Whitby Free Press, 22 Oct 1986, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 22,1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS W"itby's Most WideIy Read CLASSI fIEDAD WANTD ~ AlAt1EDNTED 17, CORPORATION OF THE ,iaiimx~i TOWN 0F WHITBY requires S TOURISM CLERK Applications, aiong with resumes including references, wiii be received by.the undersigned ln "confidence" for the above position until Monday, October 27, 1986 at 4:30 pm. QUALIFICATIONS: College dipioma ln Marketing or Travel & Tourlsm. Good Typing skills. Abiiity to communicate effec- tively, both oralty and ln writing. Applicants should possess strong interpersonai skitls, have Initiative, organîzationai abitity, neatness, ad- ministrative capacity and tact with the abiiity to presént a positive attitude for excellent public relations on the Tqwns behaif. Marketing ex- perience valuabie. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsibte to the Marketing & Economic Deveiopment Department 0f ficer for the daity operation of the Touriat Information Centre; co- ordinate an inventory of seasonai tourIsm promotions; tiaise with Ministry of Tourismn and other reiated tourist associations and government agencies; maintain statistios; supervise sumrmer staff and assist the Marketing & Economic Deveiopment Department as required. Please submit your application to: Wm. H. Waiilace, P.Adm, A. M.C.T., C. M.C. Administrator Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rosstand Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Li N 2M8 Note: We thank ail who appiy but advise that ap- plications wiii not be acknowiedged. Persons to be Interviewed wilt be notified by Friday, Novem- ber 7, 1986. CHILD CARE STAFF for part-ime and refliefworh In Christian roup Home for toubfed maie adolescents ln West Hiti. Pickering area. Cail 28e-2268, Monday 10 Friday, 10 ar.. to4 p.m., nion-emohers oniy. DIRECT SALES position open, teadis supplied by appointmanln, S3001week, fuil-time satery, only requirements are abiiity 10 iearn and own transportation. 683- 3306. LARGE EASTERN Onlarlo prInter requires immedialely a irst Web Press Operator. Localed ln prime recrealofal ares, our company Is experlencing strong growth and allers good working anironmenl and excellent compensation, ln- --ý,4n prott-sharing. Cati Ken Watts (613) 283-5650 or write Par- formance Printing, P.0. Boa 158, Smiths Flle. Ont. K7A 4T1. PERSON REOUIRED for ligIrI housekeeping dulies, two hoars per morning, Monday to Friday, for Nonember. Phone 68-6708. GRAPHIC ARTS, Peste-up, im- madilae OpeffnORful-time. Wtrt- by Free Proo, L,6-61 11. WEALTHY PEOPLE MISS ONE OF LIFE'S oeEATEST PLEASURES - PAVINO THE LAST INSTALLMENT. toi* ANSIS REOIIRED f0 comiplets pro-lnsuranca madicals on a mobile baste. Flexible hors and own transportation requIred. Cali 487-3800 days. TIRED 0F SEING broha? ars $400 to $1,200 par monlh part. lima, $2000 tn $6000 par montlt Iuli.tIme. Cati Mr. Trudaiie, 436- 1313. CARPENTERIHANDYMAN 10 asaist In restoration of cenlary home. MuaI have good carpsntry, painting and other skilis and ha able to work semi-Independantly. Cati Doug Anderson et 66111 or 688-W40. A CAREER IN TAucKING. Tran- sport drivers needed. Now l3 the lime to train for yoar Ciass licanse. For pr-screaning Inter- view and 1oh placement infor- mation, contact Marv Orr's Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1-800-265-1260. DELIVERY PERSON for nawspapars - ail day Wdnasday and Thuaday, rata nagottabla. Cali SusenAnderson ar68- 5040 or688-6111. MA CHEII Home Fashion Shows Est. 1975. toto our sac- cesalt amity oI reproentatteea ln prssetng qaattty ingerIe and loungewear et lt-home partes for wome. lt'a fan, Ite saay. t'a profitable. Cati tollfree 1-800-263- 9183. LIFE AGENTS WAHTED. Bran- ches throughoot Central and Southam Ontario, excellant compensation plan, teads exp. piad, Mutt-ines. AMNEW In- saranca Agancy Ltd., 192 Brad- ford St., Barrie, Ont. L4N 3B5 (705>722-1133. TRUCKINO CAREERS. Driver lob training with pacement help la avaleabte. Complete datails cen ha mailed ta, yov, Phone Rodgers Sohool ai (416) 769-3546 wllh postal code. TRANSCONTINENTAL Job Sear. le ch'lts companies who are hirîng lmmediataly for iredes A& professional work. Entry lavaidagreed up 10 $32.0hour. (308) 3823700, tee for IlisI. 