Whitby Free Press, 5 Nov 1986, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ FREE PRESS mE M PO0RI1UN ARTICLES à%. AUTOMOBILES Q h MUSICAL FOR SALE qlg FOR SALE INSTRUMENTS. CANN OLSpr8mne1988 JEEP RINIGADI 8000 ACCORDIAN 'Scandalli',' 120 cAMera31wLh 6.5pe25.5m2ovlmmles, 6 ayl., 5 apeed, psa., p.b., baeseladesa eue,Ilike uew, 3900) aes excllth condition, sskiugtilt many oxres, 312400. 685-. Ito. rgan - Lawry 'Magia Genie $125sa eantconeritPono 686. 488â2, aller86p.m. Be-, electric, Ilke new. $3,0001Il-. $25o1 bot nening . P O68-- rplaceme. nt value $5000. Tel. 227, eenngs îU 108 LS98 Rgency 350, sluer065-4480. LAWN SWEEPER Lambrt 26" adjualable heloht. excellent con- dition (hrdif usso, retlis for $100 - a bargain ai $6. Phono 654-4990. 20" COLOR TV table modie, Bauid Blate, $145. Hammand electranta argan., 2 ksybaarda. sulomall rhythm section, atlInluded, $M6. I-igh idsiify speakeor aystem, 70 wats, air suspension, 12 woafer, 5" midrange, 3" tweeter, bnIlisuce contrat 2"x1"xll", $180 pair. Fouser boit drven tumlebtle, magnlia cartridge, sti.skattng sud avrhang cheakor wlh duel covsr, $75. Phone 688-4008. KITCHEN electrc wal maunl globe lght flturo, of f whte with pelnted rosa tntm, brown sud gold, $5, Pal lghl rocssaad aellng filxuro, $4. Chsuge table, white, $25. Ralubarrl. $5. Eght plus rallinga, $20.6e55-4682. ROUND OAK podestat tabla for sale, 6 matahing chaire, 56 canes for table, ail 'n excellent con- dition, asklng $1.308 ar beet cfter for st, muet oeil. Aiso clarînet fotalie, $100. Caill8-663. HOMELITÉ eloctrIa generator, M0 w, ussd anas, liseaItanar 8500,aei $35. 855-3413, aller 5 P.m. exteIrl, bise Intorior, loaded ______________ wtth options, onty 86,000 km, wslt maInfainod, asklng $55.200 cr tified. 655-4712. 1978 DODO! Tradeeman 300 Van, carpel sud panel, soteuded roof, aaking $3,000 or boat offer. 66& 3991,aflerop.m. 1978 PLYMOUTH Caravelle, air condition, 90,000 km., goad con- dîtIan, $1.200 or bout affer. Tetephcoe66-765. 1977 DATSUN F10 good engins, body fair, no mest, valus job sud goad tires, $850 as. Phono 66&- 6457. 1977 HONDA Hatchbeck, 4 seed, new clutah, rqbulit motor, needa body work, $700 or boat af- fer. 6684528. 1874 FORD pick up 'A ton F100, $450. 1977 Olde Delta 88, drIosn daity, can b. certlflsd, $85 or af- fer. 1975 Cemaro, nmode body *ark, runs gaadl, $35 or aller." 723-2818 or 4364115. 1973 BUICK Contury 350-4 aulomalla, ps., p.b., rad and trso tsel fait, nssds &omne body wri,, aaking $400 or beel offer, as le. Phone 723-8303. SOFA à CHAIR $30. CoItes table, $35. Sterea stend, $75. ', ARTICLES Orange tub chaiýr, $75. Back 9m >5FR SAL ewinol rocker, $00. Tel. Bus. 441- W FRSL 7869, Home 831-91i. AIRTIOHT Carmor woodtone, Inserte 'nIa regularflrepiace, glass door, goid rIm, sskIng $225. Phons 686-005. FOR SALE dm0115e table, square, chrome loe senta , supanding 10 seat 8, $55.86661896. CUSTOM MADE malching living mcom and dining roam eheero, lvory wth goid ovrheor, 25 fi. for living rooro and 10 fi. for diing roam, excellent condition, $55. Phono 668-580. CHESTERFIELD wllh matchlng chair, ana swivei chair, $300. will deilver. Calil571-0888. FRIGIDAIRE 301 etectria atone, avacado green, nery goad con- dition, $175. Coli 433-4889. ELECTROHOME humidifier, $80. Food proaesseor, Moulluso, hardiy uaed, $55. Phoneo 668-328. FOR SALE girls