlit aso boy streps. erystais. parts etc. for xid crisicteas. 1. 416-0365-7240 or crute B. Walsh, 173 Oxeen St. E., Toronto, ont. M5A 1S2. POSTOAkRDS WANTED. Frivte posteard coilector ciii visit pour home and puy top prices for posteards. Faul MeWhionie, 44 Cofquhoun Cr.. Hamitont, L9C HW8. 418) 3838727. TYPEWRITER rsniul. muoy makes and models. Sp the ceekerd. ceek or month. Discounts avaabta. Diekson printing & office Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. Cail us for business machine repaira. 663-1968. mil jes6cpi. 5eNÉAed, 8s,.p00 tilt, eman..5 eate, $1.0. 8$5- 4682, affter6p.m. 0 1980 OLOS 98 Regency 3M0,sIlver eattrior, blue Interior, loaded wlth options. only 8,000km, ceit mainteined, asking $5.250 cet- tifled. 6554712. 0 1979 FORD LTD. ass beut otter. 66883471. 1979 DATSUN 310 OX 5 speed. 63,000 originel miles, nec paint. AMIFM slero, crliied $1.800. Cuit 6558966. 1976 PLYMOUTH1 Caravelle, air condition, 90,000 km., guud con- dition, $1.200 or bSt otter. Telephone 668-0765. 1977 HONDA Hatchback, 4 speed, newcluixih. rebult mter, needs body work, $700 or bout ot. fer. 668-8528. 0 1977 DATSUN F18 good angine, body tair, nu rust, valve lob and good tires, $650 as se. Phone 68- 6457.0 1977 -CAMARO Z28. lgh mleage, must seit immedietelY. $3000 Or buo. 4335048 alter 6 p.m. 1975 GRANADA, no rust, new eoheust, PS. FPB, AMIFM sterso,, rusl-prooted.8.8848. - 1975 CHEV MONTE CARLO $250. 6683735 ater 4:211 r weekends. NEW & USED CAR BUYS READ ...BLIY ... SILL JUST CALL 668-6111 1918 DODGE Tradesman 300 Van, carpef and panai, extended rouf, ashing $3.000 or Sesf otter. 666- 3991, effetr6 p.t. 1974 FORD pick up 'ha ton F100, $450. 1977 Otds Dette 88, drives daim. cen Se eertiied, $850 or of- fer. 1975 Cumuro. seeds body wotk. runs goud. $350 or utfer. 723-2818 or 4366115. FIREWOOD LOOS - mixed bar- dwood. Deivvrvd. 12 cord & 6 curd ioads. Martili Barry 705-754- 2258. SERVICES ,IOIN THE ROUND.UPIt Ciare Burt Travel prenants FARMERS' WINTER HOLIDAY tu TEXAS. February l9th Io 27th, 1987. An interesting combination oI ad- ventura & relaxation. CatI 1-800- 26-309. CUBAt FRIENOLYtt AFFOR- DABLEtIIl Juin our Agricuit ral Study Tout to CUBA. Match 7tb tx l4th. 1987. A unique destination. For deiails cati CLARE BURT TRAVEL 1 800-268- 3090. beitnd radiul. P185180 R13. $80. Two F7814. $30. Ail tires mous. led on rimu. Culit 68-3418. FOUR VARI fit 14* '6 chrome cire basket cheets and tour Uniroyai TIger Fac 6700,14 tires, $200. Four BF.> GoodrIch Euro TA.235160HR14 us 4 Cheiot hot wire atumIsum cwheets 14x7"f0 fit 79 and Up MustangiCapri, 80 and up T.BirdiCougar, al brand flac, cost $1200, seit for $950 tIrm. Compete ose oea set (4f C*eger SIS wtreei spinners, $45. 318 muter igoodi, $250. 1980 225" super sMont six and automeatie transmissIin goodi, $250. Phone 655"266. PARTS FOR a 1963 hait ton truck, 6 cei. motor. A-1 condition, $150. 655-3410. TO 13UY ORSELL usnd auto par. ts, Calii5795344. usk for Henry. TRUNKS & FLOORS repelred gueranteed to Paons aftty I0 DOEXCELLENT body curE and pint lobs on everythIng froc sports cars to damp trucks et e nery reesonabia rate. Ail cork dune rom my Pckering home. Cati Richard for a ree estilmate. 655-966 Pickering. MUSIC LESSONS - Whitby location. Basic piano or ttreory teught. Adute preferred. Reasonubie rates. 6664060 atter 4 pmn. PIANO &TI4EORY lassons. Royal Conuervatotp preparation. Aduits & children weicome. Cati Margaret 666.1951. wltir: Empiopmefrt CounselIiitg. Assumes, Uoempioyment Is- surance, Workers' Compen- sation. O.H.I.P. and weltare ln- formationt, or crisls reterruls tO other agtncies. Cati 579-1821. MAN WITN TiRUCK -.llt detiner turnilure, tet pYou f0 maya, cies Up beek perds and besementS end smeil odd lobs. VorY reesonabte rates. Cati .. 