0 At rt Cc rcl ht siç Co cul vi vic larl Cat thr Ht, car car dre beý ma wit tac Mis har stçi ls noL Chr feri furr Moi the 10 22. for qua coll or Sna tenc cepl Thre BritE Lind Littl prop ALE: Brite watn chal paric tabiE dinir tabiE mapl Bost f ree2 cook draw snov toolz AUTINS ~3~DNS -NMCOMC AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE SAT., OCT. 25 MON., OCT. 27 10:30 A.M. t :0 th PKnmenC A large sale of antiques, duntye Cnsene, - furniture, tools & coliec- lbnit entre 109 tables. The property of shawa. ANStIQUES: JEWEL HARROP and the )saw. NTQUS: late JIM HARROF, tsewood lamîp table tocated 1 mite west of eavily carved & pegged, Sunderland or 2 miles olid cedar sweater box east of Durham Rd. 23 on Igned & dated 1935 ta Durham Rd. 6. Pine blind ommemorate the Royal front cupboard, open si t, set of 4 carved face hutch butternut alto oa ohirf/ chest of drawers, pine & utoksecretary, pair o maple rope beds, 6 mat- Ictorlan parlour chair s hnprsbccai, ors ta, suit hooped sklrt chlng pesack cars, ltorlan banquet îamp, sloa heavi carved rge walnut . chna sdofa, Vîctorianls ibinet with glass on sf spinning wheelshi& iresaide, Jaes & f Ive Ice cream bar chairs, ayes settee, eariy Dun- want mre to n Fyfe dropleaf table, washst and akln tong *rvedr waainut Wesh couch, ce cream pariour ha mghne chairs: pîne bianket box, *elied glass mîrror, Bonnett dresser, butter- arble top washstand nut bianket chest, four th tled back, Art Deco Windsor type chairs, 3 dies dressing table, spool beds, seven iron lssion oak day bed, beds (some with brass), rvest table, painting black wainut sideboard îned J. Kemp. NOTE: it 15) inlrde uc lse thtouni I Boston rockers, oak ristm a ewilbe f beds, wainut washstand, irstaswewil e f- 3 Jaques & Hayes ing seiected estate sidechairs, Glngerbread nlshings every' other dlocks, wlcker chaise, onday evening. Circle antique woocien pump & se dates - November bucket, 8 pc. washstand & 24, December 6 & set, O.G. dlocks, Doors open et 2 p.m. Eastlake candie stand, viewngover150 antique copper bathtub, aiity antiques & Chiids Iron stove, Shear- lectables. Terms cash ton style drop leaf pîne approved cheque. table, pine schooi desk, ack bar. Plan to at- cher ry chest, pine Jam id, cconsIgnments ac- Cupboard, cane seated pted. chairs, Empire pedestal DALE SMITH table, swing mirror, Ironi AUCTIONEER pots, quantîty antique 434-6333 picture frames, iron sap ketttes, pine tables, nur- CORNEIL>S sing rocker, oak tables, AUCTION BARN Gunstock chairs, collec- FR1., OCT. 24 lion of antique kitchen 6:00 P.M. utensils, wooden ,ee miles east of Little decoys, partial toilet tain or 7 miles west of sets, china & glass. isay on the Lindsay Tools: Craftsman drill le BrItain Rd. The press, band sawn, 6 in. ýperty of MR. & MRS. Jointer, 8 In. Beaver table PX COWAN of Little saw, B & D bench grin- tain, plus 0f iers. 4 der, 12 In. Sears wood lnul bailoon back lathe & toils, Craftsman irs, 'upright piano, router, Beaver beit & disc lour tables, 4x8 pool sander, skiils saws, elec- le, washstands, tric drills, quantity clam- Ing room extension ps, quantity hand tools, 5 le, oak dressers, h.p. Canadiana rlding pte bunk beds, iawnmower. NOTE: sale ýton rocker, 18 cu. f t. at 10:30 a.m. sharp, star- zer, Enterprise ting with tools. Property okstove, pine cnest of soid, lunch availabie, no vers, 4 hp. M.T.D. reserve. In case of severe wbiower, quantity of inciement weather sale Is, china & gass. held untit foliowing DON CORNEIL Saturday. A large in- AUCTIONEER teresting sale wlth R.R.1 somethIng for everyone. LITTLE BRITAIN Owner & Auctioneer wil 705-786-2183 not be responsibie for ______________ any public liability, AUCTION SALE property damage or In-' FIOCT. 31 jury ta, the public in con- FR001. . nection with this auction 6:00 on.ha sale. Consigrimet set or )ieid at Columbus Cam- muniWV Centre. Partial listing Includes 9 PC. dlnlng roomn sets, cherry wood secretariai ibrary, aid phanograph, Etec- trohome organ and more. See next weeks paper for Complote listing. Con- signments welcome. Sale managed and soid by: OARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS Conslgn or Inquire 655-4185 DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F LINDA ANN WENZEL, DECEASED. Ait ciaims against the Estate of Linda Ann Wenzei, late of the Town of Whitby, ln the Regional Municipality of Durham, Factory Worker, deceased, who died on or about the lOth day of May, 1985, must be filied wlth the undersigned personal representatîves on or before November l5th, 1986; tttereafter the undersigned wiii dîstribute the assets of the said estate havlng regard only t0 the dlaims thon f lied. Dated at Whltby, On- tario thîs l7th day of Oc- tober, 1986. ANDREW OTTO WENZEL, Adminîstrator by his Solicitors, Coath, Lvingstone & Johnston, P.O. Box 327, 101 Dundas St. W., Whitby, Ont. LUN 5S4. Charlie bs only a few steps away from the Ajax Police Stetion I from Dickson Printing for his anticipated long confinement, CL USTIl. 