Whitby Free Press, 3 Sep 1986, p. 11

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WH1TBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1986, PAGE 11I -LACAC show 'hi ghlights Whitby's heritage- WHITBY - An open bouse and display of color photograpbs of Wbtby's buldings designated under the Ontario Heritage Act wlll kick off Heritage Montb at the Witby Public Librar on Sept. ByJA OG Free Press Staff Mike Knell bas resigned as ebairman of the local architectural conservation advisory eommittee (LACAC). KneIl, a former editor of the Free Press, had served 18 months of a tbree-year term as a member of L.A.C.A.C. He was elected chair- -mon by the committee *last Januory. Because he now resides in Ajax be no longer satisfies the requirements for being a memhar of the coun- eil-appoînted commit- tee. Therefore, be sub- mitted is resignaion. III didn't want to give up hing a member of L.A.C.A.C., but I had no choice. I was a victim of the terrible housing erisis in Witby. " Knell said he was notified the first week of June by the numbered company wieh owned bis Garden Estates townhouse that it had been sold and be would need to be out by the end of July. With two montbs to find a place to live a condominium in Ajax was tbe only suitable housng he could find for bis famlily. Mayor Bob Attersley said be expects Knel's resignation will ha deait The display in the library auditorium will be open fromilla.m. to 5 p.m. with an officiai opening by Mayor Bob Attersley at 2p.m. A fuli program of ac- tivities is planned for the day, starting at il a.m. witb a show of with by the operotions committee September . Qualifications for op- pointments to the com- mittee whicb operates as a separate board from couneil are the same as for electorol of- fice, 'Attersley said. Knell's resignation makes the third since the beginning of January, Bryce Jordan, secretary of L.A.C.A.C., said. Henry Kortekaos and Terry McNaughton also resigned when they moved out of Whitby. The eommittee, however, stili bas 12 members, one more thon the minimum required. Therefore, Jordan halieves council will probably wait until November, the usual time for appointments, to name new members. There will be notices for interested residents to apply in October. In the meantime, Jor- dan said, the committee may, as it bas done in the past, ask for the former chairman to act as chairman. Vera Hugel is past ebairman of L.A.C.A.C. L.A.C.A.C. advises couneil on ways and means of preserving and conserving local heritage tbrougb the designation of bistorical buildings under the On- tario Heritage Act. YMCA programs Parent Gym, 11ee Fi Fc guest speaker or craft- Fum and Pee Wee Gym moking session while and the Toddier Drop-In their cbildren are atten- wbere parents can leave ded by Y babysitters, their cbildren <10 mon- flower arranging, knit- tbs to five years of age) ting, sewing, water witb the Y's loving, colour, calligraphy and mature babysitters. ' stained glass classes. Physical programs For the more active for older cildren in- there is also a ful slate clude judo, gymnasties, of fitness and sports floor hockey, karate, programs ineluding ballet, jazz and tap don- dance aerobics, yoga, cing. karate, men's floor Ineluded on the aduit hockey and the Y's program are Ladies' badminton club. Take-A-Break, a weekly For a complete list of two bour program fali programs pick up a where parents exercise br pe re, çhq YMC, aùna énijÃ"yuiorfeè'âiid h' o hne 668-86. sldes of old pbotographs of Witby from the Whitby Historical Society Ar- chives, followed at il1:30 arn. with a slide show on housekeeping techniques for the historie home. The slides of old Wit- by will be shown again at noon, followed at 12:30 p.m. by a slide show on humidity, con- densation and ven- tilation in old bouses and at 1 p.m. with a film on main street revitalization. At 2:45 p.m., following the mayor's opening address, a slde show called "Whitby, a Coun- ty Town," by the Whitby Photographie Club will ha shown. At 3:15 p.m. there will ha a film on home main- tenance and renovation, New <minister at Westminster United The congregation at Westminster United Cburcb on Manning Rd. bas finally found a minister to replace the Reverend Dr. A. Neil Banks wbo retired to Vancouver eorlier this summer after eight years serving the Wbit- by Cburch. Beginning officially September 7, the new minister at Westminster United wil ha the Reverend Michael Begbie wbo moved to Whitby witb bis family two weeks ago after four years as the minister at Trinity United Church in Cannington. Rev. Begbie, 33, told tbe Free Press last week that one of is top priorities upon settling in will ha community outreach. "Westminster