WNITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAV, NOVEMBER 26, 198âb, PAGE 7 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR No mail delivery to home, says Whitb residn 17othe editor: I have enclosed a letter I sent te, the Post Office relating how un- happy I arn with their latest antica. The Post Office tells me, that householders are not profitable. Their biggest business cornes from the businesses that mail their bis and flyers through them. Myewe should al teltePost Office we wiII no longer pick Up our mail. Notify iour correspondents to find alternate ways to bill us, i.e. courier service or- telephone. Just think of the stink these and *other busi- nesses dependent onthe postal system would roake. Then perhaps the Post Office wil amile on us and realize house- holders are an important part of the profitmakingchain. If you feel my letters are worth printing please feel free to do go. Thank you for Iettlng me isound off. I always look forward to your .Paper being delivered to my door step 1 To the Whitby Post Office, Re: A Second Ciasa Post Office Dear Postrnaster: It was so nice of you to send out material con- cerning oui' community mail box. Up until now I have been syrnpathetic to your cost cutting measures to decrease your deficit. I can now appreciate door-to-door deivery completeiy, otherwise you will have a very hostile union on your door step. Your community mail boxes were a great way to solve the problem. However, so far we have been stuck with ho delivery to oui' home which you said would be forthcorning when oui' street was completed, ugly green mail boxes you promised would, not be put up and now you are printing material that is simply not true. I wasted two trips to the j>ot office today, where as usual I had te Council in hurry to move Lynde house wait to be served, there were no other customers et the time. There were no smiles or pleasantries, let alone please or thank you. YÃ"u might reminçi your eniployees that as they put up witb customers, we, the taxpayers bear the burden of their pay checks. My fret trip was to pick up, change of addressa -announce- ment carda to send to oui' correspondents and as you advised requlred no postage. The second trip was to return the carda as they ,were flot postage-free as promised., At'this time I was told there were no postage- free carda and they* would flot be available as you apparently are néolonger printing them. Keep Up the good work and the public wil continue to have littie faith in the postal corporation I A Second Class Householder, Mrs. Marie Browneil P.S. I juat. received a notice for a registered letter, there was juat îmy address, no postal code.' Ever heard the saying "epractice what you, preach" or do you foilow, "do as 1 say, not as I do"? Hospital name change would-be a mi stake F rom page 5 Margaret Cochenour Memnorial Hospital, the Lady Minto Hospital at Cochrane, Homewood Sanitarium of Guelph, and Great War Memorial Hospital of Perth District. Ail these hospitals have a specific namne but aiso include the name of the com- munity in which they are situated. I suggest that "Whlt- directory do not include steering committee by Dr. Ruddy Hospital" the word in their names. whlch established the would be the answer to Neither la it necessary first board of governors the problemi of the- particularly to'have Dr. three years later, and he proposed name change. Ruddy's initiais "J.O." was preaident of, the It keeps both Whitby in the name. board. He was the and Dr. Ruddy's name From the time he catalyst. that brought in the titie and is short started a medical prac-_ many hundreda of and succinct enough to tice in Whitby in 1944, people together froni al be easy to remember. Dr. Ruddy worked parts of Whitby to do the The word "General" tirelessly, even when his work that-- was does not have to ha in- own health began to fail, necessary te- get ,a cluded because most of to establish a general. general hospital for the the hospitals listed in hospital in Whitby. town. The board of the Canadian hospitai In 1960'he.headed the gqvernors in ,i196 recognized this, and therefore named the, hospital after hlm. Dr. Joseph -O. Ruddy gave so much of his life to give a hospital to Whitby's future generations,. that, in My = iin it would be a recof faith for the present generation to remove hia name from the hospital he founded. Yours sincerely, Brian inter From- page 4 chitectural conservancy polnted out the potentiel cSoa uch a move. Counil's quotation of an extremely blgh ex- penditure ila.directly related to:i) not letting the historical scs;iety complete ita study of maklng Lynde House part of a museum com- plex - an improved facillty; 11) aegotieting<?) hours at Cullen Gardens that are unreel for even' the ,Royal Ontario Museum, ':2,060 hours. Wth half - the hours and witli a proper opereting grant from the province, the finanial 'picture ,la more reallstlc.ý in cleelng, air,, itla about Urtne that the Town et Whitby spend moneyonculturel'ac- tit(museum is part of that) -rather than millions 'on sports, related activities. A fair sharel Silence la thia matter la not juat apathy but approval et the actions of Town Council. Roderick Angevaare Vice president Whltby Historical Society Type writer RENTALS T alsýo SALES & SERVICE THE CORPORATION 0F THE DOCTOR JOSEPH O. RUDDY GENERAL HOSPITAL S PECIAL MEETING Notice le hereby given that a special meeting of the Corporation wIII be held THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11th, 1986. commenolng et 8:00 p.m. n the Cafeteria 0f the Hospital The purpose of the meeting wiii be to address a change In the name of the hospital from "'the Doctor Joseph O. Ruddy Generai Hospital" to the "Whitby General Hospital". By 0rdyý2of the Board,