Whitby Free Press, 12 Nov 1986, p. 25

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WHITE<Y FREE, PRESS. WEDNESDÀV, NUVENE- 12, 1986, PAGE 25 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLA~IFI[L ~UNCEMENS pfES- UNEMPLOYED? The Unem- playeri Hlp Centre cen asslsi with: Employment caunsetîîng, CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcoming marriage. Pleane slow aur sumptes af augraued weddlng Invitations et yaur leleure In aur Aies Plaza store. formation, or criais rafarrais ta plies, 6n31968. -WORD PRQ)CESSING atharageucies. Caii 579-1821. *LEGALJMEDICALSEC. Tira ublidran af JOHN AND -RECEPTIONISTITYPIST MURIEL BURTINSKY of Whitby. *BOOKKÉEPINGCLERK' 1RTCYU Invite famliy and triauds ta an *ACCOUHTINGIBUISNESS HROM' E OanHasetacierua er -FASHION un601h uedding ennîversary on MERCHANDISING Compote lusrted guida ta SnaNv1 rm2t .. DSO homne security againai tiras, et taMNlo Tefrmptea 203 . EIG RSTURN alarme, Insecte 'sud bumieors. Ccru t hty eI OEAINIGT [75potpaid, satisfaction CohaeS. ltyBs OEAINMGT guuranteed. Still Wshas OnIy. COMPUTERIZEO eot A T Bx8,SERVICE Station A, Toronto, MSW DENTALCHAIRSIDE IC7 ASSISTANT ,mnay ha avaitabla RENOVATIONS snd Drywaii -Job Placement Assistance doua t resonabla prices. Cati CRAFT SALE. Set. Nov. 15. Od- TORONTO 886549d1liows Hall. Begat Si., Broablin SOHOOLO0 (off Cassoa Rd. East) 10 a.m. -. I-ICq EXPERIENCED mîllabie cleanfing lady MlI lhomoughiy cdean your home, speclai services for seniors inctuding meais and taundry, rfrancas. Cali 666- 4887. WILL DELIVER femiture, heip' you ta maya. dlean up bock yards and buuemants and smait odd lobs. Very rausonabte rates. Cili LAURIE JENNETTE WILSON Passed away suddeniy t the Pasqua Hospital, Regina, , Saskcatchewan Thijrsday, November 6, 1986. D7ear mother of Heather 0f Regina and Bonnie of Oshawa, On- tario also a sister Cora (Cotjiter). of Frankford, Ont. In her 68th year. Resting at the Kenora Funeral Chapter, Saskatchewan. Services and internmrrent by Rev. D. Patton at the Beigonie United Church 1 p.m. Tuesday, November 11, 1986. DAY CARE asuleabie lu my home, babies Included, nutrtious meals, upaciaus piayroomu, in- formai eeming uctIvities. Ask about Our pick-up service, reasonabie rates, frea bunny rab. bits for ail new corners and plan- ty of pets t0 play wiih. Celi 655- 8966. NANNY wll babysit, day or esening lu my home. $2 an irour. wantworth West area, 433.1519. p.m. Somatting for evaryone. SOLINA CHRISTMAS Bazzar end English Tea. Set. Nov. 22, 1986. 10 arn- 4 pm. Tee Raom $1.60. Ai tire Sallins Cmmunity Hall. East on Taunton Rd. from Oshawa, tum north et Solina Rd. For fur- tirer Information celi Janniter Bowmen. 263-8245. TEA AND SALE. Tire Seivetion Army Home Leagua, 122 Kant St., Whlby wIii ha holding their Au- nut Tesuand Sale. Nov. 29. 1-3 pm Featured ull ha baka goda, crlets.kuIt goodu. white elephant tabla, percai past sala. Everyoue weicome. WHITBY YACHT CLUB' Indloor Yard Suie. St. Nov. 15, 9 arn. - 4 pm. Go off Basalina Rd. at.,en- Iranca 10 Dr. Ruddy Hospital sud foiiow eign. COME TO THE FAIR ..The Rayai AgrIcultursi 'Winlar Pair. Tire Wrda largest Indoor harse & agriculturai feur. Cama loin this celabratian of agricelurai und aquina excelence. Nov. 1322. Exhibition Place, Toronto. For In- formation cai 4161 3938400, tickets &aeauvailabia through BASS. xuxsusxxxxxxxxuxxux ADULT VIDEOS SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER OUR FEATURE