PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY, JULY30ý 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby' Whtby - There la not much i Ure left ta enter the Whtby Chamber of Commere Marlgold Contest. The deadllne for entries la Saturday, August 2. Entry forma are avallble et Weall and Cuilen Nurseries, Oshawa Garden Service (Dundas St. and .Tlckson Rd. locations), Sun Gold Fruit Market, DeVile Produce, Vallee's Fruit Market, Whltby Dominion Har- dware and the Chamber of Commerce office in the Centennial Building. All you need todo to Marigold enter la f111 out the entry form;and plaee ILla lnthe orne box at ayof the above locations. Judging of the gar- dem wIll take place on Auguat 18 and 19, ln four categorlea: residential, induatrial, Institutionai and commercial. Winners ln each category wlll receive a free dinner for two at the awards nlght at Cullen Gardens on Sep- tember 5, a keeper trophy, and their names on a brasa Lray whlch la dlsplayed at the Tourlat Information Centre. For thi year, the Beat 6Tcof Soft Butter, l c White Sugar* and 2 Eggs* ln a bowl until fiuffy. Slft 1i'Ac fiour, 1i ½tsp BakIng Pcwder, 1 tsp Baking Soda* and 1 tep. cînnamon*. Mix weli wth 1 cacurcream. Blond bothi. mixtures together. Pour batter Into a greased and fioured 9"x13" pan. Scatter BOKI ½,c Chocoate Chips* over top and 1 T White Suger'. Bake at 350 for 35 min. A5LSR 7. *Ingredlenteend "Baut of Bridge" Cookbook ïrles avallable In Mill Store 655-4851 23 CASSELS RD. E.. BROOKLIN 'C&debir -Ç-olf and. YYây Ul(cW- DU U 1 09 WHITBY Counlrq Club 86-1121 rPRO SHOP SPECIALS OUR OWN EXCLUSIVE THUNDERBIRD II'S COMPARE AT $600. OUR PRICE $349 (ALL CLUBS il pc. SETS) WE CARRY 8OSTONAN GIOLF 8HOES THE SHOE PERSONALLY WORM BY JACK N16KLAUS- *GOLFING SWEATERS REG. '30.%NO'$ $ .1" -GOLF SHIRTS(a-4o BLENO) REG. 824 .141tk 99 IPOWER CAR SPECIAL *WEEICDÂY5 BEFORESA.M. ANDAFTER 3.M P.M. (2GREEN FEES à POWER CAR) $36.REG. $43.00 -WEEKENDS &HOLIDAyS SAVE$7 AFTER 3:00 P.M. LADIES SPECIAL!1 FRIDAY AFTERNOONS AFTER 4:00 PM. 43 0 LADIES GREEN FEES $0 Home Satellite TV: The Greatest Show On Earth A ction-packed movies are just the beginning of the ~programniing now showing on home satellite TV. Look at what else you've been missing: 9 eMore movie, sports. news, educational, religious, and children's programming than -s available from any otrrcr source. *IOO)-plus channels to choose frcm, for about the same i monthly payments as cable TV. 2 *Free and legal reception. To find oul more about how home satellite iflevi- sion works, ask us for a FREE copy of Tuning In Home Satellite TV. But hurry-supplies are imited. 4605 Baldwin St., Brooklin (1/ mile N of Famîiy Kartways) contest resîdentia winner willl alao recelve a gif t cer- tificate for a "Queen for a Day"' package from Valentino's Total Hair and Skln Salon. The gardons wlll be judged on the followlng standards: design and layout, general health and condition of tIse flowers, quallty of maintenance and plant display. This la thse fifth annual Marigold contest held by the Chamber of Commerce ta promote Whtby's officiai flower. The contest la open ta Whtby residents only. Br«Dk1 in By lines By BETTY.JEAN BLYTH Cail 655-3679 with Items for thia column Long before Captaln Coak sailed around the world discovering new lands, the Polynesians had lefL their tiny group cf islands and settled other Island groups. They populated not only the Hawalin lalanda but also the area we now know as New Zealand where they beame known as Maoris. Naturally they took their customa wth themn and one of these ia their method of cooking deHlius meais underground. In Hawaii it's known today as the lauau, not so0 well known Is the New Zealand version called the Hangi. For tIse Hangi, varlous types cf meat and vegetables are carefuliy wrapped and laid la a pit aurrounded by hot coala where they simnier slowly in thelr own juices. To introduce this fantastic feast to Canadiana, St. Leo's Parlsh la repeating thé suc- cessful Maoran picnic they introduced to us asat year. It will take place in thse grounds of St. Leo's achool on August 31. (Note: in case the weatherman refuses to co-operate, iL wlll be held the following day on Sept. 1) Along wlth the Hangi, tes, coffee, and an orange drink wlll ha offered as well as games for the kiddies. To enterain the aduits, the Maori Cultural Group from Toronto wll again perforrn. The proceedinga begin at 10 a.m. with the aseal being served at 4 p.m. The cast la $10 for thase aged 16 and over, $5 for the 3-15 age group, chilldren under three wlil hadmltted free. A special famlly rate of $3 willenable you to take the whole clan. Tickets wlll be on sale until Auguat 24 only s0 be sure to contact one cf thse following tc reserve yours and avoid disappolntment: Lias Rudolph, &%-M6; Byron race, 655-3677; Martin Van Hoot, 6554569or Father Moloney, 655-3286. Thisa 15aa fund raising en- deavour. -ýComing Events Calendar- ATTENTION NANNIES Y-Pace, a