WI-ITBY :,FREE, PRESS, WEDNESDAV, .NOVEMBER ý,26, - 19136,PAG3E '3 Town, wants new cornmunity mi box locations properly main tained FIVE YELLOW TAILS were among the 12 boys in- ducted as members of the Whitby Beaver colony'last week. Clockwise, from bottom left, are Matthew Rempel, Andrew Ranson, -Matthew Brockman, Shea Robinson and Kurt Taylor. ffrst year Beavers. NEWLY INDUCTED beaver leader Liz Ranson gets some help with ber uniform, as is the tradition in scoutlng, from son Andrew. Andrew had just been in- ducted as a beaver moments earlier. A five-foot brass processional cross was stolen from the St. John's Angicani Church at Victoria and Brock St. S. on the weekend. The break-in was discovered around 1:30 p.m. on Saturday after- moon. The cross, which the cburch bas had for four years, was standing on the floor when it was stolen. A lamp was also tom out of a ceiing but was not taken. Police are in- vestigating. Open house at pound The Pickering-Ajax-Whltby animal control committee la looking Into holding an open bouse at the newly renovated animal pound on Thickson Rd.N. The committee wlll discuss holding the open bouse before school ends in 1987, at its next meeting scheduled for Feb. 18. Along with the openhbouse wil be discussion on a contest to produce a logo for the pound. Wbltby councillors, previously unabie, to prevent community mail boxes ini new sub- ,divisions, now want to ensure that the mail box sites are properly cleaned of snow and maintalined by Canada Post. "We have some power as to maintenance of those sites," said coun- cillor Joe Bu&elll at last week's administrative meeting. Councillor Gerry Emmn had proposed that planning department find out who la responsible for main- tenance of the mail boxes sites. Canada Post Cor- poration bas completed 38 concrete pads and in- stailed boxes on them in subdivisions, where door-to-door delivery is not provlded. Durlng the summer, when council refused to give municipal consent for the new boxes, main- tenance and litter collection were among the concerns of» the public *w6rks depar- tment. SPlanning department then recommended that Canada Post ha respon- sible for general site maintenance and repairs,- snow removel on the connecting link and litter collection. But Canada Post said the Town should be responisible for main- tenance, litter and snow clearing. ' Planning department suggested there' should be negotiation of the mat- ter In a master agreement. DEEP DISCOUNTS -PERMS Complote *HENNA *WELLA *THERMAL *REDKEN DAY INTO NIGHT $23.95 " FULLY TRAINED STYL ISTS " QUALITY SALON PRODUCTS *CON VEN lENT PLAZA LOCATION *OPEN THURS & FRI. TILL 8P.M. "I don't thlnk Canada Post's mandate'exceeds its corporate citizen- shlp," said Bugelli, af- ter noting -the problem. of junk mail left at the sites. He made the remark after noting that the Town had* been given two options, brown or green mailboxes. "They gave us a choice what to stick where. But it's not exactiy where we'd like to stick them." The planning report made là st week a iso in- dicates that there was some problemn between town engiheers ,and Canada Post contrac- tors over construction of the concrete pads. The report said engineers had "experlenced some difficulty with" the con- tractors and that cona- plaints from ares residents may have resulted. "'It la annoying to af- fected residents to have CMB community mail box) sites established and approved and then sec the contractor con- struct the actual pad in -cc a different location," states the report to ad- ministrative commit- tee. 14Hopefully the frequency of this oc- currrence la kept to a minimum." The report had stated that Canada Post staff were "qulte sensitive" to council's position and wanted to satisfy municipal engineering requirements forthe 55 proposed locations of community mailboxes. In July, ýcoundil refused consent for 52 proposed , c ommunlty mail box sites bécause of the impact on existing residents. Co uncil In- stead, proposed door-to- door delivery in the newv subdivisions but endor- sed c ommunlty mail boxes ifuture plana of subdivisions wherè suceh sites could be included in aplan layout that had little' Impact on poten- tial home purchasers.. Canada *Post Ilbas stated 'that' while it would ,like to provide door-to-door delivery, it la not possible with the lirnited resources DISCOUNT ON CENTRAL AI WHILE QUANTITIES -LAST. ýnsumsm' Oa HEATING & AIR CONI AJAXIPICKERING 683-5757- VISIT DUR SHOWROOM ATi MAIL DUNDAS & THI(I available. Canada Post ' lter proposed 55 locations for commînity mail boxes. 0f that number, 36 have been completed. Work -on the'remaining 19 sites wlll not be carried out until later because of subdlviiion construction constrain- ts, such as incomplete sidewalks and curbs and scidding. Man injured A Whitby man suf- fered a fractured pelvis after a sheet metal ben- der weighlng more than one ton feUl against him. The accident occurred on Tuesday, Nov., 18. Joseph Southwell, 5 8, owner of Joe The Plum- ber, was taken to the Oshawa General Hospital after the ben- derbithim on thehip. MIRTRIM LAWN & GARDEN SER VICE *Now ,bookng fatl* Iclan-u s 'andl 1astroughclanlno Reasonable.pi'es. 725-3M0 ,RANCýE = FURNACE E BEFORE MIBER 15 1986 IR CONDITIONING DITIONING LTD. WHITBY-OSHAWA - 668-8111E THE WHITBY :KSON- Church cross stolen, .tIIIIIIIIIIIIU 1.111 liii FALL CLEAI SALE A HIGH GAS DECEI I AND RECEIVE A Umm% 1 LIMITED TIME OFFER 1