FILM ATS$14.95 CALLTOLL FREE TO ORDER 1800-883-7834 TO ORDER OUR FULL COLOR CATALOGUE AT$3.95 CALL 1-W04-382-5511 MEET SOMEONE NEW. Since 1967. we have Inroduced ihousends for rieudship or marriage. Write Personal Acqueilnrce Service, 249 Bran. son Ave., Ottawa KI R 6H6. DATES GALOR><For al eges andi unattacheri. Thausendu of mem- bars anlaus ta meet you. Prestige Acquauluances calt bu- fres 1.8002639163. Hours noon tili 8 p.m. EARN EXTRA INCOMEI Laam ta prepara incarna Tes rtures by correspondance, local Franchise availabla. Write TTexrnmeSer- vices Ltd., 1304 Speers Rd.. Oak- viiia,Ont. L6L2X4. A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Tran- sport drivers neederi. Now s tire lime ta train for your Ctass A Ilcanse. For pre-screening Inter- view and lob placement intor- mation, contact Merv Onu' Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1-600-265-1260. FREE.i 1966 guide la study-ei- horne correspondance Dîpioma courues for prestigiaus cereaeru: Accoanting, Air condItIouing, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetoiagy, Elecirouicu, LegeliMedial Sacreiary, Psycboiogy, Trasel, Gruntan I5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1- 800-281121. PSYCIC LILLY Cards, palm. crysial bail. Eurapeen, 45 yeers experies- ce. nous on radioanadiTV. tor ber future predictlons. AdYlca on ail problemu. Love Mon-noge Business Heith Femly A ffaira Preset future 9 a.n. -9 p.M. 7 deys a ueek For appoinimeut cati MATURE WOMEN. esparianced, HOMES rasponsibie, dos bobysittIng eti R FOR RENT I home or your home. lMitby oniy. ' FO l NT 688-0960 afler 5. ____________________ ___________________ ONE ACRE situated on tire top of HOMES e m~a li n Pickering oseriookîng RO O ETsa.liyfr W WF RR NT Kieae, Greenmood, Aes, nîshari room ulîli calour T.V., B rougham, Brooklin leke and a parking, spaclous grounds, $80) clear uight of tire Toronto CH par wek - i n anr WHITBY - 3 bodraom tounhouse Touer. Park your tant or bud a cluanlugaieso avulieble. Cel 855. $760 par mantir plus utilîtias. cottage. (l miii ObteIn building 8966. ,BABY ITEMIS for $ale: crib, $30. Hiahuhaîr. SlIvarcrossa, $60. Change tabla uti tub, $26. Dressing table, $25. Car see, Stralaa, $40 a. Double etrolier, Perega, $1W0. FHacher Prica mobile, $12. Englisir prsm, $40. Phne 688-399. BABY ITEMIS, burgandy carniage '.90, swing cradlean sul $15. -ed $10, stufled animai mobile $10. change tabla, bath sud taungeaach. 668-7518. 579-3583. COUNTRY HOME for rent. Lacated lu Pickerng sortir aI Aia n75 acres croek, encollent for irorses, ar hobby ferm. Lots af parking. Snow ptawîng and main- tenance Iciudod. 2 bedroorne, vii Inseilad, large ait glass living room, 3 Pc. bath, largo kit- chou, artIsian waler, gardon facilitias. $550 montly, sagotiabia, rfencas a muet. Cati 855.898 pormli. uuîy aroîmontn toi a tant: oniy $25OImonth for a cot- tage. Cali 655-8966 Pickering, STORAGE SPACE locatian: ec- cos oif Hy. 7 iuul N. of Aia. 5 acres of parkng. excellent for storing boatu, trailers, trucks, campera, race cars, buses, trac- tors, heavy mechInery, building muteriais and aIrer productu. Atua ludoor starage avaitabie. Fonced ppmperty ullir iackad galas, daity acceus, $150 un- nuslly. Cali 855-896. FREE: Drop mb lire Dicison PriutIug and Office Suppiy store n lire Aies Plaza and pick ep e free capy aI theire 88Marlo Calendur. Priuied ln lwo coiours: il mekes for handy rsterence* ADVERTISING.AUTO CLUB Top cammission & bonus with teeding Mtai Club. Adverilsing sales auparienca an essai, bot nul essentiel. Fulead pert-time positions uvaliable. Contuct: Mr. Kent et (416) 986220. OVERSEAS POSITrIONS. Hu. dreds ai top paying positions. At- tractive banefits. Ait oc- cupations. Free detuiiu. Overseas Empioymant Services, DepI. WA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Ouebec H3P 3C7. PART-TIME OFFICE work uvaiiebia, setiing up eppainimen- ts uith aur clients oser tlephone. For lierview ceili6e3 3340. UNLIMITED INCOME. Jaîn aur Mailt rder pragrom, wark at hume. Far more Informatton &end $1.00t for poatage and lrendttng ta J & E Enterprise, Box 39-P. Station M, Taronto, M65 4T2. EARN THOUSANDS manthty guaranteed. Wark.et hume. Free lutarmatian, Baud seef.addressed stampad auselapa ta: BST. LYN- DON ENTERPRISES, PPO. Bax 1521, Part Perry, Ont. LOB INO. EARN 15% par year lu U.S. dollera, guareuteedi Dy wey at laading Marine Cargo Containers, retat Inco'ae-fina marine cargoý containers pay S2,325 par yaar, cen pey $4650 per year, 25 pay $118 25 par yaar, iangtb f atse la up la 15 years (5 yr. Incraman- tn), minimum tuvestrnt $3,100, ail abane lu US. dollars, euh about aur Capital Appraciatian program (416) 368,1585. Write: PacitiaRIm Container Sales Lid., 2ud itoar, 33 Yonga St., Toronto M5E 1 S9. NEEGLECRAPTERSI Ecetent incorne potentiel taachIug & sealing noedecraits for Penda Sltchcratt. Rapreaentettvas enpaciaiiy uaadad lu emuliar communities. Write Paggy An. derson, 2281 Woodward Ave., Brington, Ont. L7R lT5. DISTRIBUTORS, part lime or full lime seiiing aur high quality ina of DISTILLERS, fIters and waier suttaners. For rastientiai & commercial applications. Sa yaur owu bass and eern extra Iincame n thie growtng Iudustry. For More Information contact Watar Purity Sysiems, 537 Brant St., Burlnton, Ont. L7R 2G6, (4161 63"-503. INSURE A SUCCESSFUL FUTURE. Distributrships avaliebie lu yaur area. Invsiment $4,984. Full marketing support. Pull camprelransise tralsIng. Cuit ruw for tree tnformatian. 416) 8456890. .C. CALLING GREAT OPPOR. TUNITY for 2 fuily quliified Mchanics High Techi. Pruitucars. Fard ECCîV CartIfied opprtunity ta earn $32.000 year ai $16 haur. Lake City Fard Suies Lir., 715 Oliver St., Wiliams Lake, B.C. V2G 1iM9. "ORAMMER for people eho hate gremmar* latihe Ideel pocket relrence bookr for business People. $3.95 par copy and avaiiet ai Dickson Printiig & Office Supplies ln thre Aas Plaza. Delr inquiries invitad 6831968. STORE FOR RENT, dawniown VVdiby. 620 sq. fi. Avetiabie Nos. 15. Haut Inciuded. SSSOimnth. loi and test. Perking et roer. 666- 1228. TRUCKîNG CAREERS. Driver lob trainiug with placement heip le- aveitabie. Complete detelis cen. be meiied ta you. Phase Rddg4rs Scbolai et(416) 769-3546 with pastel code. CHILD CARE sudiar Oaveiop- maniai Workars. A uaw graup home for autisiic persoasbaing propasad ln Casantrs le. now seeking applicauls for foiiawing Positions: Ovemlght. Sieapover, Pert-time Progrant Assistance. Esparianca with davelapmantaiiy disublad persoa wouid ha an essat but not essentiel. Pieuse aubmit a rssumeanad referencas ta: Scolies Place, Box 339, Mapia, Outaria, Loi 1EO. Attention: Susan Repu, Program Directar. MEN WOMEN CROISE SHIP JOS"I 06688-CASINO WOIKESS-BECK MANBS-IEAULMCIANS-BASTI- C888-BENEUL A BOl EXCELLENT SAANES PLUS WONW TRAI EARIBUN-SUTH PAOIFIC- IAHAUS-MBtofElSANEAN- Due to0a constant turnover ln personnel, tire areaays jobo