Whitby Free Press, 16 Jul 1986, p. 3

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WHITBY FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY J ULY l6 1986i PAG E 3 Police seek armed robber The Blood Donor Clinic held at the Whitby Legion on Byron St. S. last Tuesday was a liuge ýsuccess wlth 294 donations. Maureen Dobblns was just one of the many donors who donated blood. She is being helped by Kathy Trip. Free Press Staff Photo Town studies Centennial fly MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff Wbtby coundil bas accepted the termns of reference for a feasability study on the future of the Centennial Building. 'Tbe study came about folowlng a letter ta the town from the Whtby Little Tbeatre in Sep- tember' Of 1985 requestlng expansion and renovations ta tbe building. Coundil responded ta the letter by suggeatlng that before renovations were undertaken on the building, a tudy sbould be undertaken to determine the feasabillty of uslng the building as an arts and cultural center and ta determine tbe future an- ta and cultural needs of the communlty. IAt present the building on Centre St. S. bouses the Whitby Little Theatre, the Durham Reglon Family YMCA, the Red Cross; tbe FROM PAGE i Wbtby Historical Socety and the Whitby Chamber of Commerce Archives. Tbe study vil be carrled out in. two pbaes at acost ofup to $30,000. Tbe town wll contribute $15,000 to the cost whîle a provincial grant will psy the remaining $15,000. Phase one of tbe study (A Needa Assessment) wil determine wbois in- terested in arts and culture; identify the ar- ta and cultural preferences and discover wbetber people are, satlsfied or dlssatlsfled with the present level of arts and culture. Pbase one wli also examine siilar related fadilitles la the area la- cludlng the Whltby Arts Station, the Whtby Seniors Actlvty Center and the Oshawa Lttle Theatre. Phase one la expected tube completed by Sep- tember 1 of thls year. If, after phase one is completed, the con- sultant recommends that the Centennial Building wiil not meet' the needs of the com- munity, the consultant la ta recommend an alternative course of ac- tion. If phase one recom- mends that the building can stil be used, the consultant, in phase two of the study, la to hiase wltb interested parties to assess ownership, joint operations and management of the building. The consultant wl alao identify what types of arts and cultural programs should exist In the bulding- to meet the needs of the com- munlty. They wil also recommend alterations and additions needed to meet the needs wbile keeplng the historical value of the facilities 1nf mind. Flnanciaily, the con- sultant wli deterinine Building the costa of additions and new programs to the building and, the costa of operating It for five years. As well, government and private funding will be looked at. The second phase of tbe study ls expected to be completed by November 10of this year. Council bas given the approval to proceed wltll tbe tendering process. The study will proceed under tbe premise that tbe YMCA, the major tenant of the building, would vacate the building in five or ten years for another fadillty and the theatre would remain. The study wil also look at »purchasing a Provincial Land Reglstry Office ad- jacent to the Centennial Building and incor- poratlng It into tbe uses in tbe building. The town bolds the flrst op- tion of purcbasing tbe R esidents gang up .'ýon.,DRNPHC "ý,A number of residents, recelved applause from cheeka. He lalxned he asked the' corporation the resîdents. would ta unable to walk where bouses, such as IlWere you screened his doglin theparkif the RASI the nespropsedfor when you applied for townhouses are built. - T A Bluegrasa Meadows,. your bouse, replied "'l a ue PICK YOUI bave. been built in the Hamre. "Thank God we peaceful neighbourhood 8A past. II would lice ta go have sucb a thlng as before this," said the 'Zdamo wi1 and look at them," one human rlghts In this man. man sald. country," she sald. But "We want Our Farm *** Dane Hamre, cor- ber statement was met program to ta a good poration president and a vith a chorus of boos. neiglibour, and we wil Newcastle reglonal Dr. MichaëlI aiso ad- work towards that end," miWY. counillor informed the dressed the concern Hamre told bim. residents the cor- witb vandallms. one resident asked poration was formed "Vandallsm arses Dr. Michaela wbat the no4 01qTU only 18 montbs ago and because of a lack of time frame of construc- a project la currently housing. This is one tion vil ta when siteI underway in Oshawa. reason we bave to plan approval la given. 1 So we are golng to ta provide affordable Dr. Michael informed guinea piga?" asked one bousing," said Dr. the residents the bouses f+ woman. Mlchaels. could ta built by the fail But is statement did of 1907 if site plan ap- The residents were not satlafy one resident proval la given soon by also inormied that there wbo said he bougbt hla the tawn. vil ta three prospec- bouse after retlring and "mIf it la not approved GenPa n tive tenants for each of la planning on spending how vil that affect your a6-5 the subeidlzed bouses. the rest of his life init. timetable," asked 6 8_5 tmCan we help choose ,You are taking the another resident. Dring Contai our neighbours and last years of my lie 'tmt affects us badlif N.W.COI decide who the tenants away fromn me," sald dates are not accorded ADC vWil 't,"Ilasked one - be. gentleman, . tears. -to,!'. ..answered,.. -Dr. » . -..... iÙi ; aWtexenL hicb streaming down bis Michaela. An undlsclosed amount of money was taken from a Whltby gas bar durlng an armed robbery last Wed- nesday. Durham Regional police report a white Motorbike stolen A 1983 Honda motor- cycle valued at $500 was stolen from an un- derground parking lot at 101 White Oaks sometime on Sunday,. July 13. The motorcycle 15 red and yellow. Van stolen A 1978 Chevrolet van valued at $3,000 was stolen from Grant Men- zies Motors between July 1 and July 14. The theft went unnoticed for two weeks. FROM PAGE i SDfrector treasurers) course, and is currently serving as a member- of the municipal development committee for the association of municipalities of On- tario. Morrow vil assume bis new duties in Whitby on Auguat 18, 1988. DISTINCTIVE WEDDING INVITATIONS SeIcIyour %%ddmng invitations frorm our complete catalogue, For you. .a Krepsakecopy of your Invitati(n mn luxurtous goId. male descrîbed as 5.10 and havlng a sklnny bulld, used a pipe to demand the money from the employee at the Whltby Gas Bar located at 995 Dundas St. W. The robbery occured at 9:30 p.nI. last Wednesday. Anyone bavlng any in- formation regarding the robbery la asked to con- tact the nearest police station. THE FRAMING CENTRE 668-4521' Ptunlas Pansios Impatiente (Potted or Begonlas Boxed) 5 each W. stli have a large varlety of quallty plants. Annuals & Perrenlals E -.TV427-2525 Driva ile BloodClinic P13ERRIES N BERRIES R OWN EVERY DAY ý.M. TO 8P.M. foi READY PICKED AVAILABLE 0ow Peas Ready For Plcklng 09 For More Information inets or Purchase et Farm RNER OFTAUNTON ORONATION RDS. 1 1

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