Whitby Free Press, 2 Jul 1986, p. 25

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WHITBY FREE3 PRFSS VFDNESDAY. JUI Y 9 1986 PAGE 25, FREE PRESS E M PORI1U M Emporium Ads wili only be accepted subject to, the foliowing conditions. TWO LADIES BIKES, $40 each. ROLLEA SKATES- Nika, black, T.V. stand,. $15. Sferao stond, $25. niza 3, $25. Dominion, whita, sfio -HI-PI record player, $50. Colt aller 5 (laodies), $30. Filty record 6 p.m., 668-4032. albums, 1940-1950's music, nume clannicai. $5 each. Phono 655- -- ., 3266. MOI2EL TRAIN SET, HO Gaoge, 70 fi. irack, 4x8 table, engine, 12 cars, buildings, goud starter sel, $200 firm. Caf i 723-8969, aller 5 p.m. CUSTOM MADE coniemporary love seat and f so chairs, ex- cellent condition, cosi $1.900 nos, oskIxg $650. Wall unit, iss than a pear olil, $400, Alter 5 p.m., 668-2238. KLONDIKE tirepioce Inserf wiih tan, good condition, $350. Kim- baitf elociric organ wilh doubla keybourd and bench, $600. Com- binalion nlereo and radio, $50. 68-4760. BICYCLE - girls 23 loch Raleigh transit, $50 or beni olfer. Phono aller 6 p.m., 666-3274. ROBERT aATEMAN prinis, Idia Mule Swans, maaeumn framed, $750. Buftalo At Amboselie, $900. Phone 669.8526. GLASS and chrome coffee fable, 3 lier, $150. Dehumidifier, dark browii, $80. Wicker coffee table, $20. Picloreoun lace dlock. $25. Phone 427-6592. mBTCHER BLOCK style round table wilh tour pIneacane chairs, one year olil, $150. Phone 668- 6554. CARPETS, iwo 9x10, one 11013, $30 eaêh. Football halmet, $15. Pive gullon tish tank wiih Oc. cessorlas, $23. Liquor bar for rex ruom, $50. Phone 579-91 67. SPANISH style chasiarfieid and chair, cuslomn made, one ot a kind, M50. tmporled Eoropaan chandelier, $460. Oit on canvOn %afit painting trom Mexico and trame, $200. Cal 168-.9288. ROTO TILLER, 5 h.p., excellent condition, $295. Stop iîdder, aiuminum, $25. Whoebarrow, $10. fleit-moon table and magazine sand, $25 each, Ladies bfke, $40. Junior 10 speai, $45. Rock mapf e kilchen set, $225. Sowing machine, $35. Smal tabie, $35. Phone 6634638l. CUSTOM MADE drapes, 2 com- plaie ets, $300. Phone 666-0295. ADMIRAL riige and stove, gold. good condition, $700. Soid wood triple dresser with vanity section, $100. Two steeol helven, $25 eoch. 669-404. ENTIRE.. MOUSEHOLD lurnIture, nos and'used. Admiraifri-lge, $150. H..iryer, $250. Viking automatIc washer, HOD., !$300. Four 15" radiai Firestone tires. P19515R15,$50 each. 12 vot bal- tory, $50. Table and four chairn, kitchen, $100. 19 colour TV., $350. Dressar, $60. Large Oak deak, $1.000. Large book sheit, $110. Office desll, wood, $350. Steel book shal, $60. Couch and reclIxing chair, leathor, $550. Oask calculatur, $80. Anique cooch and 2 matching chairs. $400. Coat rack, $100. Elaciric stoye, $300. Bot cash cut er. Cal 855896M. GRAIN CONVEVOR, Little lan, 25 IL on sheels, $695. Phono 655- 8000. 14 FOOT mahogany FIeeiwIng saliboat. $450. Threo ion chain bolet, $100. Boat ancher, $25. Lef-hani gol clubs and cari, $15. Wter akils, $45. Barbaque, $15. Cent hook for roiing toge. $30, Houver. $3. Pick axe, $25. Phoxe 433.4669.- BCYCLE - boys 3 npood, ln ex- celont condition, 20 Inch shoots. soitablo for 9 ear oid, $60. Phone 668-9480. ALUMINUM shed, 1005. 2 yaarn o1, $150 or beal oiter. 666-4943. FOR SALE dinIng roues suite. eut d waiaat, approa. 