Water Bal Whtby's junior ffrefighters had a littie fun getting wet and they ail enjoyed the day. at Peel Park recently while'they learned how Free Press Staff Photo te handie a firé hose. The kids dlcln't mind FROM PG. 7 Bridge Norman. And those are just the points for club play. Points earned at higher levels of competition are even harder te corne by. Even so, Norman said there were players at the summer champion- ships with as many as 25,000 to 30,000 master points. In the upper ranges of the bridge ranks, however, Nor- man said the players are professional and make their living playing bridge. During the ten' day competition, ,,games were scheduled prac- tically around the dlock and in the open classes the competition is in- clined to get very inten- se. There's a treinendous amount of psychology involved. It's flot a game for pussy cats. Players are sometimes s0 engrossed in the game that they can of- ten be very rude. Bridge players can be a pretty egotistical lot," chuckled Norman.. The Brooklin Duplicate Bridge Club meets every Monday night at 7:30 and Nor- man said they are always looking for new members. Anyone In- terested can reach Mike Norman at 6554030. FROM PG. 9 Women, Revenue Canada obliges the employer to deduct for ineome tax, unemployment insurance, and' Canada Pension Plan fromn the ear- nings of an employee. However, if the home worker werehired on a con- tract basis as a self- employed person she would pay her own tax and her own Canada'pension when she filed ber return. She would not pay unem,- ployment. Although these are the legal requirements they are often not adhered to. Some women refused to give their names to Kent, fearing they would lose a portion of their at home already meagre earnings. The women who replied to Kent's letter ail would like to work at home. They want the responsibility of caring for their own children at home. Some need money; some want independance; some want another in- terest; some want to use home employment as a bridge to return to work outside their home. They see the provision of meaningful home em- ployment as a solution for them, for employers, and for society. The questions is, are em- ployers ready for this new labour pool? Break-inTTRSE Thieves broke into T E S Y Tail Glass Fenders at TIRE SERVICE 1795 Victoria St. W. last PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCKS week and stole $10,000 worth of tools. The theft occured between 9 p.m. -BRAKES-SHOCKS- Wednesday, July 30 and -UEUS 7 a.m. Thursday, July -COIG YSE - 31. COIGSSE - Axnong items that were taken were 103 DUN DAS ST. E. 162 KING ST. E. welding torches and WHITBY OHW tanks, a nwnber of tool 668-3356 571-3400 chests loaded with tools and a floor jack. Dul PPG shop week poral office Canai headc Whitl Build In week marki John move over the Civic Holiday department would SEE PAGE 22 BA!«,ARtE EHWFRE 99 (Government Llcensed / Government Approved> NURSERY SCHOOL For Children 2 ta 5 Years 0ld' Presents OPEN HOUSE '86 DATE: Thurs., August 14186 TIME: 7p.m. -l10p.m. ADDRESS: 309 Beech St. W.z Off of Brook behlnd StokleyslCoby -opportunlty toeues our achool -aur close curriculum t0 meet the toachers and enjoy the dispisys -opportunity 10 rogister your chlld at roasonable pricos -roi rsshments wlI b. served We wiIl be Iookingforwvard to seeing you at our centre FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 668-6200 hCHESTERFIELD FACTORY Cover' 20-5 0 %OFF (on selected fabrica) CHOOSE FROM OUR LARGE SELECTION 0F NAME BRAND FABRIOS EG. SANDERSON, JEFF BROWN, KOBE & MANY MORE. DESIGN THE STYLE 0F LIVING ROOM FURNITURE YHAT *SUITS VOUR NEEDS AND PERSONAL TASTE. WE'LL CUSTOM-MAKE VOUR ORDER AT A PRICE YOUI'LL FIND VERY AFFORDABLE. -WE OFFER A LIFETIME GUARANTEE- i 1650 BAYLY ST., PICKERING (J ust West of Brock Rd., South of 401) 686-2951 BUY DIRECT &SAVE CHESTERFIELDI FACTORY Manuacturersof custonm mode fumiture 250OTAUNTON RD.E*, OSHAWA Taunton Squar. (Co ner of Rit son Rd. N. & Taunton) BUSIrSS ,BUREAU 434-7610t I~~~~~~ ____________ WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1986, PAGE 1l Duplate sales office moves to Commerce Bldg plate Division of weekend and that the operate more effec- Canada Inc. set up department was expec- tively located close to in Whitby this ted to be in full Duplate's major cwhen the cor- operation yesterday customner, General ion moved its sales morning with a MOtors. Duplate, e from PPG minimum of disruption Canada's largest ida's Toronto to services, manufacturer of lquarters to the Only last year the automotive safety glass, by Commerce company's sales depar- is a supplier of ing. tment was moved from automotive manufac- an interview last Oshawa, where Duplate turers and the auto z Duplate has a glass tempering glass replacement :eting director plant, to Toronto. market. SClarke said the However, Clarke said it Clarke described the ewould take place was dediced that the mnve as a welcome one