figure skates, suze 2, $15. Chiid lced skating helmet, $7. Phonoe68-1118. PETS & SUPPLIS MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS, S maie pupplea, CKC rogiaterod;, shota, dewormod and homerotsed, goad with chlldron, uoo-sadding and nan-allergia, $40 emc. Cati Part Penry <418> BABY ITEMS for sale: crlb, $30. Highchalr, SiIvercrosse, $50. Change fable wllh tub, 325. Drestugtable, $25. Car aeals. SIrotea, $40 ee. Double afroîler, Foega, $100. FHacher Prias mobile, $12, Eugîfeh pram. $40. Phone 888-399. UTMOTIVE .~e ::R/ARIPATS, SNOW TIRES two UnIroya t eel belled radial. P185180 R13, $50. Two steel b.ltsd radial, 0R78-15, $50. Two F78-14, $30. Ailtlires mounted ondmu. Cau 668-3418. FOUR VARI fit 140x6*' chrome wrs basket whoe and four Uiorae Tiger Paw E70xl4 tires, $200. Four B.. Ooadrich Euro TA. 235M8HR14 on 4 Cheviot 1hot wrer atumlnum wheola 14x7" la - fil 79 and up Mustang/Capri, 80 and up T-BirdlCaugar, ail breud new, aael $1200, saili for $950 fîno. Compste ans now sot (4) Cragar SS wheol apinnero, $45. 318 malar jgoad), $250. 1980 225" super sisal six and aulamaa transmissIon gaad, $250. Phono 65%3268. PARTS FOR a 1983 hall ton truck, 6 cyl. malor, A-I condition, $15. 655-3410. NEW &USED CAR BOYS READ ...BUVY...SELL JUST CALL 668-6111 Note: Re Emporium: As of This Issue No Further Ads Are Belng Accepted ln This Section. Pressent Ads WIII Run to The End of their 3.Month Run But WIII be Intermlxed Wth The Other Classlflods Af ter This Issue Watch for New Classi*fied Ad Rates to be A nnounced Soon Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisements. Ado must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or canceiled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your FOR SALE. Air Coodllouer SUNFLOWER IRD PIED for $SACRIFICE SACRIFICE$3 UNEMPLOYED? The Uoem- 12,000 BTU, MesS pteypen, Crib a lses50 Ibn. cdean for $11. ex buildings prIced for Immediate ptoyed Help Centre con.888lot sund mattrosseos <wood & paîntod) cellent qualily. Cali 1-4204) 853- liquidation.Al i tems lu stock. wiIh: Employmenl Counseiilng, lîk new, Office chair wood 7337 or 1-(204) 475-6245 Win- 28x400t4 $3,996. 40xxo4 Raumes, Uuemptoymont lu- »Iie), Raeigh Sprle Mens 30" ipog. Witt auppty sny amount. $65w0. 46x80x14 $9,250. surance, Worksra' Compen- 10 apesd bicycle udSd twics>. 2 _____________- 70jc9Ox24 $21.789.'Variousalszes saflon, O.H.t.P. end welters lu- Snow Tirenew) 145 SR13 Radial New PORTABLE BAND SAW. enaluable up to 120 il. wide. Fac- formation, or criais reforrala ta 9 m Dunlop steel b.ltod, Window MILLS. Witt aaw from 24" dia. tfa tory direct clearance. Serions ofheragoncies. Cait 579-1821. Well s, gelv. steel. Mi nI Tram- polI ne, Sfacking Wood chairs (chlld'a), Swmmlng pool winter cavereand baga (used on@ wlter)'- Saler Blanket sud 1Raller fIls160x 36 pool, Piywood efecklng fables <hlde hslght). Tel: 6800-2019. MICRO FURNACE space ege heater saves you maney, dont be tlait Inîthe cold arder yaurs lodsy. 6W3638. MAIRESSES sud bou sprlngs'et half prce. McKeen Fumîture, 524ý Sîmo Street. Sauth, Oshawa-. 725-5181. USED STORE dlsplay racks for boakseand carde, Whitby Free Proe,66841l11. GEOTYPE prose-on etterIng 00W ln stock et Dckeon Prinlng & Of-, fics Supplies ln the Aax Shop pîng Pla. Large soieclion af styles sud sizos. Why psy more for a amaler sheet of ettering? 