60 paire od, 9 places, table wiîh exten- sion, ballet, china cabinet, 5 aide chaire and 1 arm chair, (corn- piately rainlshed Incuiixg 50w upholeterei cith aeate>, prIce $1,550 or Set oller. Tel, 8688- 2481. UBED .IACUZZI pool fluer and motor loi- 14x28 pool, $50. Phono 886.8271. -PLEASE READ- Whex fthe advertiied item is sold. disposed of. or unavailable for whalever reoxon, the item wili be deemed to have been soid and a commission wili be charged based on TIIE AIIVEItTISEI> PRICE an iiiustraled beiow. regardiess if price is siated with *best offer- If the item is NOT StILD. or disposed of, the ad wii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHIARGE of $750 wili appiy payable in advance of publication uft he firsi ad, The obove minimum charge wiii be applied to the final commission due Maximum commission: $10000.Alil adver. tisemenfs must be ptaced on an exclusive basis wiih the WHITIIY F-REE PRESS and runat ai ac one montil ifxiiisold RATES (if article lvsaîodl: 5% of advertited prire ap io 400.00 2% et balance avec 3400.00 EXAMPIE: Sold Item odveriued for $150.00. (aommîssion due $7.509( minimum charge lv 87.50) Prinote adverlisiag only! Pleaxe noify the Witby Free Press immedialely wben item is sotd so final se may delete it rom Ithe following issue. AIl ads nol fitling the Emporium guidelinen wilt be lrealed and cbarged par souk as regutar ciossified ado on a pre.paid basinsoch as: services, help woxled, clathiag, real esiale, axnd personal message type ods. or ado ouI quotiig price or qnanlity. Privale ciassifiei adn may appear in fthe Emporium section uoder upprîîprîaie hoadings ALL AIIS WILL GOl IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNI.ESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL. ADIX)Tf: FIRE PRESS MPOIiM! P.t. IBon 206 Whiiby. ILi N 5-lt If la deabi cati: 668-6111 Oit1 DEIVER Tf>: 131 Brock St. N. Wbiby. (Oit. TIE DEAILNE FOR EMPORIIUM AI)S IS TIE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. BOYS OMX style bike. $25 Phone 66-9738. NAVY PREGO Prom. ni pon andl - --- ---- -basket, $50. White change fable. INSIDE DOOR 20xO0. nciudiog $20. Electio Solfe slerillier. $12. hardware, $25. Inside door. 26xe0 Girls 18 monlhs tb suce lwo includlng hardware, $23. Con- cuIShes. $3 each. BatIe sarnier. croie dora slep single river, $38, $3. Call 668-0523. Fise 24x24 patio siabs, $250 - -- each. Portable oieclric baseboard heoler, $15. Piatform rocker, goid PRAM, ibrea-in-ona, $120. GM velour, $100. Exnd table, colonial loveseat, $40. Change table, $40. nityle, $25. Two nais bathroom AitIlike new. Youth bod, $60. laps, now $15 each.16236770. Phone 434-8947. BABY ITEMS for sale. Ail in goud condition. Twix sirol for s ix- i inhiatd and canopy. $85. 42x24" plappex wllS matirons pad, $35. High chair madeainix laip.soal reclinon, $40. Colt 6687269, anyime. k.PullRTII 0(rGn Gîve UNICEF Icarcis FOR SALE 1984 Bonaire 1200, and hielp a child sfaops 8, stuve, 2 way ridgo. Covlacu tolaIt, dlning sheiter, compltely Unicef Canada lV equippai, Immaculale condition, 443 MI. Pleasan Rd askIng $6,000. Cali Bruce ai 68-8 Toronto. Ont M4S 2L8 1965. lSGSh&h6364 î,BC ul280026ivn364, NEW & USED CAR BUYS READ.. .91Y .. .SELL JUST CALL 668-6111 NEED To KNOW SOMETHINO ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNIIY? Cal Phonoe 668-8943 Our liosless wiîli bîîg guIts andl gîetllifs. aioog sîfh hoipfl commuoily information. FOR SALER FORESLE 1978 DODGE hall ton silthcab, 1973 PONTIAC Laurenf Ian, 400 AMIFM cassette, aulomnalic, cc molor, iuns but neada worls, $2.100 or besl ullar. Caii aller 8 also cen b. bought for parts, p.M. - 689-094. $200. Phone 579-3030. 1977 FORD 1 ton, 351 V8, PS., pb., Single wfreeis, Ba0O stake boa, excelient condition, $3,400, cerIfIiai. 668-3850. 