was built on Manning 25 years ago witb the ex- pectation that the homes would arrive there but it bas been only recently that it bas been.built up so 1 think community outreaeh will ha important. Well ha working to develop a sense of community here - a sense of earing, that type of thing," said Begbie. Because of the liberal theology of the Unitedi Church, Rev. Begbie said the church is dif- ferent from the fun- damentalists and bas some different things to say about how its mem- bers live in and relate to the world. He said it was important for the chur- ch to hold up an exam- pIe of how its members con remain faithful to the gospel as middle and upper-middie class Canadians and that con- eerns sucb as justice and economnie issues figure prominently in that mission. Rev. Begbie received an Honours B.A. fromn TRUST fl.- EXPERIENCE!1 Tr'ust For Tres., Are Tops ln Service Too! I Goodyear Certif led Technicians L4Computerized Diagnostic Equipment L'Personal Attention Convenient Location Carleton University followed by a Masters in Divinty at the Univer- sity of Toronto. Prior to bis posting, in Con- nington he worked in rural Saskatchewan and Toronto. The new minister is married to Mary-Ruth Begbie and tbey have two children, Amanda, four and Sarah, one. 9pafl-m ov--. WE'RE COMPUTERIZED. Todays high-tech vehicles require high-tech skills and equipment to ensure top performance. Now, we have the most advanced equiprnent, along wth trained technicians to keep your vehicle in excelent con- dition. And a computerized printout analysis means no guesswork as to what's to be done to your car. THE PERSONAL ATENTION IS STILI HERE. While the computer is the heart of a marveiously efficient diagnostic machine, the work is stili performed by a Goodyear certified technician._ FRONTBR E SERVICE Or Front Disc Brake Service inciades necv front <isc prnis, repacked cheei bearingi. and resurtacd froni roions, Weit inspect ait other compunens and road tes your vnhîcie. Puce niay ay for front cheet drive. Melli,- padi. $20.00 nura- followed at 4 pam. by slides on Victorian bouse colors and at 4:30 p.m. by slides on win- dow glass in historie bouses. Color photograpbs of Whitby's 24 designateil buildings, taken' by members of the Whitby Photographie Club, will be on display, feoturing the Centennial Building, Whitby Arts Station Gallery, the Terrace on Byron St., Ashburn Community Centre, In- verlynn, and a number of historie homes of Whitby dating from 1834 to 1928. There will be pam- phlets available on how to have your home designated under the Ontario Heritage Act and walking tour pam- phlets featuring Whit- by's historie buildings. Also on display will be a plaque issued by the Town of Whitby for designated buildings. The open bouse is sponsored by the Whitby Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC) whieh is an advisory eommittee to the town eouneil on preservation of historie buildings. Members of the Whit- by LACAC will ha on bond .to answer questions about designation and the eommittee's activities. The photograpbs of the designated buildings will ha on display in the library auditorium from Sept. 6 ta 30 as part of }Ieritage Month, proclaimed by the Mayor and Couneil. COMPUTERIZED- ENGIN E TUN E-UP *uuuuumuiWE 1AKE THE GUESSWORK OUT 0F AUTO SERVICE. When you corne in fora IBczàzr;UUI tune-up. a Goodyear certified techni- I M:eizru EE1 ciao begîs by hoking your car up to a IR.V1~~~UUUIcomputrizd engine analyzer. S With quiet ettîciency the computer iru 1 pertorms ournrous comprehensîve PaiiM~ ~I problems quickly and cuaey oriUIIIj There's even a computer prie tout that l10 . i We instait 00w spark ptugs and la il le checki charging. starting and egn *systems. Prce apptmes to most Immun domestic cars. imports. and lightt truckis. Non-eectronic ignition $8 50 etra. 5 ~î W ici R COMPUTERIZED -WH EEL ALIGNMENT provîdes a prîrîtoîît that ind Icates simîltaneaiisly thfe correction îîeeded tor each wheef Wth the aigrîmieet service ce adiost camber. caster i lm and toein. pluis inspect suspension and stee eig i____ systems P ices al ppty t.o - Most vehictes PartS and V*V addtlOra sers Peotra ,. *4 inded t ii eî'islU teels- 2~T A!WTLW y 103 DUN DAS ST0 E., 162 KING ST. E., WHITBY, 668-3356 OSHAWA, 571-3400 U OPEN: MON., TUES. & FRI. 8am-6pm, WED. & THURS. Bam-9pm, SAT. 8am-4pm Knell leaves LACAC exee. TIRE RC>TATIKDN OIL, LUBE & FILTER amliogelireNd enginelt@ hrough OU'tire roation and 011, tbe and tI.e service Ourtire In ilionan Infltion che.ck IlIe 0pyou lroeewmore oneninmnalonger Engin. serviceIn. ciuu p tle 5itr es of top qual le IOo .new FF a ine11fl. su ad

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