Whitby Free Press, 16 Jul 1986, p. 36

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PAGE 36 WEDNESDAY JULY 16 1986 WHITBYFREE PIRSS Lettr: xtra billing ToThem i tor: millon ofer from the Incomne? mhat tiiese Regalng.the con- govemment ln hn- questions can even be tinming controversy creased tees for ex- asked should be sut- over Bill 94, norne com- perienced physiclans? ficlent evidence hi coun- ments. Why bave several ter any- slmpllstle At firut glanc, Bill94 promietTronto doe- suggestion, that the seenis hi be concerned torsrfsdh uccumb physîclan' opposition wlth money and only to agoverment ofter to to Bill 94lsinnany way wlth money. But, if tiil double their fees for founded on "greed". lasno,I1urge you to ask therapeutic abortions? What then ls the yourself why have 70 Why have thousndsot issue? It la slmply this. percet of the doctors ln physiclans who do not, The physiclans correc- the province wltbdrawn have not, and neyer i- tly percelve that Bil 94 theirvlces when only tended to "extra bl" la the tinst step hi a six percent "extra continue hi stnike at a cleverly concealed -at- bil"? Why bave the personal coot of hun- tempt by the gover- doctors refused a $100 dreds of dollars , inluet SEE PAGE 42 FROM PAGE 31 Bramma 's boatmg safety 1. One approved llfejacket,, personal floatalion device (P.F.D.) or llfe-savlng cushion for each per- son on board (I mighî mention here that an ap- proved lifejacket la a type mhat wlll turn a vlctlm over and keep the mouth and nose clear of mhe water even if unconscious. P.F.D. 's are very popular becaijse mhey are much more comfortable and stylish but they wiI not necessanily t urn you over- when unconsclous. Most people will choose a P.F.D. in preferance to a lifejacket). 2. Two oars wimh rowlocks or.two paddles. 3. One hand held baller or one manual purnp. 4. Some type of signalling device (whisîle, horn, etc.). 5. Lights. Have at least a flashlight with you in case you are caught ouI after dark or in fog. If you are intending using your boat at night or it is moîorized you must have proper navigation lights. 6. One class Bi fire extinguisher - if vessie has in- board motor or fixed fuel tank or heating or cooking appliance that burns liquid or gaseous fuel. Overloading: Overloading is dangerous. The number of persons that can ha carried safely depends on the type of boaI, distribution of passengers and equipment to be carried. Each operator must know the limitations of his/her vessel. Before starting out BUY A L ENNOX Hi EFFICIENCY PULSE Furnace or Central Air Conditioner or Heat Pump and Receive a FREE DUCT CLEANING APPROX. $ 1 0 OFFER EXPIRES JULY 31, 1986 ~Â. - - ~z~rn NOW YOUR ENTIRE HOME CAN BE CLEAN AGAIN!1 Our exclusive vacuum system willI reach into every corner of your forced air furnace ducted system and remnove ai l the dust, soot, bugs, hairs and dirt that have accumulated. eVYour drapes and f urnlshlng wIli slgh with relief @Air wIlI flow faster warming up *Allergy sufferers wiII feel cool rooms. ref reshed lE M .~ m AuthOrlzed Consumera' Gag LiwD. HEATING & AIR CON DITriOMimr., i Tfl 'i E a - OSHAWA W aTBYAJX£PCK 72-0686;-81168-55 determine the nwnber of persons you can carry safely on your boat. The Canadian Coat Guard recommends these weight loads, based on the length of your boat: M35 kg. rnxà. weigliload; and, for a boat 5 m in length, 5 pensons, 440 kg. max. welght load. Note: Maximum weight load includes pensons, engine, fuel, etc.; in rough water conditions, there should be at least one less person in the boat. Licensing: AHl pleasure craft must be licensed if under 20 tons and powered by 10 h.p. or more engine (the licence registration number is placed on both sides of the bow). Special Craft: One approved P.F.D. is required for each person on board a sailboard or water scooter. Sailing Plan: If possible file a sailing plan with the marina or sailing club before setting out. At the very least make sure a relative or friend on shore is aware of where your going and when you expect to r-1-- Finally, I strongly recomrv"- ail boat operators take a safe bc _.,~ course as I did with the Canadian Power Squadrons, or the Canadian Yachting Association, Red Cross, offer excellent courses. In thi s column I have dealt with only a very small part of boat safety and equipment, I have not covered other stuff lilce anchors, flares and the bike. A boating course is the answer. If you need further information I'm sure the nice people at the Canadian Coast Guard office in Pickering wil be able to help you. They have a super 41 page bookiet called the Safe Boating Guide <we also have a limited quantity at the Community Services office at the Whitby station). The phone number for the Coast Guard office is 831-2300. P.S. This summer P.A.R.U. and C,..M.R.A. patrol boats will ha doing random check's of Lake Ontario vessels. They.wiIl ask you if theycan do a courtesy examination of your bonIs equipment. Please give them your full co-peration. There in- terest is your safety. Have a safe summer. Farmdebt board Farmers who recelve notification fnom mheir financlal institutions about outatanding tarm debta should contact mhe Ontario Federation of Agriculture, sald Harry Peassero, OFA president. This applies hi any notices served between June 27, 19M and the ac- tual start date of operation of mhe Farm Debt Revlew Board fo r Ontario. The Farm Debt Review Act, creating Farm Debt Revlew Boards acros the coun- try, was passed by mhe House of Commnons on June 27, and bas recelved royal asent. FROM PAGE 32 However It bas not been proclalmed, and il may take till the week ut July 21 hi get the Board con- stituted and operational. Pelissero sald the Federation la conceriièd wlth farmers who are caugbt in Ibis time gap hatween -royal ament and mhe actual date when the Revlew Board will ha acceptlng ap- plications. The- OFA president sald mhe.Federation willl wonk hi get tarmers ac- cesa hi debt nevlewi mis transition perlod. Farmners who need asalatance should con- tact' Mr. Peasero at (416) 485-3333. Take precautions by certifleci dealers. Check mhe date slaniped on mhe nalaed collan. This indicates the manufacturlng date and the dates of any Inter In- spections. If more maon ten years bave passed since mhe most recent date, mhe cylinder la due for reinspection or replacement and it can- not legally ha reffiled. Take it to a propane denier wlmh staff who are certifled to do in- spections. When aîtachlng a cylinder to a barbecue, ha sure mhe rubben seal la; ln good condition. On- ce mhe cylinder la ln place, check for leaka. Open mhe main supply valve, mhen brush a soap and water solution over ail lines and connec- tions. The appearance of bubbles indicates a leak and mhe main valve should ha shut im- mediately. Have an ex- pert repair mhe leak hafore using mhe bar- becue. Alwa Ys read and tollow the manufac- turer's Instructions carefully. Make sure thie bunr ports or openinga are dlean and mhe burner 'surface la dlean of dust or dirt. Arrange the hose so thal It does not corne hi con- tact wlth the hot body of the barbecue. Use mhe soap and waler test to check for leaks evenytime a cylinder la connected. "With a bit of extra care, hackyard acciden- ta can bhaavoided," inys Mn. Kwlnter. The 'mlnistny bas produced brochures on portable gasoline con- tasiners and propane safety. For copies con- tact Ihe Consumer In- formation Centre at 55U Yonge St., Toronto, ?47A 2H6 - (416) 963-1111 or toîl free 1-800-268-1142. Ontario residents with an 80M area code niay caîl the 416 number collect. "THE WHOLE HOUSE WILL FEEL AND SMELL NEW AGAIN" ACT NOW Limîted Time Off er LENNOX, HEATING/AIR CQNDITIONING

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