Whitby Free Press, 3 Sep 1986, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1986, PAGE 21 RTCACE 'ORlSALEARTICLES TENS ~ N SERVICES EFOR SALE ~ ~ FOR ALL VOUR Graphtc SIgîs, FULL.TIME 1BABYSITTING[ Sttkecraaiîg, Pstripping, etc. avaiabia, Monday ta Fridap. myuFA T RE ' Cait238 1i 68C3.hmOhrcblrn hn 6 ALEARANCE IIFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12.- 7:00OP.M. UNEMPLOYED7 1TheLnam- ptayed Help Centre cen aseit wilh: Emptaymast Caunssaing, Rasumas, t.namplapmenl sn- euranca, Worters' Compen. sellas, 0.H.i.P. aid waitare sn- formaton, or criaie reterrais ta aîharagenclas. Cati 579-1821. .GRAMMER tor people who hate grammar'l sathe Ideai packel rateeaca book tor business people. $3.95 par copy and avalabia et Dckian Pritltng & Ottice Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. Dealer inquriai inted 683-1968. FREE.~ Drap InIa the Dickson Prtnttng aid Ottice Supptp itore In theAjae Plaza and pick up a ree capy af the 1988 Metrlc Calender. Prlnled In lwo catours. fit makas tor bandy reteresce. 6831968. TYPEWRITER rentai, many m aknad madeli, bp the waekend, week or manth. Discounts anallabie. Dickeax Prixing & Otice Supplies In the Aax Plaza. Cati us tor business machine repaire. 683-1968 MARTHA XAVIER Former employer ram r*Ca air FasBhIns,M *WbItby, wtsheetIowaîcxmeM M br customars ta bar sawM locion t H irCullIng Place, BrookBln 6554119. CONGRATULATIONS on pour tartbcoming marrage. Please xtew aur sampies af engravad HAVE YOU SEEN PRINCES.S? Lait pure white 4 year aid ftamala dag, Corg-Husky cross, shart legs, long tait, large stand-up earî, $100 raward. 6404805 or 640-3801. MISRTRIM *Evorgroon Pruningl *New Lndocapng,I Complote Lawn à Gardon MaIntenance 725-30 SUPPLIES PROP à SKEG rapairs - test ser- vice,Iberglaii supplies - resto. malt, cilb haid acelone - WEST SYSTEM EPOXV - mIrror inish bout pint.. Raypleo - Oshawa Glass.-Fibre, 341 Durham St. 579- 1433. 1978 CHEVETTE, 4 doar, 4 speed standard, excelent machanical and body wtee, muett eau, as s9, aekIng $1,000 llrm. Cati aller 6 p.e., 668-954. SPETS & SUPPLIES A BICHON FRISE maie. ragleterad, 2 yeers aid, neede goad home, tor compasionsbip. W68-5713. G3ENAL VINYL SI DING END0F LINE CLEAROUT Varlous Colour aid proiles whiie supplies lest $4999,sq. AGRICULTURAL STEEL ROOFING & SIDING$85 Over 200shet ln stock..... tram..8.50 ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADDERS Over 2WIn stock.....tfram PATIO DOORS Aumisum. Vinyt and Wood ln stock ......trom Ovar 100hI stock ALUMINUM STORM DOORS Oner 1000 In stock t..... ram ALUMINUM SOFFIT Oer 400 qs. ln stock t..ram 54 95 "I 14999.. shoot GARAGE DOORS 1498c Wod and Stealiln stock tram....aCho CALL FOR QUOTATIONS Wm. BIG FORD AlumInum Sales Lt. R.R.3 Brlghton, Ont. M8-5Fi.(613> 475-05 21 S'lt2 GEOTYPE pressai ellering îaw n stock ai icksDn Printing & Of- ice Supplies in the AiaShop- pinig Plaza. Large setection ot styles and unzes. Why puy mare lur a smellxr sheet ot lettering? MICRO FIJANACE space ae heeler saves pou manay. dont be latIs the cold ordar yours today. 6W-.2638. BUILDINGS - 5peciai Clearance. 20x24 fil. $2.300. 24x24 i $2.680. 28x36 Il. $3,900. 32x36 I $4300. 36x48 Il. $6400 aid 40x6O t., $810DO. Caîl 9857930. VISIT Our usad lurîrlure werehouse Sp appainrlmaî Big seingi on desks. chairs, tiing cabinets, etc. Cati Dickson Prin- ting & Oftice Supplies ta arrange MATRESSES and box springs ai hait price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe Sreet South: Oshawa 7255181. "HEROES of tha Bible" coiouring book avalable ai ickson Prin- ting & Otfice Supplies, Ajaa Plaza, 631968. Daler inqairies invited. CHESTERFIELD suites, loveseals, sectionals. tais iban W price. Large seleclion. Mcieen Frniture, 524 Simcoe, St. S,. Oshawa. 