1WHITBY FREE PRESS. WI3DNESDAY, JIJNE 25. 1986 PAGE 7 Police to -get $60,OOO van for use as mobile command Twa of the winning projects from the fîve de student, gets critical appraisal of his students wha represented Durham Region at praject by twa other Whitby competitors, the Canada Wide Science Fair ini Calgary lest Stephen McPherson-Brecht and Andrew month were on display at the Durham Baard Reeves-Haîl, students at Henry Street High of Educationaoffices last week. School. Left, Mark Charlinski, a grade 7 West Lyn- Free Press Staff Phota Local students wmn honourable mention at National science fair ByJANDODGE Free Press Staff Three of the five students sent from Durham Region ta par- ticipate in the Canda Wide Science Fair held IneCaegroy last month wr rmWhitby. At a recent meeting of the Durham Board of Education the five. students briefly autlined their projects ta the trustees, and ended by presenting a white Western hat ta Chair- man Ruth Lafarga. Aidrew Reeves-Haîl, a grade 12 Henry Street student, and Mark Charlinski, a grade 7 West Lynde student, won special menit hanorable mentian cer- tificates with cash awards: $400 from. IBM for Reeves-Haîl sind $100 for Charlinski. Reeves-Hall's projeet, the computer software for a security systemn far psychiatric wards, is already in use at a Taranta haspital. The third Whitby student, Stephen Mc- Pherson-Brecht, fromn grade 10 at Henry Street, hàs been ap- proached 'ay Bell Telephane ta do a prac- tical application of his spoal projeet. *After hearing the people et Marc In- dustries, a health care manufacturer, -were having difficulty developing a software package that would work with the firm's camputer, Reeves- Hall's father, who worked in electronics there, had asked him ta take a look at it. 'II suggested pèrhaps I could wark it out with niy Apple Ile." At the same time the fimmn hired a group ta make the hardware for the security system while Reeves-Haîl was hired ta wark on the sof- tware. When the science fair came along he entered this as M.L.S.T. (Marc Intelligent Safety Tag System) although he said he is stiil refining it and daesn't cansider it finished. The 18-year-old ex- plained that the psychiatric patient is given an electramce tag with an assigned num- ber. Door stations in the hospital have two Infra red beams which when broken by the patient will indicate the direc- tion the patient is headed depending on which beam has been in- terrupted first. When the beams are interrup- ted the tag turns an and sends out the patient's nuxuber. This. infor- mation is picked up by sensars at the door and relayed ta a computer screen where a nurse can see the patient's number, name, the number af the door, and the directian the patient is headed. The nurse can then take ap- prapriate action. Charlinski's project, "Let's Play Bal," tested the bounceabîlity and squashability af faur different kinds of balîs: racquethails, basebalîs, tennis balîs, and golf balls. Although there are many more different sports bails, the 13-year- aid said he chose those because he plays thase sports. Ta check the baun- ceability he had a ver- tical baard with a measuring scale on It in front of which he boun- ced each bail (three dif- ferent makes for each sport) noting the height of bounce for each af six baunces. He found that the results for baseballs, tennis halls, and racquethails were ail about the same. With the golf halls, Tap Flite and Star Flite were about the same, but Titleist, which Charlin- ski says le the one pros use, bounced much less. Because af its com- position and because the pros it harder he says it will travel further. Ta test far squashability he placed each af the balîs in a vice, turned the handie ance and measured the diameter. He repeated this 10 times as he was able. Tennis and racquet- halls were the mast squashable, shawing a différence af four cen- timeters in diameter from start ta finish he said. MePherson - Brecht said he explored a grade 13 physics problem ta discover what happens ta a spoal ai thread when the thread is pulled at different angles. It is the practical ap- plicatior, uf , that problem that has Bell Canada interested. At present Bell moves SEE PC. 13 Durham Regianal Police will soon have a new Mobile Command Post at no expense ta the region. Regianal Council vated in favour of the acquisition of the vehicle et it's meeting Wednesday. The van will be funded by the pravince through the joint emergency planning pragram and a danatian by the Ontario Hydro Newcastle Liason Cammittee. Each will cantribute 50 percent of the cost. in a letter ta the committee, Chief af Police, Jan Jenkins, discussed the need for the cammand post. "Furthermore, the recent events at Cher- nobyl in the Ukraine have certainly heightened everyones awareness and their desire for visible measures that enhance public safety." The chef said the vehicle cauld be used should the need for con- trol facilities at the Darlington Nulear Power station arise in the event af demon- stratians, emergency situations or major crimes. The van itself will cost $60,000 ta build. Special communications equip- ment such as a three way radio, tape recor- ding and playback equipment, a P.A. system, a C.B. radio, a telescopic antennae and a hostage negotiatians kit, will cost $30,000. -COOLING SYSTEMS- 103 DUN DAS ST. E. 162 KING ST. E. WHITBY OSHAWA 668-3356 571-3400 Gospel Films Presents hl 1M erles Film 1: Is There an Adolescent in the House? WHITBY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL Sunday, June 29 6:00 P.M. Sponsorod by WhItby Christian Assembly, ICHESTERFIELD FACTORY 1f 20-50% OFF (on selected fabrica) CHOOSE FROM OUR LARGE SELECTION 0F NAME BRAND FABRIOS EG. SANDERSON, JEFF BROWN, KOBE & MANY MORE. DESIGN THE STYLE 0F LIVING ROOM FURNITURE THAT SUITS VOUR NEEDS AND PERSONAL TASTE. WELL CUSTOM-MAKE VOUR ORDER AT A PRICE YOU'LL FIND VERY AFFORDABLE. -t ea1i~. i NWE OFFER A LIFETIME GUARANTEE- BUY DIRECT & SAVE CH ESTER FIELD FACTORY Menulacturmrs of custom mode fumltur. 250 TAUNTON RD. E, OSHAWA Taunton Square iCoinoron RItson Rd. N. &Taunton) 21! ' BUSiNEM%, ,BUREALI 434-7610 1650 BAYLY ST., PICKERING (Just West ai Brock Rd., South ai 401) 686-2951 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OFWH ITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION The Council af the corporation af the Town ai Whtby intends ta pass by-laws ta stop up, close and sei the untravelled portion af the Peel Street raad allawance between Coîborne Street East and Dunlop Street East as shawn belaw: WJLl iiWWr 1L LJU L-,- CUNDAS STRET EAST Whtby Town Councîl wilt meet on July 14, 1986, at 5:00 p.m. in the Meeting Hall ai the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rassland Road East, Whltby, for the purpose ai hearing any persan vwha dlaims their land will be prejudiclally affected by the by-laws. Any persan wishing ta be heard by Council is asked ta advise the Town Clerk accordingiy no later than Thursday, Ju ly 10, 1986. Dated at Whitby, Ontario, this lth day ai June, A. D., 1986. Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Corporation ai the Town af Whiltby 575 Rassland Raad East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 1k--Z -ZZ,