WI-ITBY FREE PRESS.,WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1986.PAGE 21 Whitby Flire Dept. catis The followlng 38 calis were responded to by the Whitby Fire Depar. tment for the seven day period from 8 a.m. Monday, September 8 until 8 a.m. ýMonday, September 15. SEPT. 8 9:09 a.m. - 10OJanedale Cres. Check cail. 10.,13 a.m. - 124 Brock St. S. Resuscitator. 4:06 p.m. - 201 South Blair St. Building caîl. SEPT. 9 11:11 a.m. - 300 King St. Building call. 4:36 p.m. - Dundas St. and Lakeridge Rd. Vehicle accident. 7:30 p.m. -.225 11ckoi.y St. N. Resuscitator. SEPT. 10 8: 42a.m. - 1950 Forbes St. Medical aid. 8:56 a.m. - corner of Victoria St. and Thickson Rd. Vehicle accident. See pg. 22 -N ew location. Mayor Bob Attersley and Cuddles the Bear help Judo Gazo, owner of Celebrations To Go, celebrate the store's relocation by releasing heliurn- filled balloons into the air. Celebrations has been at its Brock St. S. location since September 1. 1; Free Press Staff Photo Regional1che, gears up for i9 The non-profit president (Internai Af- regional AWHPAWO fairs), made it perfectly (Agincourt-West Hili- clear that a comprehen- Pickering-Ajax-Whitby- sive tournament Oshawa) Chess schedule will be offered Association is gearing this season as well, up for the 1986-87 tour. composed of regional nament chess season championship events and officiais are op- sanctioned by tirnistic about the in- A.W.H.P.A.W.O. as well terest, response and as tournarnent play, participation of blitz-chess and casual chessplayers living play offered by the within the area of the Association's affiliate, Association's mandate. the West Hill Chess Club "The Association ran (W.H.C.C.). a comprehensive tour- "'Regionally speak. narnent program last ing, the 1986-87 season," noted Garnet A.W.H.P.A.W.P. Closed Bugg of Agincourt, vice- Chess Championship president (External Af- will open the s*eason for fairs) of the our Tuesday .evenings Association, which is an program. Our tour- affiliate of the Chess nament game each Federation of Canada Tuesday will be (CFC). "Our events scheduled from Sep- were well reported - in tember 16 to December the local media then. 16 at the latest. In the This created a groun- new year, the 86/87 dswell of interest among A.W.H.P.A.W.O. Open many people who and Invitational Chess were'nt aware that Championships will chess is organized on a follow. We are hoping to competitive basis as is schedule a Team the case with bridge or Championship as well. tennis, for example. " Nevertheless, we have "lWell, now they know, a full list of activities while many stili don't. taking us up to mid-June The task facing us now i987. Thursday evenings Is to contact those who could be set aside for don't know and to en- regional events as well courage everyone to if there is sufficient in- corne out and partake in terest. We are even con- tournament play this sidering a program for season. I amn hopeful the summer of 1987. " that chessplayers, "'W.H.C.C. tour- whatever their level of naments will be conduc- éhessical ability, will ted on Tuesday and corne out and join in a Thursday evenings as competitive but friendly well," enunciated environent this Szilagyi. "AWHPAWO season." residents on joining the Michael Szilagyi of Association receive free WhiLby, the rnembership in the Association's vice- W.H.C.C. and its events ss club 986m87 as well. Chessplayers in the environs may join the W.H.C.C. directly and participate in al W.H.C.C. and some regional events. " The A.W.H.P.A.W.O. Chess Association and the W.H.C.C. meet on Tuesdays (7 p.m. to, 12 midnight) and on Thur- Seepg. 22 Child A four-year-old Whit- by youth is in fair con- dition after being bitten in the face by a dog last Friday. The youth required 27 stîtches. The dog was found and police discovered it had had its rabies shots. Equipment stolen Rernote control car equipment valued at more than $1 ,000 was stolen from Famnily Kartways Ltd. between September 10 and Sep- tember il. Police are in- vestigating the thef t. ]Barn break-in A barn located on Lakeridge Rd. was broken into sometimne between September i and September 13 and thieves made off with more than $1,000 in riding equipment. Arnong items that were stolen were reins, sad- dles and stirrups. COME JOIN OUR FITNESS FAMILY! MEMBER OFTHE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4186 SEE WORLD CHAMPION BODY BUILDER TONY PEARSON FROM 2:00 TO 5:00 Facilities Include: el15,500 sq. f t. *Sauna, Whlrlpool & Sun Beds *Computerized Equipment *Chiropracilc & Massage Services * Professional Trai ned Instructors * Babysltting Services *Towel Service *We supply soap, shampoo blnw rIrvers. lockaes & locks R EVOLUTIONARY 25500 SQ. FT. TRI-LEVEL AEROBICS FLOOR Umjvv Us Yom Of 8%0%01%080 1A 1%0%03%0 COME IN AND SEE WHY WE'RE THE NEWEST AND THE BEST GYM CO'jME "à 'yA TO HIT ONTARIO ciel@ fa: M EN UN 401 A j 'N aOLD"S FUM X ayme 'Y' JAX 427-2977 5 9 W ST 9WESTNEYRD.S.