7255181. wedding Invitations et -your TO A HONEST YOUJNG MAN inn apitett ,vw, 683 leure ln aur Ajax Plaza store. WhItby who toand a pues by the 1968. DIckson PrIntIng & Ottice Sup- aide ot e car and returned Ilita the*RAE& OiS plies, 683-1968 owner, waaîd ha pleese cati ta FL*COMPUT RIS the bouse agais sa thel i Cen tindVA TON I WO PCESN out hie sae and reward hlm VAAINmS ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RNTL WATDT LGUE AL SEC. *RECEPTONiTTIYPtST 13 z z_ * * *600KEEPINGCER BUY REN YARD A :ACCOUTNG IUSNESS WANTED 1800ccangine tor at SALES I 10 Mobile Homes I MERCHANDISING *un 610 etatian wagon In good 1 Ciaarwaler Three bedroam DESIGN runelng arder. Cati 4334883 atlier GIANT YARD SALE saneral mobile humes. Heated pools, *HOTEL & RESTAURANT 6 p.m. tamnIllas 60 and 62 Baldwinl S. tennis, close ta beactias and OPERATIONSIMGMT. Brookîlo (baside t G.AI) Satur- major attractions, chiidren *COMPUTERIZEO CASH PAID tor anytblng aid, day, Septamber 6, at9a.m. welcome. (tees than motet BANKINO & CUSTOMER sncb as turnItura, crocke, glass rOom)î 683-5503 SERVICE and china, dalla, aiea sasies are - * *ENTALCHAIRSIOE oI speclil Intareet. Phane 855- 7j ~ '1ASSISTANT ____52____6O.SL I~ -Finencial Assistance WANTED -Job Placement Assistance BUSIESS LOG HOME tor sale, Century log TOROaNvTOabl OPOTNIIS home bulIt ln 18X38 cedar, hand MATURE LADY wiii dlean yaur SCHOOL 0F Nawened, dismantied and rein. home, reterences avaitabie 68.UINS .UNLIMITED INCOME. Jain aur statied on my property tar yoLII 7495, atter 5p.m.OHW ïmati order program, worb at Inspection, $11,000. 655-3255. ______ home. For more Intormatian sond -___CAMPUS_____ $1.00 tor postage and hasdling Jta J & E Enterprise, Box 39-P,.2-16 Station M, Toronto, MS4T2.CA P!__ CONTROVERSY anar aur AUCTIONS drInhting watar continuas daiiy, IEA ALYRSROoo FUN FOR the watar titter industry wiit anjoy CEATALREOTOooH E WHOLE the largest grawth potentiel ln Hwy. 35-115, Clarke. 4th Con- 1- the seat decada, gel in now. Cati Cession, beaulitut campgraund, lI- FAMILY Ev'CaainAplo85-season $635. Campgraand 1-786. ATTEND ONE THIS : 'W45. ~2562. Toranto office 651-5754.WE ND Eues ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O CaainApeo 8-WEED (Please Consign your guns early for catalogue purposes.) Excellent opportunity 10 dispose of your new, used, or unwanted gUfslS.081for details. (705> 324-2472 LOCATION: 1 mile west of Lndsay on the Lindsay Little Brtain Rd. W.R. BU D MCKEE, AUCTION EER D & M SALES BARN R.R.2, LIN DSAY AUCÇTIOQN DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE SATURDAY, SEPT. 13TH, 1986 Sale Starts 10:00 A.M. By Public Auction Whereas no dlaims have been made by the owner of the property ln possession of the Durham Regionai Police Force, by reason of having been stolen from ils owner, or by reason of having been found abandoned in a public place and the Force s unable to ascerlain ils rightful owner. Further that these articles have been held more than the 3 months required. Articles for auction are as foilows: bicycles and miscellaneous items. SALE TOlE HELD AT-THE REAR 0F 30 WILLIAM STREET, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Jon M. Jenkins TERMS: Cash Chief of Police AUCTION SALE THURS., SEPT. 4 6:30 P.M. At Orval McLean Auction Center, Lndsay. Large sale furniture, applian- ces, piano. Kroeler chesterfield (Ilke new), 2 freezers, dryer, console color television, Com- modore pet computer, 2 new dining tables, new headboards, glass, china, 6:30 sharp. To list your sale caîl: MOILEAN AUCTIONEERS 324-2783 LIN DSAY AUCTION SALE TUES., SEPT. 16 110:00 A.M. Giant antique sale at Or- val McLean Auction Cen- ter. Lndsay Contents of large home property of MR. & MRS. EARL WARD. Mary Si.. Whitby. Large assortment of