parent and chlld enrlchmnent cen- tre, wculd like to Invite all nannies te attend an evening get-together to meet other local nannies on Thursday, Auguat 7 beginning at 8 p.m. A counséllor from Durham Cdilege willl alao be in attendance te provide general Infor- mation about courses at the college. For more VCR HOLIDAY RENTAL SPECIAL Si 9.991k 76 Baldwin St. BROOKLIN 655-3308 CONTINUOUS COMPUTER - REGISTER & AAPROCESSING FORMS information please cail Laura,'839-8011. beginnlng at9:15 a.m. ln the Seniors' Centre, Bo1 Brock St. S. or oeil 668- Reglon Family YMCA Challenges and Choces SENIORS' TRIPS 1424. Pre-reglatratîon sklla by participating in The Whitby Seniors lista are alao posted so a range of activities In- Activity Centre has a ign up today. cluding swinsmingz. number af intereating basketball, floor trips planned this mon SUMMER CAMP hockey, volleyball and LIs, none of hem costing If you are looklng for tae kwon do and more. more than $5.50. In- a challenge this aum- For more in- cluded *on the liat of ex- mer you should consider formation please call curalonas are the Metro attending the Durham the YMCA at 668-6868. Zoo, a concert at On- tario Place, the Ontario Equinment stolen Science Centre and the I CNE. Registration day Conatruction equlp- struction site at Lasco for the Auguat trips la ment valued at $6,355 Steel Thursday nlght. this Friday, Auguat 1 was stolen from a con- FROM PAGE 4 Writer turns to media eThe fireplace was net built to specification and consequently some amoke damages oc- curred. This has recen- tly been re-constructed but the mandle has neyer been delivered te date. -Cigarette burna, etc. on the upgraded cushion flooring. Because our home was bricked during the win- ter, cracks, etc. became apparent. We were in- formed this would be replaced or repalred in the spring of 1986. This is being done ncw, however, we have discovered that several different colours cf brick are being' used. "Patch Job" we are told we should accept this, as tis is the best they can do. Thse supplier changed brick in the middle of the construc- tien season. Why would they tear down the exlating brick in places, without being certain the samne brick was available? FULL CAPABILMT FOR PRODUCTION 0F.- " LARGE OR SMALL ORDERS " QUALITY PAINTING " PICK-UP & DELIVERY AVAILABLE -i L 1 AWODAE . AA HPIN LZ The als goes on and on. These are just some Of the problems associated with this developer. Somne have been resolved, some have flot. We have spent hours on end, cleanlng, sanding, painting, etc. To contact Head Office, or the field personnel on site, has become part of Our daily routine. We are exhausted, we are flot amused. Our last resort is the media. Mr. & Mrs. C. Senior whitby. IETEEADS ENVELOPS - FITERS BUSINESS CARDS *IJSINESS FORMS RESUMES-UBROCHURES CARSONLESS FORMS PROGRAMS- TICKETS CoMtpuTialzED TIpisETiNO DONE ON PIEmistSI ~r"~B OOKLIN FLOUR MILLS "Country Store Atmosphero"l SOURCREAM COFFEE CAKE from "IENJOYI" rinfin Son Cp PHONE 6 218 HARWO( A JAX SHOPP LIBRARY NEWS The llbrary staff wouid like ta thanlc ail those who helped to make ita Farmer's Market 50 successful includlng the ladies of Aahburn and Myrtle who con- trlbuted the baked gouda; Anjou, Stephanle and Kelly from Brooklln; Peter of the IGA and Roxan- ne. Wlnners of the cookie baklng conteat were: best taating - Tara Boyd, Catharine Advent and Rob Ferguson; mast unusual - Shari Batty; Best decorated - Nlck Cown; amalleot - Jennifer Hunter; special mention - Louise Oke, Tim Grylla, Michael Stevens. The egg rolling wlnners were Jason Hunter, JIII- Innes, Jesse Stever, Lance Drimmie, Kerry Avis and Chrlssy Forsyth. Pin the tail on the pig winners were Sean Robichaud, Danny Drebit, Michael Lavoie, Catharine Advent, Joey Drebit and Jennifer John- son. The jello eating wlnners were Louise Oke, 0. Jay Thompson, Llaa Schneider, Michael Hunter, Tara Boyd and Becky Boyd. PUPPET SHOW The Trent Travelling Troup wlll present Little Red Rlding Hood and Sleeping Beauty at Aahburn Community Centre on Frlday, Auguat 1 at il a.m. This la being sponsored by yourliibrary andIs free. FRENCH EXCHANGE STUDENTS On Frlday, July 25, Wendy Bogart and her French billet, Vincent Margueritat, hosted a fareweil pool party at her home on North St. in Brooklln. French students have been living in the area for the past two and a half weeks learning Engllsh from the hast familles. They came to Durham Region from mrany towns around Toulouse in the south of France as participants in the Durham/France Homestay Program. Robert Abrey from the French teaching section of Anderson Collegate assisted in arranging trips te downtawn Toronto, Canada's Wonderland and Niagara Fils. The hast familles wouid like to wlah au revoir to ail thelr new frlenda. OOPS! 1IGOOFED AGAIN The wheelbarrow full of cheer draw that I men- tioned last week was sponsored by thse Brooklin Redmen and not the Kinsmen as I erroneously stated. à ÙROOKLIN RD Roo r"ý