1977 CLOS Ctias Salon, con. sole bockain, good shape, easy f0 certiiy, $1,600, Phone 668- 0188. 1977 HONDA haichback, as le, $1,000. Phone 868-8528. 1977 OODGE wIndow van, low mifaage, goud tiras, loir body, excellent ruiner, $1.000 or basf reanonable ofter. 57-8319, weakdays aftar 6 p.m., weakends onyime. 1976 CHRYSLER COR2019A ps., p.b., air Coadilioing, $600 or basi ofar. Cali 65503176. 1976 AMC GREMLIN, one owner, standard 6 cylinder. tran- smission, as ix $500. 668-0159, woekends anyime, waekdayn ai- lerS5 p.m. 1975 GREMLIN X rais bol needs work or gond for paris, $200 or boni offer. 6687816. 1975 D00G6 Club Cab, 3/4fox heavy duly, aulomaiiC, gouil shape, 59,000 original miles. bul for 5ih wheei traiter, cramse con- roi, extra air comprenaor and tank for tires, ea gos tank, $3000. Phone 655-3006. 1975 PINTO 43,000 original milan, 4 cpi.. 2 door, new broken, camn shaf I and rockers, $200 or besi ol lai. 666-5060. 1974 SUPER BEATIE, excellent conithion, lady druven, 26,000 originel miles, nonroof, radio. new paixi, $2.750. 7253744. f974 HORNET for noie, han 1976 molor 232 40,000 milen), rebulIt liOns.. nowstafrter, body ruft, good ronaing. as ix $500. Phone 668-9519. 1972 PINTO, clean Inside, body good, needa minor repairs. $700 or beat otter. Cail 668-7925. 1969 CHEVELLE, tour new ties and severel brand new parts, $30(), Phone 686-155. ask tor Dan. THE CIF FUNCTION0OFYOUR1 BD STO CARRY TOUR BRANAROUND, Buying or !i sibte0la se Y"sus b. kb ho" e 4 e a smeain fl . eal,W ai pa-a-h.. no daim ta. ta bai-p.. clue 9"a ad seulasi MMMW4 ma 0.« tesil h« e.eita rnebos mae te mmt ae. ad eatt.à,l phonea.. ou ha». ""W" 00owfloa- tei tan lse Ws. p..iete. iha,, .nlibtoN0lm tal a iltiln d l e demuo.d to mmacea Wpmoannulotsa.. MO.I àà. eiy eso aRt Sent tor,asito.p. 668-6111 WHITBY FREE PRESS eirCON FUSEDP Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: @are a private advertiser: *have an article to seil; and, @have a speified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details . Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months . A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT selI within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fort unate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seli, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $750'? When your article selîs, a commission ks charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS *the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully. the explanatioîî below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do eall 668-6111l and we'll be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. 1 have read the Emporium guidelînes ahiwe and wish 1<1 have th Below are soniîe ixamples of what you would be following advertisemenl placed under this sectio of tlhe Whiîhby Free t charged if your article sold within three months. IPress.i Commissio*ns shîîwn include the minimum charge an(l are Ihus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLIE1 <idon 1i, rgeil, siiclile uItsrrphonirt n- ir 1 enclose $7.51)tcover the mi ni mu ni -hiigt- *Charge $7.50 o smyVisa accouriîMIl I TO: tard 'si,.t-iatti.- WHITBY Na m iptose ne'FREE PRESS NamIpeaepit P.O. Box 206 IAddress 1:11 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 City PestaI ('ode A inl vrt ivitl Irice Up It $ 1.11 $ 21 M) $ lie $ .4001 $ 50( 1 $ 600o $ 7(m) $ 8006 $ 0)8 $ l'Immf $21861I $4.0)(X) $5000 fand up Total Amount Payable $7.50 $10.00 s 15.00 820.00 $22.00 S24.00 'S 26.00 $ 28.00 s 30.00 $32.00 $52.00 $72.00 S92.00 $100.00

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