PAGE 10., WEDNESDÀY. NUVEMBER 26e 1986, WHITBV FREE PRESS Gallery stages Olde Tyme Christmas The Station Gallery will host its l4tb annual :1Ç Olde Tyme Cbristmas on Saturday, Nov. 29 and Sunday, Nov. 30 fromn noon to 5 p.m. eacb day. Olde Tyme Christmas at the gallery bas a special kind of mood, one of festivity, frien- dship and old-fashioned cbarm. There is- tbe smell of a freshly cut Cristmxas tree, hot spiced eider and home-baked goodies. There will be a selection of bandcrafted pieces by area craftspeople including pottery, stained glass, weaving, dolîs, jewellery, han- dpainted garnients and Christmas decorations. Another feature will be a display of art by several memnber artists whicb will include paintings, prints, photography, drawings andsculptpre. There is pottery by Barb Kimbaîl, doils by Anne Paulocik, stained glass lamps by Chris Montgomery, photograpby by* Mary Ellen McQuay an d weaving by Weavers Unlimited. For those witb a sweet-tooth, there will be baking by galler-y members in tbe tea roorn and bake shop., On Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. there will be draws for four prizes: a framned limited edition print of tbe Station Gallery by Claire McAlister-Gass, a handmnade quilted pillow by Paulocik, a handmade candy gingerbread bouse by Ebba Nortb and a family member- ship for tbe gallery. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. The Station Gallery is located at tbe corner of BEA ARNOLD and Marg Lloyd of Weavers Unlimited Henry andVictoria Streets inlWhitpy. wear some of their woven clothing behind a table Olde Tymne Christmas is an annuai fun- featuring some of the handcrafted items. whieh will be draising event for the Station Gallery. For available at the Station Gallery's Olde Tyme Christmas furtber information please contact Linda J Pauloik, director/curator at 668-4185. this Saturday and Sunday. WE'VE GONE BUT ONLY UNTIL MONDAY Buy any one o f the Items shown. and we'Il give you a box of Christies Premlumn Plus crackers (whlle quantities last).ý In the box you'll flnd a coupon fora $20 or $30 cash rebate from Philps. Offer expires Monday, December 1, 1986. - Philips MW153MT * Mlcrowave Oven e 15 litres of oven space e 35 minute timer a Removabie giass tray a Dual cooking modes a One-toucb door release a Interioroveniight e Simple touch contrais - Compiete with turntebie ta ensure every meai ls cooked evenly. $259 after rbt Buy any PhilIps Mlcrowave Oven by this Friday, November 29, and get a free quartz wal dock worth $49.95 PhIlIps ZOCNIO5O * 20(51 cm) diagonal portable * Solid-state chassis * Dark-Lte pîcture tube * LED channel readout * 82 channel randam * 82 channei random access digital TUNING o'4" (10cm) plezo tweeter and full !ange speaker " Automatic Fine Tunlng " UHFNHF antennas " Silde volume contrai " Grlned wainut finish on woad product Philps VRT90 VCR *Front ioading 1* Auto power *Four head system e Auto play *X5 and X5 earch a Auto rewind *Sow (S P/5LP) . 7 daysl4 events *16 Position/1 17 Channel eiectronic tuner *17 function lnfrared remote contrai "Speciai" prices good until Dec. 13 PHILIPS - 76 BALDWIN ST. BROOKLIN 1 i, (HWY. 12) 655-3306 Reg $5«9 Speciai $5M $499 af ter rebate $409 af ter rebate Heart and Stroke Foundation is looking for volunteers The Whitby cbapter of tbe Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation requires volunteer zone leaders for tbe February campaign. Main responsibilities include liaison between captains and campaign cbairman; recruiting captains from neigb- bors. friends and associates; providing training and support for captains; distributing supplies to captains. ln- terested parties sbould caîl Jili Camerson, volunteer contact for Witby 668-1829) or Jim , Gartbsbore, president of tbe Witby chapter (668-3229). Reg $M8 Speclal $2M CRIME STOPPERS By SGT. S. RYRIE S Durham Co-ordinator Crime Stoppers and the Durbam Regional Police are asking for tbe public's assistance in solving a car theft and later a robbery wicb occurred in the early bours of April 4, 1986. At about 2:30 in the morning a mnan entered a bouse on St. Peter St., Witby and stole a set of keys'for a 1986 Pontia6 Grand AM wbicb was parked outside. He tben drove tbe vebicle to tbe Brooklin .area and at about 3:55 in tbe morning be entered anotber bouse on tbe 8tb concession. He awoke tbe occupants of this bouse wben he opened tbe door and be was seen to wà lk down the ballway carrying a sbotgun. Tbe owner of tbe bouse got up and asked the suspect wbat was going on, at wbich time tbe suspect levelled the sbotgun at bim, deman- ding "a beer". Tbe owner managed to find a 40-oz. bottle of scotcb and gave it to the suspect wbo then left and drove away in the stolen car. Tbe car was later found aban- doned on Annes Street at Hwy. 401 in Wbitby. The suspect is described as: white maie 20- 21 yrs., 6' in heigbt, slim build, light brown sbort bair, wearing a dark coat. A re-enactmnent of this c rime will be sbown on CITY-TV on Tbursday, Nov. 27 et 6 and 10 p.m. It will also be sbown on CHEX and CK- VR-TV on Friday, Nov. 28. Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000. to anyone providing information wbich leads to an arrest in this case. Similar amounts will be paid for TIFS leading to an arrest in any serious crime. Callers do not bave to give tbeir names or testify in court. The Crime Stoppers numbers are: 222-8477 local to Toronto; 1800-387-8477 toll free for ail long distance calîs. Sgt. Sandy Ryrie of tbe Durbam Regional Police force writes tbis article to belp combat crime. A citizen board administers tbe program, one of more tban 600 Crime Stop- pers programns across Northb America. -Tbe at our, ~' ountry 1848 Store We have a lovely selection of handmade products by local crafts people to consider for gift-giving including:- decoys, bread-dough ornaments,) corkboards, pottery, folk art products, and many more. Gourmet sauces, Spice cards, Herb vinegars9î Relishes, ' Dressings, Horehound twists 750~, Homemade candies, Lim. Ed. Miii Plates $9.95. * Ail your Christmas baking supplies: flour, sugar, R * mixed fruit, peel, nuts., honey, spices, extracts, dried fruits, coconut, chips., etc., jROKI at bulk-store prices. CSEL DE. AB ROQKLIN FLOUR MILLS H. 655-4851 23 CASSELS RS. E., BROOKLIN 12 WIB ~~WHI)B v