6558966.' BARTENDERS suelebie for Xmas Pertys. Reliabie. $50 eech. phone 427.0095. FURNITURE REFINISHING. On. site repirs ta cigarette burns, scratches, etc. Pianos, TV, and ail ottrer turniture. Frae estimetes. 655-8966. SNOW FLOWING, commercial and residentiet. Garenteed good *and punctuat serice. 7 dupo e weeiv. SUNLAWN LAN. OSCAPING & SNOW REMOVAL. 427-5294. geý-à ee You d toilera, bo. 6U.2149. BABY ITEMS for sale: crlb, $30. Highchair. Silverrosse, $50. Change table with tub, $25. Dressing tabit, $25. Car osias, Strolee, $40 as. Double stroiler, Peregu, $100. Fischer Price mobile, $12. Engiiah pram, $40. Phone 66-3996.. O73ES70ALS MEET SOMEONÉ NEW. Since 1967, cve have Introduced thousands for triendship or marriage. Write Personai Acquaintance Service, 249 Brun. son Ave., Ottawa KI R O6. DATES GALORE. For aiiages ând'ï unattuched. Thousands utfrnem- bers anxiotus f0 o'meet -pou. Prestige Acquintances cai toit. trea 1800-263.9163. Hours mon5 tIlla p.M. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ADULT VIDEOS SPECIALOFFER PEATURE FILM $1495 - CALL TOLL-FREE 1.800.663-7934, FOR FULL COLOR'CATALOGUE CALL 1.60442.5511, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANNc N, ENTS FR66: Drop lto the Diebson CONGRATULATIONS on pour- Printtng and Office SUppip Store foniheoming marriage. Please'>" n the Ajax Plaza'eod pick up a iec oun sampies, of esgaved -.l'n tree copy 0f the 19866Metrie vredding invtations uat pourf,Dp, Caiendar. PrInted ln ico colours. leisute ln our Ajax Plaza soe . t makes for handy referance. Dickson Frintiog & Office Supul-r. 683-1968. pis9316. ,~ Watch forNew Classified Ad Rates wo be A nnounced Son CHIWCARE N ARTICLES SERVICES' FOR SALE piapers, managers and couches contact Art Anderson. 613) 267- 2626 regerdiog 36f h ANNIVER- SARY CELEBRATIONS to Se heid n Forth, Janoary 1987. FORT ERIE HOMECOMîNG - Juip 1st - 4th, 1987. Fort Eria & Buffalo are hostintg 'Ftiendship Festival '87". Coma home for ihese four fus-fiied deys. (416) 871-3803. CLEARANCE SALE 1000s ta chuose fram. Locesi prices ln Canada. Our lOfh Anversaty peur. Thurs. Dec 4. 10 .m. - 9 p.m. Iroquois PerE WhitSyHait. home. Mon. - Fr.1 t ue In 001er Creek rea & have chitdre.s ut mp ovin. Baby ceicome. Cail 666- 2938. LOVING MOTHER ciJii abysithIn ber hume. Mon-Fi. 668-7454. AFTER HOURS BABYSITTINO. Weekends, evenings, omas shopping or, emergency sitting analebie ls my home. $2ihour. Cati Marie 666-3776. DAY CARE uvalibie in my home, babies Ineiuded. nultitiOOs meais, spactous plaprooms. in- toimai tearning acliviOs. AsE about Our Pick-up service. reasonabie rates. free bunny rab- bis for ail niec comers and pies- tp ut pais f0 play cith. Cati 655- 8966. KING'S AFFORDABLE ART Dec. 1 -12 At Whitby Mati. Vear end clearance of beautiful oit paintlrtgs and tcolour Coo r dinated f rames. 8x10 oit ln trame -Reg. $42. Sale $35. 16x20 oit in trame Reg. $88.4 Sale $79. 24x36 oitlin f rame $146. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14e each additional word. however, we accept no liaility regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication heyond the cost of the space occupied BIRTHS, DEATHS - $700 for the first 100 words:. 12t each such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. adionlwr.epesntcldfrwtin3da. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to ciassify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir-'n reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in thepaper st 50 words - 12 each additional word. DEADINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00. for 20 words;, 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES- 43ieperline.(Nowoiddsalowed>.t)netoane moimAs aiAdt orCEbFrrLr0cfa1bsditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMIBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wiIl make 668-6111 WHITBY'S MOST WWDELY IILAU AL1 1-fit2r- &: CY,

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