PAGE 209 WEDNESDAYy NOVEMBER 26e 19866, WHITBY F'REE PRESS Top te-ais in Whitby'hockey tournameni from p. 17 Brooklln. The Whitby peewees meet Ottawa et 3:30 p.m. et Irouis. One semi-finel, for the bantam AAA division, will be played et Brooklin on Sunday. Semni-finals and cham- pionship games for al other divilsions will be played Sunday et Iroquois. Semi-finals for AAA teanis in both bantam and peewee will be played from 8 te 10 a.m., Sunday. The AA championship in peeweewill be held et 10 a.m. and the bantam AA championship et 11: 30 a.m. .The AAA champion. ship games willwrap up the tournanient. The AAA peewees wili nseet at 1 p.m. and AAA ban- tams at 2:30 p.rn. Top teams from the U.S. and Ontario wiil be taking part,, says Del Rints, who with wife Gloria is directing tis year's tournament. "We're going te *be looking at some good hockey," says Rînts. H-e says the Wexford bantani AAA club, champions of the past season in the Metro Toronto Hockey League, willbestrong. But they'll be in tough against strong op- position, including the US. nationalchampion Team Illinois. Teani Illinois ban- tems won the national title over a Buffalo AAA team, which wilI aise be playing in the Iroquois tournament. Rints says the 14- year-olds are the "cream of the crop". Detroit Little Ceesars have also had good hockey clubs in past tournanients. In peewee play, Lon- don's AAA team could be strong as weil as Bramipton. Other teams taking part are from Amiherst, N.Y., and Rochester, N.Y., Ottawa, Mississauga, Waterloo, Wexford, Aurora, Chingacousy, Sarnia, Prescott-Russell, Ha- milton, Ajax and Pickering. LET'S SEEYOU DO IT.. OIJrDOORS! SWE.HAVE EVERYTHING YOU CORPORATION 0F THETOWNOFWHITBY '~ON-STREET PARKING & WINTER SNOW CLEARING To asslst the Town of Whitby ln keeping the streets clear of snow, the public la requested to co-operate by flQt parking ln a manner that wiii Inter- fere wlth the snow clearing operations. TOWN 0F WHITBY TRAFFIC BY-LAW 1862-85 Section 4 (3)(d) -No person shahl on any highway stop any vehicie ln such a manner s0 to interf ere wth the movement of traffilc or the clearing of snow from the highways. Section 4 (8)1)1- No person shall on any highway park any vehicie for more than three (3) hours. Section 22 (8) - A constablè or an 0f ficer appointed for the carrying eut of the provisions cf this byaw upon disccvery of any vehicie parked, stopped or standing In contravention of this by-law may cause lt to be mnoved or taken to and piaced or stored ln a suitabie place and ail costs and charges for removing, care and storage thereof, if any, are a lien upon the vehicie which may be enforced ln the manner provided by the Mechanics' Lien Act, as may be amended f rom tinie 10 time. R.A. KUWAHARA, P.Eng., Direclor cf Public Works. TYPESETTING ON LOCATION Iroquois hockey tournarnent schedule NOVEMBER 28,29 &30th ("PW" -PeeWee) ("ST" -Bantam) FRIDAY, NOV. 28 BROOKLIN ARENA 8: 00 AM PW AA ETOBICOKE WHITBY 9:00 AM PWAA NORTH TOR PICKERING 11:00 AM BT AAA AMHERST CHINGUACOUSY 12:30 PM ST AA PICKERING ST. THOMAS 1:30 PM PW AA MILTON OTTAWA 2:30 PM PW AA NORTH TOR LONDON 3:30IPM BT AAA -DETROIT WEXFORD 5:00 PM ST AA WATERLOO ST. THOMAS 6:00 PM ST AAA ILLINOIS HAMILTON EAST 7:00 PM PW AA WHITBY MILTON 8:00 PM PW AAA WELLAND ROCHESTER 9:00 PM ST AA AJAX WATERLOO IROQUOIS ARENA 8:00 AM ST AA WSITSY EAST ENDERS 9:OAM PW AAA WELLAND BRAMPTON 10:00 AM ST AAA WEXFORD GUELPH 11:OOAM ST AAA HAMILTON MISSISSAUGA 12:30 PM PW AAA LONDON ROCHESTER 1:30 PM ST AAA BUFFALO WELLAND 2:30 PM ST AA AURORA OWENSOUND 3:30 PM ST AAA GUELPH AMHERST 5:00 PM PW AA PICKERING PRESCOr-RUS 6:00 PM PW AAA SARNIA ILLINOIS 7:00 PM ST AA WHITBY AURORA 8:00 PM ST AAA MISSISSAUG BUFFALO SATURDAY, NOV. 29 3:00 AM PW AA LONDON .PRESCOTT-RUS 9: 00 AM ST AAA MISSISSAUG WELLAND Io: 00AM PWAAA BRAMPfTON ILLINOIS 11:00 AM PW AA OTT'AWA ETOSICOKE 1230 PMBT AA OWEN SOUND WHITBY 1:30 PM ST AAA DETROIT AMHERST 2:30 PM PW AAA SARNIA . RAMPTON 3:30 PM PW AAA ILLINOIS LONDON 5:OOPM STAA EASTENDER AURORA 6:00 PM ST AAA HAMILTON E WELLAND 7*00 PM PW AAA ROCHESTER SARNIA 8:00 PM ST AAA GUELPH ILLINOIS 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:30 1:00 2:30 8:00 AM STAA EAST ENDER OWENSOUND 9:00 AM ST AA AJAX PICKERING 10:00 AH PW AAA ILLINOIS WELLAND 11:00AH STAAA WEXFORD CHINGUACOUSY 12:30 PH PWAA PICKERING LONDON 1:30 PM ST AA ST. THOMAS AJAX 2:30 PM ST AAA SUFFALO ILLINOIS 3:30 PM PW AA WHITBY 07TrAWA 5:00 PH PWAA PRESCOIT-R NORTH TOR 6:00 PM ST AA WATERLOO PICKERING 7: 00 PM PW AA ETOSICOKE MILTON 8:00 PM ST AAA CHINGUA- COUSY - DETROIT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30 AM PW AAA SEMI-FINAL AM BT AAA SEMI-FINAL AM PW AA CHAMPIONSHIP AM BT AA CHAMPIONSHIP PM PW AAA CHAMPIONSHIP PM BT AAA CHAMPIONSHIP KELLY P ROUDFOOT, Matthew Frise, Elaine Vickers and Andrew Morton are four of the Herdmans in the play to be presented by the Whit- by Little Theatre youth group in December. Theatre youth group present Christmnas play Whitby Little Theatre's -youth group will be presenting "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 11, 12 and 13, and at 2 p.m., Dec. 14. Michael Roantree directs the youth group presentation in which the street-wise Her- dman- kids take over a church's annual Christmas pageant, with hlarious resuits. ' Erin Sweeney narrates the play. Mrs. Bradley, conned into doing the play, is played by Melonie Hopkins and Kevin Arbour is Mr: Bradley. Clifford Branton is Charley Bradley. Elaine Vickers, Kelly Proudfoot, Matthew Frise, Andrew Morton, Sarah Leaney and Geoff Vickers are the incorrigible Herdmans. The play will be presented in the Centennial building, Centre St., Whitby. Tickets are $4 and are available at the door and at Mid- dleton's Stationery, 113 Dundas St., Whitby (668-2492).j Whitby atoms play in KiLtehener The Brooklin-Whitby Checker's Variety miner atonis- par- ticipated in the Kit- chener Blueline AAA miner tournamnent over the weekend. Whitby piayed three gamnes and came up with one win OFIC DESIGN " OESKS e TABLES " FILING CABINETS ~ " AODING MACHINES " TYPEWRITERS *CASH REGISTERS *ELECTRONIC CALCULATORS S TEEL LOCKERS e FANS *SHELvING a TUIERECOfiDERS *TRANSFER CASES ETC. a OUPLICATING MACHINES :)MPLETE PRINTING SERVICE 8 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Shopping Plaza, Ajex Telephone 416-683-1968 end 416-683-1970 and two lesses. In the first game, Whitby lest te St. Catharines by a 5-3 score. The Whitby teamn maintained a tie game until the lest three minutes of the third period when St. Catharines scored twice - once on an empty net. Wayne Primeau and Jeff Montaigue scored for Whitby with Primeau getting two geals and one assist, and Mentaigue getting one goal and two assists. Montaigue was named player of the game. In the second game, Whitby defeated Guelph with a 6-2 score. A strong team effort was given by all Whitby players. Wafyne Primeau and Tim Chai each scored two goals, with Paul Dillon and Jeff Montaigue scoring one each. Jeff Montaigue, Mk Hogen, Andre Maroîs and Wayne Primeau; assisted on the geais., Chai was named player' of the game for Whitby. In the final game, the Kitchener AAA team proved to be very strong and defeated Whitby 7-1, Paul Brooks broke the Kitchener shutout in the lest 30 seconds of the game by scoring the only Whitby goal. Brooks was assisted by defencemen Mike Hogan and Jon-Racicot. Brooks was namied player of the game for Whitby. LISTINGS WANTED 3 bedroom house with recreallon room . north Oshawa S95,000.OO FRED G îLES REAL ESTATE BROKER 433-1114 ~GRAN~T~ F"" ,Co*pmmwnm DAVERONEY IM COMPLETELY SO LD OUT! If you would like to seli your home before Christ- mas you can have my complete attention because ..l'M SOLD OUT AGAIN (and can give you preferred service). IF YOU'AE GOINO TO SELL THINKOF DAVE RONEY 4% EXCLUSIVES5% MLS I DOIN'T JUST LIST HOMES, I SELLTHEMII 668- 4000 Bus, or 668-8339 Res. ?INTING 1