PAGE 30, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13,1l986, WHITBY FREE PRESS ý Whitby's Most WideIy Read. CLASSIF lIED AUCTION SALE SAT., AUGUST 23 11:00 A.M. Cansignment sal at the Community Centre ln Columbus, Regional Rd. 2, North of Oshawa. 1977 Omega, 1972 750 Suzuki motarcycle, 12 fit. fibergasas boat with 6 h.p. motor, Arga e wheel A.T.V., riding mowers, lawn and garden equlp- ment, gas barbecue, ail stove with pipes, Philips pinbali machine, weight lifting equipment, Vic 20 coamputer and ac- cessories, aId Cake aigni *and cooter, filing cabinet, oak off ice chair, 7 drawer office desk, freezers, fridge, stoves, dIshwasher, Raîngette, Good Eurekae upright vacuum, beda, 5 pc. sec- tIonal sofa, buffet, sofa beda, 4 pc. wicker set, console colar T.V. with remote contrai, sterea, antique washstand, racking chair, c- cassionai tables, Singer machine wth table and stool, floor iamp, dressing table and some dishes. Sealers, T.V. game and many more hausehoid Items. Reser- ve bld on some Items. Terms cash or gaod. cheque. Ta consIgn yaur sale cali 416-55-4185- Consigniments Weicome Sais Managed And Sold By GARRY K. POWELL AUCTION * VALMED HEALTH SERVICES INO. Requires RN's, RNA's for part-time work, * varied hours, ln In- stitution or homes. Caîl for appointment, Monday ta Friday. 433-1494 PERSON NEEDED to babysit aie0 month ld baby boy, 5 flitdays a mont plus smre pari deys, non- amoker, Bradley Park ares. 6& 1207. LEGAL SECAETARY required, * Rea Etais and Esttes ex. patience necessaiy. part-ime. Cati 0W3-2741. between 9 arn. tas5 A CAREER N TttucKiNc. Tran. sport driv ersnedsd. Now te the lime te train tor your ClanseA icanse. For pre-screening inter-' view and lob pacement Infor * maien, contact Merv orres Tran. sport Driver Training, Brampton 1-4O26O25. #AOLLY MAID la accepting ap- piicatievs for mature responsible people te train fer Prleasionai Houaeireeping ln Wtrtby. . Cait RECEPITIONISTTYPIST for iLaw ofice. Phono 723,W41. KITCIIEN HELP wanled, flli or ~-part-lime, appiy In persen cole Vienne, 209 Dundas et. E., WIt- by. AUCTIONS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKENDI ALIS ~W1 M~EW1 I~IAIA~4TED~TED ~~3iAIAPdJED~TED I~~IAI~~D WANTED FULL AND PART-TIME SALES, STOCKROOM, AND DRI VING POSITIONS AVAILABLE PREVIOUS RELATED EXPERIENCE AN ASSET. FORWARD RESUM ETO OR OBTAIN APPLICATION AT liVINGUG611NG PICKERING TOWN CENTRE MIDTOWN MALL, OSHAWA For furterIformaotion, pae cai: Nursîng Supervluor 433-7600 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. l'elpara rmed lii HEALTH SERVICES AVON Christmas starts earîy with the -No. 1. Cosmetîc Company! Join our Elîte Group 'of Representatîves - Reduced Appolntment Fee for a llted time onlyl Please caîl now: 683-1344 FULL & PART.TIME POSITIONS Avallable lmmedlateîy For CAR WASH, GAS BAR AND LUBE BAY Appîy ln person to Dave at: Petro Canada 1602 Dundas St. East Whltby ,îr LOOKING FOR A CAREER UN ADVERTISING? Downtown business requîres that person who: *Possess good communication ski ls; e Has ambition and self conf idence; els eager to Iearn; eis capable of earning an above average Income; *And ls fot af raid to work for [t. if you possess these qualities, drop ln and see us. Experence flot necessary. Full-time. Car necessary. Start lm- medlately. Corneln to oui office anytIme Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brook St. N., Whitby. TOWN 0F WHITBY Roquires GARDENER Parks and Rocroation Dspartmont Applications ln writing, are invited for the position of Gardener ln the Parks and Recreation Depar- tment. Appicants must have a minimum of grade 12 education, possess a Ciass "D" Driver's Licence and able ta aperate heavy equipment. They must possesa a Certif icate ln Horticulture from a recognIzed Institution and M.O.E. Spraying Licen- ces 1 & 11. Ability to supervise staff and assist ln preparation of Plant Tenders. Knowiedge of Plant Propagation, Grawing Bedding Plants and Ten- derlng. A minimum of 2 years Municipal Gardenlng ex- perience and Arbicultural experience will be con- sldered an asset. Salary In the range af $25,000.00 per annum with fringe benefits. Applications shouid reach the undersigned no ister than Monday, August l8th, 1986. Only those applicants successfuilin obtaining an Interview will be acknowtedged. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T.,C.M.C., Administratar, Corporation af the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossiand Road'East, Whitby, Ontaria Li N 2M8 Telephone (416) 668-5803 Learn ta be a business persan with respansibllity while earnlng maney. CALL CIRCULATION 668*6l11 (ROUTE CARRIERS EARN $$SI) SIMPLE!i The simple salutian ta cleaning storage probiems hin 7the attic and garage la a Ciassified Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS ..........668-6111 ___________ PalicPa(triui71 Give gifts and and heîp a child ConrecI: 443 AM. l Ftant Bd. ibovn. ontM45 2LO (>C wu r 1 v Tykes Tbe W.M.B.A. Tyke Alistar team sponsored by Cobi Foods of Wbitby failed ln tbeir bld for tbe E.O.B.A. titie tbis year. Tbe team Iost a close contest witb Ajax" 7-3 witb one bad innlng and four wnearned runs ac- counting for Whitby's downfall. Tim Puddlster took tbe loss aflowing six bits and two earned runs over four innings. Keith fills witb two bits and Tlm Imeson witb one accounted for most of Witby's offence. Wbitby won tbe second game of the con- test against Pickering wht-n their bats came ta FROM PG. 4 lo's e life pounding out ten hits enroute ta, a 24-3 victory. Keitb Mils, Whitbyýs bard throwlng rlghtbander was the wlnning pitcher golf six innings wblle allowing only two hité. Tim Gryls had four bits and knocked in six runs wblle Mike Doner banged out tbree bits and drove ini tbree ruis. Other bittera were Pulchalski, imeson, Harper and Andrew. , Tbe Cobi Food teami now meets Pickeringin tbebest two of tbreema tbey move into tbe Al Ontario Playdowns. Letter to the ED cbecked, Durham representatives were making more money tban Metro represen. tatives but only serving 20 percent of tbe num- ber of people. Regional Council sbould rethlnlc their positions. If a Reglonal Counciors position is ta be a fuil-time one, tben reducè tbe size of Coun- cil to about 19. TIàs would save *22,000 an- nuaily from a 31 mein- ber Coundil and $260,000 from a 33 member one. Tbey migbt even be able to justify a ralse witb 19 doing tbe work of 31. IfJt is a part-time positiol, tben increase tbe sîfe but greatly reduce the salary scale. Forbes N. McEwen FROM PG, 1 New owner said bhis leap into the newspaper business is really a logical culmination - of bis many interests. "II wanted to make a change of career so I looked at my talents and abilities and the newspaper business just seemed to be a natural step. I've had enough con- tact with publishing to have a fair idea of what's going on," said Anderson. Stili, he admitted he bas a lot to learn about the newspaper business and one of the conditions of sale is that Burgess stay on for three months Jo ease the transition. 'II don't see any drastic changes really .ecause I think Mike's run a pretty successful operation and I'd be a fool to tamper with that, " said the new publisher. He is not, however, en'- tering the business devoid of ideas of bis own. After a close association witb the continuing saga of Lynde House, Anderson said he understands the ; frustrations of people per- sonally involved in a story wbich bas received super- ficial coverage in the media and be would like to see more deptb in the paper's coverage of events. He is also a great advocate of the y downtqwn revitalization and be believes the Free Press can play an impor- tant role in promoting the downtown and ail the otber organizations, projects and comfnunity groups which he feels are crucial to the life of the community.