683-1968. HARDWOOD LOOS for firewood, 12 cord usad5 deiiverad, 705754- 2258, Mordit B"rr. hHEROES aif1the Bibis" colourtng book avalabie at Diokeon Prîn- ting & office Supplies, Ajax Plaza, 6831968. Daler Inqurias Inited. CHESTERFIELD suites. javoese, seclIonae, lesa than %a price. Large selection. MoKeen Furollure, 524 Slmcoe B. S., Oshawa. 7255181. VISIT aur ueed furnîlure warehouee by appalntmenl, Big. savinga on deeke, chairs, Mling caubineIs, etc. Caîl Dickson Prin. ting & Office Supplies ta arrange an appolulment ta view. 683- 1968. CHIRISTIAN CONFERENCE UP- DAT. DalIed Journal coverIng every major Evangelical couler ence In Ontarlo,, Norheaslern USA.ý Be thora withoutl allen. dingl Write: Symposium. Box 222, Halburtan, Ont. K0M 100. ANTIOUE-spool b.d, ingle size. $175. Cail afler6 pm. 684"549. 3 PIECE bedraom suite, solid oak $1800 or bet aller. 683-6063. MAHOGANY wardrabe, 5 drawer wilh loset apace. $500 or best affar. 883-8063. GOOD USED Fumture and ap. pItancoes, 001 amething 10 oeii, Give John a yetl. My Dada Store, 116 Brook St., S., Whltby, 430 0561. A LARGE floral airmohair, Beige, brawn and ruaI. Uke new. $125. Phone 868-2967. T.V. Tower sud antenna for sala. Ready for pick up. Very reasouabie. 68-2276. USED 50' T.V. lower and rotor $110. Appty 401 Green St., Whit- by. GISELE IRELAN's lsisal retease, "BRACE YOURSELF', le a provocative humour that guaraulees iaughe. Ideat Christ- mas Gifle. Sond $7 ta Bumpe Books, Teoswater, Ont. NOG 2S0. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLA Visa card ready when calling. If. billed - $6,00 for 20 words; 14t each additional word. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12e each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- st 50 words; 12t each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 43 perline. (No Word ado aIIowed>. B OX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- citional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press wiIl make 30" dias. Loge-by16,. tram $.1 & up. Cali or wite for brochure. ENTERCRAFT MFG. R.R. 1. Barrie, Ont. tAM MY. (705) 726 3293. USEO DESKS, files, -atoragé-'! cabinets, saskIng office chairs, sIeel adjutable uheiving, store dlspiays. Blaira New and Ueed, 21 Ateo Ave., Woodbridge. Phone -(416) 8518100, neur l-wy. 7 and 400, Mon.Fri. 9-5. St. 101. MATTRESSES AND BOX. SPRINGSup la 50% att. Therapedia, Steepklng, Bayrent, Burrell. My Dad's Sore, 116 Brook Si.8S.. Whtby, 430-0561. ÎIONTREAL MILITARY ýSUR. PLUS: Worlcahirfs $2,75, worfc- pante $350, warltboota $15. For cataiog, aend $2 Grlmburasd ir. et ordsfl: MItaoy Surplus, Box 243, Si. Timothee., Que. JOB iXO. bu-er; nty. Ait builngs prîcsd for Immediate detivery cali toit. fres 1-8003872115 or 1416-858& 2448. A.Z PrsEng. BUILDINGS. New types, steel & wood, quonset, cîaddlng. Far rue vaius,.aaîion & answara (418) 626-1794. Leave message or cotisaI aller 6 p.M. weokends. Aek for Watty. Free brochures. 3 LIKE NEW tirown Masan Win-- dows. 83" x 43". FIosd over atider. Thermo Pane. Weather guard finish on cedar. $1.200. Appiy 401 Greon St., Whtby. STEEL BUILDING pro winter fac- tary cearance, atrolght Wall or quansot atyles, certain sîzes at apeciai diacounts, ns thousan- da, iimted quanlîlles. 