Whitby Free Press, 16 Jul 1986, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS WEDNlESDAY JULY 16 1986 PAGE 7 Simtple precautions can reduce risk of break-ms Residents itbe nelgbbourhood of Mannig and Rlbble feel t intime thetown dld sometbIng about erectlng nome trafflc con- trois at the intersection. Kathy Husband, Becky Bradley, Evelyn Fox, Chantelle Bradley and Chris Bradley bave to cross four lanes of traffic when they go to Prinl Park hi play. Ares residents Bill and John McLellan plan to make a dg to council about the problein. Free Press St Town inaction angers residt A group0f residents i the neighbbmrbood of Manning and Rlb- blesdiale are growlng in- creaaigly impatient wlth tbe town's refusai te erect trafflc controla at thebusy Itergstion. Reidentasasy tbei- tersection, whlcb lsaa pedestrian acesn hi a mail, cburch and the Prfinge Creek Park, pose a serlous tbreat h' cbidren and adults alike because they must cross four lanes of often ispeeding trafflc. "The cars on Manning are travelling hio fat and there's a curve just west 0f the Intersection se you can't see the east bound trafflc until you are well inte the inter- section. It la very, very dangerousideed," sald BD HarrT Herrnia group 0fi approaci the pata sectiont that nodi done. By JAN DODGE Free Pes Staff Break and enter crimes increase notieably ithe sum- mer aya Constable Peter Bramma of the- commnnty .services bureau for Durhami Regions) Police. Statlstlcs fromn the records department show Whitby residential break-and-enter crimes for May and June of 1906 at 18 and* 16 respec- tlvely. This compares wlth six for January. Warm weather,i- creaaed dayllght, and homes for extended perioda of tume make favorable worklng con- ditions for break-and- enter thieves. LDetective Wayne Goreskl said there bas gle Creek been no mad rash of Harrison break-mns so far this leputation suramer altbough there have been a-haif dozen hi the Ashburn aresi Laff Photo the put couple of weeks. Goreski points out that the majority 0f break-ina take place enfts when no one la home durlng dayllght houra. Slnce Wbtby ilaa Ison. bedroom clty wlth botb inaid he and a husbsnd and wlfe resîdenta have working, many housS hed council i are vacant most daya, about the inter- hesald. but were told "IThere are only two bing could be waya hi break Into a house,"' Goreaki sald. SEE PAGE 14 "The thief cen elther force a wlndow or a door. If a guy wantai bad enough, he'l1 get i.'" However, sice moit thef ta occur when there la no one at home, Bramma saad, when Whltby residente go on vacation, the key la hi make sure the house looka llkeIt'a occupled. Belng on friendly ternis wltb nelgbboura can ha very helpful. The holidayer cen arrange te have a nelghbour check his house on a dally baala, even goig i and turnlng different lights on and off at ap- propriate times and openlng and closig drapes, hi make the house look aa though people are comlng and goig as usual. Some people prefer hi have a relative go into their buse, but a neigh- bour could pick up newapapers, flyers and any mail whlch could signal that the bouse la unoccupied. It i l aimportant hi bave someone cut tbe grasa on aregular baala. If a bousae la i darknessevery evenlng, if the drapes are always pulled, if the grass la growlng bigher than the nelghboura', and papers are coflectig at the dooratep, tUee are ail glveawaya that no one la around. Bramina auggests that a timer for the lighta and/or the radio, auch ai those that cen ha purcbaaed at Canadien Tiealso makes the bouse seeni occupled. However, ha sagests ushiig a fresh ight bulb so bis own ex- perlence won't ha repeated. After the firat day of his vacation bis mother, who waa cbecklng bis bouse, reported the timer he had istaled dldn't work. The blub had blown. "People used hi coni- plain about the busybody i the nelgh- bourhood, but I tblnkthe busybody la great," Goreskl sald. 11 just love tbose people who know that's goig on." Botb Bramma and Goreaki encourage people te, report anytblng suspiclous i the nelgbbourbood. "People are ap- prehensive toecal), tbey don't want te have the police check out somethig wblch turna out hi be- notblng,"' Goreski said. "lWe don't mmnd. Sometimes one phone eauli wll solve a serles of break-end- entera."9 "If tbere bas been an entryitosa bouse wbere the people are away," Bramyna sald, "the police abould be notlfled rlght away, or there couldhaea second break- SEE PAGE 14 *~~~~ . 4. .eA . . ..j.A.j . . ...... ...... ' j ý' -, ý ý i; (,

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