uvailablamiir h eCRUISE SHIP LuNES. Oui CRUISE SHIP EMPLOY- MENT DIRECTORYmwiiIshrow yau hou and mireata appiy for oo a lirsa higir paying and eanciling lobsaeboard Amarican cruisa siripul GUARANTEED EMPLOYMENT WITHIN 90 DAVS OR YOUR MONEY FIEFUNDED. ORDER FORM sand la: CRUISE JOBS Dapi H45 131 ELMA DR CENTRALIA, WA 98531 To ordar your 1986 CRUISE SHI P EM PLOYMEHT DIRECT- ORY, uand oniyS$10.00 cash, cheack or money ordar lodayl NAME______ _ moente pl.t ADDRESS -----APT-. CITY ___STATE___ ZIP BASYSITTER NEEDED lululme lu my home for 2 yaar aid, raqulrad ta mark siftis, Wiitby erea. Calil 668-5360. Onai aG PLANTSCAPE MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS Tenders are An- vlted to provide In- terlor and Exterior Horticultural Main- tenance for a 2 year perlod at the Michael Starr Building, 33 King St. W., OSHAWA, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI- 86-230 Seaied Tenders wiII be received until* 2:00 p.m. Local lime on TUESDAY, DEC. EMBER 2,1986. Tender Documen- ts may be ob- tained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orilia, Ontario. L3V 6K7. Note: For further Information regar- ding the Tenders, please' cail the Tenders Office at the above address, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accep- ted. MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited to Instail Zone Contrai Valves at the Jaililn WHîTBY, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-B6- 227 Seaied Tenders wil be received until 2:00 p.m. Local time on THURSDAY, NOVEM- BER 27, 1986. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E, p.0. Box 790, Oriiiia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For further In- formation regarding the Tenders, piease cail the Tenders Of- fice at the above ad- dress, teiephone (705) 325-7403. The iowest or any Tender not necessar- iiy accepted. HELP WANTED 1 Pizza Maker -Waiîrosses -Dishwashors - -1 Bar-B-Que Cook - Deiivery Drivera with own car S Appiy ln parson To: 965 Dundas St. W. ELDORaDO Whltby RESTAURANT ARE YOU OPEN FOR BUSINESS? THE CLASSIFIEDS ARE! SlFJE The ciassilied pages are for everyone j whether you are - ~ seiling or buying PLACE YOUR AD TODAYI WHIT BY FREE PRESS 668-6111 NANNyiBABYSITTER requIred. Losing, mature, energeîic. Mon.- Fri., 6:30-3:30.2 boys eges 1 and 4 yeers. Cuit 668-9718. DRIVERS with cube or slep van needad ail day Wedneudeys and Therudeys. Permanent urrangement. 68"111. RELIABLE BABYSITTER raquired Wed-Fri., 8-S, Gardon and Bradley, Whilby. Refarenceu requireri. Non-umoher prafarred. Please cal 668-9759 after 6. A AETIRED HANDYMAN carpen- ter la heip buiid umail cabine & garages lu exchunge for housIug, accommodations, and meals. Ail on e cumpground ln Pickering. Calil6558966. CHRISTMAS HELPERS neaderi irnmediatly ih car for ilghl ap- pitance compeuy. Dalles la lu- dunde dalisary andi dispiay, fll and pari-ime, uludents maicoma, $7.50 an hour Plus gus aliomanca. Calil683-3306. FAMILY THERAPISTS for Catolpe-Maneren Incorpurated, Barrie. Masiaru Dagrea, 2 yaars exparieuce. Pamiliarity ultir more then ana systemic Famiiy Tirrpy modal. Exprienca lu sexuel abuse trealmant. Appiy la PO. Boxo430, Orlitia, Ontarlo 13V 8j8. HIRINO NOWI Construction ail phases, drivers, machiniste, weidea, electricians, mecirenicu, airtInas. Sorne anlry lavai positions luP ta $32.60iflr) Tran- uCotlinentl iJob Searcir (308) 382-3700. Fea.

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