8316 V7ae~~~Z~ -~ Bro:1k1in Byliries Cai655-3679 wlth Items for this colutan It's World Series time again and even if the Jays didn't make it to the end this year, the spouises of sports nuts stili have a lot to contend with. I saidr spouses because I understand there are some females of the species aithougli my experience'has been with the maie variety. Anyway, these aberrations of homosapiens always act lilce the world wil corne to an end if they miss one second of one gante. Which means that they get in a stock of portables and goodies and hole up in front of the boob tube for the duration. There's no use planning on going anywhere or even staying home to watch a good movie. Now that there are satellites, cable and TV dishes, no maLter how many sets you have in the house, they manage to find a game for each one. To make matters worse, Grey Cup fever sets in nowadays even before the iast out in the lasL inning, and if there's any slack, hockey season kicks in to take it up. Once upon a time there were a few days respite between seasons when I could reintroduce the kids to their father and let hlm see how much they'd grown since he'd last seen them, but flot. anymore. Now that we have round-Lhe-clock, year- round sports, lil have to wait for a power falure to let him know that the kids have ail grown Up and got -married - that is if 1 haven't expired in the meaàn-r time. He'd probably notice that when there is no one to send out for more beer. TURKEY DINNER Myrtle Church will hold its annual Turkey Dinner on Nov. 8 with Lhree sittings. The first starts at 4: 30, the second at 5:45 and the third at 6:45. Tickets will be $7 for aduits with children 12 and under costing ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION MyrLle United Church will hold iLs Anniversaryý service this coming Sunday, Oct. 26. Everyone is in- vited to attend. GRADUATION CEREMONIES Anderson Collegiate will hold iLs graduation ceremnonies on Friday, Oct. 24 beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the school gymnasium. Ail parents and friends of the graduates are welcome to attend. As there are some 300 grads this year it will be wise to arrive early to be sure of a seat. HELP WANTED The organizers of the Ladies Section of Brooklin Spring Fair are already busy planning for next year. If there are any ladies out there who would like to help with setting up the exhibits for the 1987 fair, please caîl Audrey Young at 655-3534 to offer your services. CHRISTMAS BAZAARS St. Leo's Parish has a bazaar coming up oni Nov. 8. It will be held in St. Leos School on North St. from 10 a.m. to4 p.m. On Nov. 16, Brooklin United Churcli also has a bazaar coming Up. Mark these dates on your calendar and watch for more details in the coming weeks. LIBRARY NEWS x During the month of November, every Monday evening, there will be a class on creating uniquef Christmas crafts. Ms-s. Edwards will be conducting these classes and there is a small fee just to cover some of the supplies used. IL is important to register early SO that the necessary supplies can be pur- chased in advance. If you know of any shut-in who can benefit from the Library's,..Outreach program, please cal 55- 3191. This ser-vice is not only for adults but also for children who may be a little under-the-weather. This is Ontario Public Library Week. In celebration, patrons are being offered a "fine free" policy which allows the return of overdue books free 0f charge. The Costume Clinic is visiting the varlous areas this week. Tomorrow, it will be at Ashburn Cont- munity Centre Moms and ToLs program from, 10:30 to il a.m. The qlinic is designed to show how simple and easy it is to make costumes for the kids even if the only thing you ever use a needle for is ta take out slivvers. Don't forget that the Science Fais- Clinic will be held. this Satus-day, October 25. Sehool vandalism ~7 IIVandals caused $100 covering windows on the in damage to' the west side of the schooî (Y _ -.J- Meadowcrest Public during the weekend. Pa7R r/cf paoia School in Brooklin when Police are in- w- - ---- - - - - 1 1 -11 'l'- -,Il< ý = - 7 a m-

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