PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1986~ WHITBY FREE PRESS Seniors choir wins first in competition The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre choir has brought homnea first place finish from the Kitchener Choir Fest competition held last month. In competition with seniors' choirs fromn Lively (near Sudbury), Chathani, -Hamilton, Barrie and Brampton, the Whitby group sang what the adjudicator feit was a variedand in. teresting program with an "excellent contrast of material both in tem- po and in spirit," said choir director Barbara Breckenridge last week. Reading from the ad- judicator's notes on the cior's performance, Breckenridge said the adjudicator found the choir, which opened the competition first thing in the morning, to be a Whitby seniors par- ticipating in this year's Elderobic Moonwalk logged 577 miles, alniost 270 miles more than last year's innaugural total. The annual event, which takes place during National Physical Activitv Week and serves as a kick ofi for Senior Citizens' Month i June, com- fine opening group which 'Ibroke the ice nicely"l and mnade a point of effectively communicating the songs. bines the walking effor-, ts of thousands, of seniors across the coun- try over a period of one week. The national mileage goal this year wvas 476,000 miles - the distance ta the moon and back - but the final totals have yet ta be an- nounced., During the designated week - May 24 to June 1 - The first place finish followed a third place finish in the Markham Seniors' Extravaganza May 14. However, Breckenridge felt the some 60 Whitby seniors participated in the walk by keeping track of al walking they did during the week and phoning in their mileage to the third place finish was probably due to the fact that the Whitby group, which is a umison choir had to compete against Darts choirs. In Kit- Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre. Mleage was calculated as one mile for every 20 minutes spentwalking. SÉEEPG. 12 Seniors Effie Raîston and Gardon Crawford were chosen King and Queen of Sunnycrest Nur- sing Home for the upcoming year. The two are seen hare with Sunnycrest ownar Ruth Leroy. Life Enrichment diractor Lynda Mc- chener June 4, the choir competed against unison choirs only which Breckenbridge feit was a fairer way of judging the choir's performan- ce. In Kitchener the 30 member seniors' choir sang Zing a Little Zong, Memory, Kalinka, "The' Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond, MacNamara's Band, No Man is an Island and Now at Last Our Performance is Ended. Breckenridge said the choir will be taking the summer off and does not have another perfor- mance scheduled until September when it will entertain at the Seniors' Activity Centre loth An- niversary celebrations. crowned Nabb and administrator Jean Forrest. The two were voted to the throne by residents, staff and volunteers at the home. Free Press Staff Photo Voltage reduction test A voltage reductian test will be coaducted by Ontario Hydra on Tuesday, July 15. Between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. and again fram 7:30 ta 8.130 p.m., voltage on the Ontaria Hydra elactrical grid will be reduced by.five percent. For most custamers, tha effect of these twa reductions wil be im- perceptible. Testing the power distribution grid in this way helps ta ensure thà t, in tlie event af a generatian emergency (such as tha breakdawn of a large generating unit), there will be no power interruptians. A five percent reduc- tion in voltage distributed over the Hydra system is equivalent ta reducing more than 500,000 kilowatts of electricity demand. That is the autput of a single Pickaring reactor and is enough ta meet the elec- tricity needs of more than 180,000 homes. As well, the data collected fram the test will help Hydra locate and resolve patential operating ar customner prablems. Hydro conducts voltage reductian tests onea er Seniors log 577 miles in walk c~ HONEY BEAR DAY CARE CENTRE NURSERY SCHOOL For Chldren 2 to 5 years old (Govomment Lcensd Government Approvsd) FuliDPays, Hall Dayà or Hourly *kAbrand new, total ly renovated Government Approved Day care centre * An abundance of new toys and equipment * Government approved Staff and learni ng programs * 3 meals a day prepared by a nutrltional ly aware cook * Learnlng themes and outings OPEN FROM 6:30 A.M. .6 P.M., MON.-FRI. 52 Weeksa ear Excepi Canadian Statutory Holldays MI nutes f rom Downtown Whltby FOR ENROLMENT AND INFORMATION CALL:" 668m6200 Isyour cash !low. Th6 e oent: i Bar8ter And Master Trade *Master Trado acts as your broker, publIclzlng your of ferings and putting you ln touch with other firms who need what you have, and have what you need. Through our trade brokers we are constantly exploring new markets for you. *Master Trade becomnes an active distributor for your produts or services. Our istingservice and periodic bulletins advertlse you. *Master Trade improves your cash flo0w by selllng your product at prevailing prices. Vour actual cash ln- vestment Is your wholesale or production cost. eMaster Trade shlows you to use existing Inventories, representing cash you have already commilted, to buy gooda and services you need. We make these unproductive assets profitable. *Master Trade generates new profits, since we Increase sales without Increaslng sales expense. eMaster Trade reduces accounîs recelvable and bad debts. Immediate paymrent for your product or service la credlted to your account. 'Master Trado provides detailed statements each month showlng the purchase and sales by your company for the previous month. Accounts are reconciled on a daily basis. B5arter is smnarter Cafl Now MASERTRADE ADivision of Metro Trading Systemrs Ltd. o 3208 LENWORTH DR. MISSISSAUGA, ONT L4X 2G2 TELEPHONE: (416)62~5 E CROATOCF THETOWNOFWHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION The Councîl of the Corporation of the Town of Whltby lntends to pass by-laws to stop up, close and seli the untravelled portion of the Peel Street road allowance between Coîborne Street East and Dunlop Street East as shown below:- SANDAS STREET EAST Whltby Town Council wili meet on July 14, 1986, at 5:00 p.m. In the Meeting Hall of the Whltby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, for the purpose of hearing any person who claims their land will be prejudiciahly affected by the by-laws. Any person wishing to be heard by Council ls asked to advise the Town Clerk adcordlngly no later than Thursday, July 10, 1986. Dated at Whitby, Ontario, this l8th day of June, A.D., 1986. Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 1 MUR"