PAGE B., WEDNESDPIY9 NOVEMEIER 12<, 1.986, WHI.TBY FREE PRESS Bertha earns Ontario caward The Ontario Nursing Homes Association recently presented. Bertba Atkinson, a resident of Sunnycrest Nursing Home, with lifetime achievement award. The award was presented ta Mrs. Atklnson in recognition of outstanding llfetixne achievemnent and a cammnitment to serv'ing ôthers. The award was open to ail residents of Nur- sing Homesin Ontario. Four awards were presented throughout, the province.' Sunnycrest submitted the biographies of 15 residents, wlth each of the participants receivlng a letter of recognition from the association. Mrs. Atldnson was barr on Jan. 22, 1889 in Clowne, Chesterfield, England. She graduated from the Chesterfield Public Teacher's College in 1907 and returned. ta Clowne te teach elementary school. In 1911, she becamne a registered nurse, receiving a silver medal forbligh grades. From 1911 to 1920 she worked as a surgical nurse. Durig World War II, she taught men first aid, bow to make bandages with whatever was available and taugbt police officers how to act as midwives. She also delivered babies under stalrwells durlng bomnbings and did her rounds as district nurse on a bicycle durlng blackouts. Mrs. Atkinson worked 45 years as a nid- wife, deliverlng 100 babies a year. In 1956, she emligrated to Canada wlth ber daughter and grandchlldren. She became a resident at Sunnycrest Nur- sing Home on Sept. 2, 1983. TOTAL ENE isa pre-authorized line can be used at any time for any reason you wish. Plus, interest which is rnuch lower than credit card rates, is flot charged un- tii you actually use your TOTAL UINE. And using your TOTAL LINE is simple and convenient. You can access your TOTAL UINE through a personal- ized TOTAL UINE Cheque; a cash advance at any National Trust branch; tbrough any National Mlust TOTAL Money Machine or any one of over 11,000 money machines across Canada and the U.S. dlisplaying CERUS' or CIRCU1Tm symbols. CIRCU't' ,S a rdunaSUud fldf l he Bank ofMontrW BERTHA ATKINSON dlsplays the award she was presented with by the Ontario Nursing Homes Association for lfetime achievement. Urban 1p Rossian A proposed urban design plan has been drawn up to guide development of proper- ties northeast of the Rossland Rd. and Gar- den St. intersection. Two development ap- plications have been made for properties within the quadrant area which have a coin- bined area of 9.81 hec- tares (?4.2 acres). Costain Limited, which owns 4.57 hectares (11.3 acres), has applied for a subdivision of 92 single famlly dwellings. Two numbered companies, which own 2.3 hectares (5.7 acres), have ap- plied for rezoning for a 136-unit condominium apartment, four-storey retail-office building, 20 street townshouses and parkette. Whitby planning department is now con- sidering the ap- plications only as input e into the urban design plan. Other of the il af- fected landowners witbin the quadrant also attended a recent public - workshop to discuss the TOTAL UNE gives you the freedom to re-decorate your home, buy a new car or go on a well-deserved vacation the moment you need it. TOTAL LUNE gives you the control to determine your own financial plan by ailowing you to, consolidate bills or invest in an opportunity the moment it arises. TOTAL UNE gives you the peace à -f mmnd that comes froni know, -he funds are there when you need themn, especiaily ini an emergenc3y Find out more about TOTAL UNE today at your nearest National Trust branch listed in the Whiite Pages. When you need a boan, TOTAL LUNE is ail you need. CIRRUS U M99MtWoetrdaMl, Cg CIRRUS SyRRuns mc lntroducing - - - - - - TM * - Only from MATIONALTRUST LuA National Victoria and Grey Trustco Company PICKERING Pickeriag Super Centre ian drawn up for Ld/Garden area design plan. There are currently 12 houses on the property, with access to either Roasland Road or Gar- den St. Planning department bas divided the quadrant into four design mars. Planning and design con- sdrtoshave, been proposed for each area. The ýCostaîn property makes up one ares, the largest in. the design plan, and is adjacent to Bassett Blvd., the colector road for any future residential development... The second ares la comprlsed of five single family dweilings on 0.94 hectar (2.3 acres) of land on Rossland Rd. The third ares, 2.3 hec-, tares,, has two single family dwellings owned by the numbered com- panies, with access to Rossland Rd. The fourth area, two hectares (4.9 acres), has five single family dWellings fronting Gar- den and Rossland. The next meeting to consider the urban design plan is to be beld in December. Subdivision planned Phip Limited has applied for a rezoning ot an agricultural property, at 391 Garrard Rd. (part Lot 18, Concession 3) to permit a sub- divisionof 169 single family lots. Minimum lot frontage would be 15 metres (50 feet) and minimum lot area, 510 sq. metres (5,490 sq. ft), in the proposed sub- division. There la currently a single family dweiling on the property. The town's planning department says Whltby and Oshawa have jointly funded an engineering study to determine a functional alignment for Mountbatten Rd. The developer has proposed an agnment which is outside of the proposed subdivision. The subdivision plan has been referred to the engineering consultant for input into the study. Whitby's planning department will later report on the subdivision plan. Chocolate -A B Sale Factory c We hand make ail our chocolates using only the f inest Dutch chocolate. Truffles $10) ,5 L Bon Bons $10 75 L Hop in for a cWi&g~M cIIocIAWd vý 9 arn- 10 pm Free Sample M3 Beech St. W Vhitby 430;.1652J The Department of Health Services currently has several openinga for PRE.NATAL TEACHERS Working with groupe of expectant parents,appiicants shouid have knowledge of maternai and Infant heaith, posase excellent com- munication akilis and an underatan- ding of group dynamios. These positions are open ta Registered or Public Health Nurses with current Certificates of Camp. etence ftrom the Caliege of Nurses af- Ontario. Previaus reiated experience wouid be an asset. Saiary wiii be $45.00 per ciass and there wiii be a minimum of 4 sessions per year (7 classes per session). Please note these classes are oniy D heid In the evening. Please reply ln confidence, by November lgth, quoting file number 88-57-016, to: DURH Siaffing Coordinator k,"The egional Municlpallty of Durham REGI 605 Rossland Road East M WhItby, Ontario LlN 6A3 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ""~Àlyou need t -write vour own boan. OSHAWA WHITBY AJAX 32 Slmcoe St. S. 723-5207 -352 Brock St. S. 666-18M0 Harwoed Place Mail S. -30 Duadas St. S. 668-324 683-7344 B!. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12..ý t9e6, WHI.TBY FREE PRESS