PAGE 30 WEDNESDAY JULY 16 1986 WHITBY'FRFE PRESS. 0 GO extension proceeds Toronto - Ontario Transportation 'and Communications Mini- ster Ed Fulton lias an- nounced the award of a contract for the GO Train service expansion program ln Toronto district. The contract la for GO Train service expansion program, seat section, Pickering to Whtby project, gradlng and structures, Liverpool Rd. to Churcli St. This contract consista of grading and struc- tirai work from Liver- pool Rd. easterly to Churcli St. The proposed GO Transit tracks willl pass under recently completed Liverpool Rd bridge and continue easterly to pass under the exlstlng Brock Rd. bridge and over Cburch St. and Duffins Creek connectlng to the West- ney Rd. south contract. This contract la the final link ln grading contrac- ta in the east section, Pickering to Whitby project. The scope of work un- der this contract ls as follows: earth gradlng and granular base for the GO Transit grade; retalning walls adjacent to thé GO Transit grade at the existing Brock Rd. bridge north abut- ment; bridge structure carrylng GO Transit over Church St. and Duffins Creek; new culverts at creek crossings along the allgnment. The work ls expected to be com- pleted in early 1987. The scope of this con- tract includes grading, drainage, granular base, bot mix paving and structures including bridges, retaining wall and culverts. This project is ad- mlnlstered by GO Tran- sit under the GO Train Service Expansion Program. Work on the project la scheduled to begin in July, 1986 with corn- pletion set for mid- summer, 1987. The contract 18 awar- ded to Bot Holdings Limited, Bot Construc- tion Limited, Bot Con- struction (Canada) Limited, Clarkson Con- struction Company Limited of Oakville, Ont. at a cost of $5,626,277. WHITBY - Bell Canada paid $588,569.82 in taxes to Whitby in Gunner honoured Gunner K.B. Stevenson (left) of Whitby is congratulated by Lieutenant-Colonel J.J. Colenman, Honorar Lieutenant-Colonel of the 26th Field Regimnent, Royal Canadian Ar- tillery, following graduation froni training as an artilleryman at the Royal Canadian Ar- tillery Battle School, at Shilo, Manitoba. Gun- ner Stevenson was awarded the "Best Layer" trophy for proficiency with artlllery slghting systems. He la now posted to the Second Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artlllery at Canadian Forces Base Petawawa, Ontario. Gunner Stevenson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Stevenson of Whitby, Ontario. Photo Courtesy of Royal Canadian Artlllery Battie chool 1985 as a resuit of telecommunications op- erntions here. In ad- dition Bell spent $1,296,000 in 1985 to maintain and upgrade Fire cails FROM PG. 29 fire. 9:09 p.m. - 315Colbor- ne St. W. Medical aid. 9:20 p.rn. - 1645 Dun- das St. W. Motor vehicle accident. 5:30 p.m. - 301Dundas St. W. \,Assistance to ambulance. JULY 12 12:57 p.rn. - Henry and Burns St. Vehicle ac- cident. 8:45 p.m. - 8 Broughton Crt. Medical aid. 9:43 p.m. - 50 Frost Dr. Assistance to am- bulance. JULY 13 12:34 p.m. - 215 Reedatre Crt. Assistan- ce to ambulance. 1:40 p.m. - 1100 Champlain Crt. Resuscitator. JULYl14 No cails reported before 8 a.m. OFFICE SUPPLIESlý DESR CHAIRS rem FILES ETC. Folders " DESKS e TABLES " FILIiqG CABINETS " AOING MACHINES " TYPEWRITERS " CHAIRS> " SAFES * KARDEX " CASH REGISTERS " ELECTRONIC CALCULATORS " STEEL LOCKERS * FANS " SNELVING e TIME RECORDERS *TBANSFER CASES ETC. *DUPLICATING MACHINES DESIGN COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE 218 Harwood Ave. S.,-Ajax Shopping Plaza, Ajax Telephone 416-683-1968 and 416-683-1970 telephone service in the exchange. In 1986 this expenditure is estimated to be $703,000. In 1986 Bell's capital expenditures are expec- ted to total $1.5 billion, with $837 million of this suni in Ontario. Some highlights of, Bell's 1985 spending: edigital systern swit- ching satellite in- stallation; ocable relocation,, Brock St. S. for Go: Transit facilities; efeeder cable relief, Brock St. N. for seven. major subdivisions; and, eurban and rural relief and rehabilitation. Some highlights of Bell's 1986 plans: efiber optic cable route, Whitby to South Pickering; efacilities for sub- division growth; and, etransmission equip- ment in switching cen- tre. In' 1985 Bell paid $58856982 in taxes to Whitby as follows: real estate, $25,264.50; business, $6,209.62 and gross receipts, $557,095.70 or $26.07 per phone. In 1986, gross receipts tax will total $605,505.95. The gross receipts tax is a levy of five percent of ail teleconi- munications revenue derived from Bell operations 10 Ontario the previous year and apportioned to each ex- change based on the number of Bell owned telephones in use in the exchange. In the Oshawa area Bell employs 580 people with an annual payroll of $17.2 million. There were 11,944 Bell customers in the Whitby exchange at the end of 1985. LWH ITB- PTICA~ COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICES @CONTACT LENSESoEYE G LASSES *EYE EXAMINATIONS ARRANGED 666-3831 ý H EARING CLINIC *AUTOMATIC HEARING AIDS 666-3797 Bell pays big taxes to town c4 HONEY BEAR DAY CARE CENTRE NURSERY SCHOOL For Chi ldren 2 to 5 years old (Gomorment Lcensed Qovernmont Approved) Full Days, Half Days or Hourly * A brand new, totally renovated Government Approved Day care centre * An abundance of new toys and equipment * Government approved Staff and Iearning programs * 3 meais a day prepared by a nutritionally aware cook * Learnlng themes and outlngs OPEN FROM 6:30 A.M. - 6 P.M., MON.-FRI. 52 Weeks a Year Except Canadian Statutory Holldays Minutes from Downtown Whitby FOR ENROLMENTAND INFORMATION CALL: 668-6200 THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWN OFWHITBY N THE MATVER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, .S.O. 1980, c. 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the 'Cor- poratlon of the Town of Whitby has passed By-iaw No. 204686 to desîgnate the foiîowing property as being of architectural and/or historical value or in- terest urider Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337: The Thomas Sielgh House 210 Trent Street West Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIG NATION 0F 210 TRENT STREET WEST Historîcal This house was built in 1863 by Thomas Sleigh, a local house and sign painter. T.wo prominent owners of the house were John Tait Mathison, a famous cricket player, and Lawrence Agg, a Whit- by Town Councillor and Deputy Reeve In the 1940's. Architectural The house was originally constructed of board and batten. It was brIcked over In 1906 by John Mathîson. A unique feature of the house Is that tl la madeup of four bays on the front facade with the front door and second storey gable window offset f0 one side. DATED aI the Town of Whitby thîs 2nd day of Juiy, 1986. Donald G. McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whtby 575 Rossiand'Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8, Phone: (416) 668-5803 1 INSTANT PRiNTINGJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rW o r =0 r 9 ýiniini i z 7 lim