'Phone PtanortEconospan loltîrso 1- 800-38748M6 MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE AGRICULTURAL STEEL ALUMINUM STORM WlINDOWS $1 99 OVER IN0 IN STOCK. WHILE SUPPLIES LAS? Iesa. ALUMINUM LADDERS $59eli STEP & EXTENSION - IN STOCK. fronm ENTANCI SYSTIN 11899 PREHUNO INSULATED STEEL, frofl s q. ALCAN VINYL SIDINO 5 9 WHIE OR VORY,8" DOUBLE,DOUBLE 4". 9sq. 2" ALUMINUM STORM DOOR CLEARANCE $1')999 SCRATCHED à GENTRO, OVER 300 IN STOCK 08. GARAGE DOORS $0 9 WOOD à STEEL IN STOCK, heom u9* CALL FOR QUOTATIONS WVm. 131GFORD Alumlnum Ses Ltd. R. R. 3 Brghton, Ont. Mon.-Fr. 68-147 8-5 (e3)47 -0521 s1t 10' x 10' GREENIIOUSE $149. a M U 1000W MoIei HalIde $185. Plus A CIN 10,000 gardening products. Great FUN FOR prces. Sand. $2 for lno-peck. THEWHOLE Western Water Ferme, 1244 FML Seymour St., Vncouver, B.C. ANONIS V8B 3N9. <048824038l.ATEDNHI WEEKENDI Type writer RENTALS tv. also SALES & SERVICE CýOMPTrERIZED a.ccauoing, bokosping, persoaa and cor- parafe taxes, ýrasumes, word pracessing. Computer hardware and software consultants. 436- 0953 or 579-003. M HOME Complote Itustrated guide ta, hoeaecurlty againat iras, M torme, Intacte sMd burglars. guaronfeed. Bil Aiocals, P.O. Box 46$. Station A, ToronIo, MSW 1C7. WATER PROBLEUS? In- lmoduoing New Techuoiagy for troaîing walIa & cietemai, afferlng sauce Ia faucet protectIon thmughout entro water aystem. RUSTY . . . BMELLY . . . BAD TASTING ... WATER, bceons, atalntng, & more. No sait or meesy choslalaî... maintenan- ce Irae. Sae the rosulta for your- soif wlh aur 6mnnth Irlat 011cr. Cati now tlure,14800-2665 or wrte Atea Water Purtttcation Syatema, 031030 Kamalo Rd., Miissauga, OnI. Ares code 807 oeil 1416444344 (colleat). ..GRAMMER for people who hale grammor" 1le 15Idoal poakel referonce book for busIneswr people. $395 per aopy and. avaliabie ai DIakeon PrIntIug &' Office Supplies lu the Ajax Plaie. Deaer InquIrlos lnvItod 8831968. CARIER CANADA College, Taronto, Ottawa, Hamilton, den- tel ahairoide asslIng, hatolîroalauraut management, travai carooro, day classes and ,home afudy. 385 Vonge Bt., Taronto, M BMA, 1-416-977- 7797. EARN EXTRA INCOMEI Leam ta propars Income Tax rtutus by correspondancs, local Franchise anailabie. Write Taex Timo Ser- vices LM., 1304 Speera Rd., Oak- ville, Ont. LOL 2X4. FREE.IWO988guide t10 aîudy-al- home correspondance Dipioma coursos for pressigioua careera:. Accounfing, Air coudItIonlng, BoakkeepIng, Business, Caameology, Elsafrouie, Legal/MedIal Secrelary, Psychoiogy, Transi, ranton (5A> 263 Adelaido West, Toronto, 1. 8008-1121. SECOME AN AUCTIONEER 85 hours of Instruction, next ases Novomber 1522. Contat South- western Ontaria Sahool aI Aua-' tioneerIng, PO. Bou 145, In. nerkip, Ont. NOJ iMO. 5191 489- 3938,(519)537-2115. LEARNI EARNI bocoms eTao Course or Basic Bookkeeplng Courses by correapandence. Freo Brochures.- no - obligation. Wrile U & R Correspondance Schoot,' 207 - 1345 Pembina Hwy., Win- nlpeg,MBR3T2B6. every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we accept no liabiity regarding loss or damage alleged to arise- through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We wiil not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publicationf to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Fridaynoon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ado. CALL 668-6111

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