WHilIBY V HEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1986. PA~GE 27 K-Mail zoning recommended W. Vanda Hayward and May Mailoy in their new store Hairdiressers open Heads Unkrnited Vanda Hayward and May Malloy are eagerly planning the openiag of their new hairdressing salon in Whitby, Heads Unliniited. Both former employees of Scissors, the two decided to go into busipess for tbemselves, having plenty of experience beblnd tbem. "'We love it," says Malloy of preparation for their aew yen- ture. «weuihiakit'sgreat." Hayward, 3,. worked as a bairdresser at Dickens & Jones departaient store in London, England for five years before she and her busband arrived in Canada in 197o. She has worked at Scissors for the past three years. Malloy, 29, was a hairdresser at "She" in Paisley, Scotland, for M six years before coming to Canada witb ber husband in 1979. She bas worked at Scissors for seven years. Canada was the "land of op- portuaity" for the two British hairdressers, they say, and their busbands, who both work at General Motors. Malloy recently gave birtb to twin girls. She also bas a four- year.old son. Hayward, a Brooklin resident, bas an eigbt- year-old son and six-year-old daugbter. Good friends for seven years, the two bave set up shop at 110 Dunlop St., Wbtby, in the former location of Tbrifty Cuts. Tbey plan to offer ail types of bair- dressing services and provide a friendly atmnospbere. The coffee Is always on, they say. In what was described as a l"housekeeping matter," Whitby council bhas recommended that the K-Mart plaza be recognized as commer- cial within the Durham regional officiai pladn. The property, at the southwest corner of Dundas St. E. and Ken- dalwood Rd., conforms to the district commer- cial designation in the Whitby officiai plan. But the region's officiai plan designates the property as residential. The applicant, Devesc Group Properties Inc., wants the plaza area in- cluded within the Dun- das/Thickson sub- central area of the Whitby plan. That would put the property withmn the sub-central area of the region's plan. In 1982, the Whitby planning department considered including the K-Mart plaza ln the Dundas/Thickson sub- central area. But the 400,000-sq. ft. limit on commercial fioorspace ln the sub-central area of the region's plan cid, Marigold to expand Marigold Lincoln Mercury Sales Ltd. has made application to convert a vacant house into a used car sales of- fice. No comments were -made at a recent public meeting to hear the ap- plication by the Whitby dealer, located at 206 Anderson St. The house is located on the dealership's property. A rezoning is requxred to permit the conversion. not allow an extension. So the _plaza was unrecognized as part of the region's sub-central area. However, the region is now preparing. an amendment to increase floorspace capacities across the region. The amendaient to the Whitby plan will expand the boundary of the Dundas/Thickson sub- central area along Dun- das St. and Nichol Ave. eastward to Ken- dalwood Rd. The designation of the K- Mart plaza would be changed fromn district commercial to major commercial. For the Wbitby plan amendînent to be ap- proved, the region's plan also has to be amended. A public meeting on the application was recently held by Whit- by's administrative committee. In response to questions from coun- cillor Tom Edwards, a Devesc representative said there were no plans to expand the fies market operation. At the following ad- ministrative committee session, during which the amendment was recommended to the region, Wbitby planning director Robert Short said the amendment should have been deait with "some time ago. " He said the buiflding could now be expanded within the floorspace capacity of Whitby's existing bylaw. OPEN flOUSE 9 A.M. ta 6 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 22, 1986 *Refreshments *Free Draw *Free Glfts See us for glfts unider $30. Mve Vldeo AccessorlesMols 76 BALDWIN ST.,. HWY. 12, BROOKLIN HEJGHTS THE LION'S SHRE 0F VALUE MERRICK HOMES' 11,111$11019990 "MI The Hickory 1521 sQ.Fr.$1 22,990 Fully detaehed above grade homes in the ravined area of Harmony Heights. Choose from the Forest Series (with five appliances ineluded)1 BE117ER THAN ANY1'IING BEFORE. Sales Office Hours: Mon-Fri: i p.m. to 8 pm. Sat-Sup: il ar.. W 6 li.r. 723-8111 ...because you have other things to do!' Let's discuss yourcleaning needs *Bonded Employees *Supplies and Equipment, *Guaranteed Service Supervised Teamn Cleaning Serving Whitby e Oshawa e Bowmanville ---723-7558