an- tiques. furniture, househoid et fecta, collectîbles. china and glass. trom old established home To tsft your sale cali, MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS 324-2783 LIN DSAY CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., SEPT. 5 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. Washstands, mahogany Duncan Fyfe dropleaf table, pressback high chair, oak & walnut dining extension tables, parlour tables, oak office desk, Toshiba microwave, chester- fields. Speed Oueen automatic washer, cof- f ee & end tables, wicker chairs, mantte cdocks, antique side board, 6 h.p. Toro riding lawnmower, plus quantity of tools, china & glass. DON CORNEIL. AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., SEPT. 6 10:00 A.M. 20 Pinecrest St., Oshawa, off Harmony Rd. N., south of Taunton~ Rd. Doulton collection, antiques, collectibles and household fur- nîshînga, for MR. & MRS. FRANK WONNACOTT. Furnishings Including: llvingroom suite, dining room suite, games table, cof tee and end tables, hall table, hand carved serving table, footstool, small desk, oak pump organ and bench, childs rocking chair, assorted small tables, lacquered table and stools, Lazy- Boy chair, wing chair, corner what-not, table and 6 chairs with cane backs, wrought Iron kit- chen suite (glass top) with 4 Ice cream parlour chairs. Glassware & china Including: 21 Doulton figurines, Royal Doulton vases, Dresden, Mary Gregory, Nippon, Crystal, Flow Blue luster ware, plus cookie jar. Misc. including: Tiffany style floor lamp with leaded shade, hanging Tiffany style lamp, f loor type oit lamp with leaded shade (one of a kind), assorted table lampes, oak walt telephone, hanglng viel ldock, large hanging Clark regulator dlock, assorted cracks, copper boiter, brasa ket- fIe, large assortment of wicker baskets, typewriter, ping pong table, assorted brasa, picnic table, lawn fur- niture, gas barbeque, snowblower. Guns ln- cluding: two 1812 Flin- tlocks, Remington 3006 with case, 410 shotgun. Large, assortment of fabrica, iawn equipment, o11 paintinga, plus many misc. Items. Note: this sale is f rom a prestigious home and ail Items are ln exceptional condition. Home sold. Lunch available. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4455 AUCTION SALE TH URS., SEPT. 11 6:00 P.M. Excellent sale at Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay. Property of JOHN MURRAY, Maple Cres., and Estate of late MARY AINSWORTH, Lindsay. Ouality fur- niture, appliances, china, glass. paintinga, some antiques. Don't miss it. To lîsi your sale cali: MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS 324-2783 LIN DSAY ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed -$6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour f0 forward replies to boxý numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liabilityregarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12t each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied additionaî word. such replies. We will fol be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. replies n(lt called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $81 Mr fîr the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each addi tional1 word. I)EAI)I.INES: Monday noon prior fa publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. tir cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES- 43(cperlinue (No wiîul,,, îllowed) It insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditionai word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available aI an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whifby Free Press wîll make 668-6111 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY RE.

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