Whitby Free Press, 18 Jun 1986, p. 28

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PAGE2SrWEDNESDAY, JUNE 18,1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS FREE PRESS Emporim Ads will nly be acepted sbject tftfoi owing condiions. ri I c u to f TWO LADIES 611(6, $40 oach. ROLLER SKATES- Nike back, TV. stasd, $15. Slereo stand, $25 sisa 3 $25 Dominion, whie, sizu HI-FI record ptayar, $50. Cai afler 5 (Ialesi, $30. Fitty record 6 p.m.,6W-4032. abums, 19401950'sSIC, anme MODEL TRAIN SET, HO Gaugo. 70 fi. rsck, 4x8 tubie, angine, 12 cars, buldings, gond starter set, $200 frm. Cuit 7238969, ialer 5 p.m. CUSTOM MADE costsmpory ove seaf and Imo chairs. on- cellent condition, cost $1.800 new, asking $650. Watt unittus shan a year nid, $400. Aler5 p.m., 866&2238. KLONDIKCE frepiace Insert wth fan, gond condition, $35. Kim- batilectrtc orges mish double kayboard and bench, $80. Com- bisofion afren and radio, $W. 66870. BICYCLE - girls 23 Inch Raeigh transit, $50 or basf ofar. Phone aflerS p.m., 666-274. SNOWTHROWER for M.T.D. trac- for, uoad aneamsoon, comploe itlh wheol wetghfs aMd chatua, $80. Phono 668-5M2. GLASS and chroma coffoa tabte. 3 lier, $150. Dehumidifier, dorIs brow, $80. Wtckar collsa.fabte, $2. Ptlreoua face cock, $25. Phose 427-6892. BUTCHER BLOCK sye round tabte mtlh four pfnacane chairs, osa yaar nid, $15. Phono 668- W"6. CARPETS, imo 9.10, osa 11XI13, $X0 cach. Football haimat. $15. Five galion flsh tank with ac- cassarlos. $23. flquor bar for roc room, $50. Phono 57-9167. SPANISH style chooferfiatd and chair, custom made, ose oI i kIsd, $50. tmporod Europeas chandelier, $480. Ou1 on canvas watt patnting fram Meico and rame, $200. Call 668-9268. ROTO T1ILLER, 5 hp., axcellent condition, $295. Stop ladder, atumlnum, =2. Wheetborw. $10. Haf-monn table and magaina tand, $25 oach. Ladies bike, $40. Junior 10 apood, $45. Rock mople kisohos aot, $225. Sawlsg machine, $35. Small table, M5. Phono 683-638 isaicai$5eh.Poo6- 3266. SINGLE BED, $35. Boys l0 spead bike, $5. Kerosono huiler, $50. Phono 4360363. BOYS BMX bicycla, 2 yers nid, excelent condition, $50. Phono 666-1953. ENTIRE I4OUSEMOLD furnifure, nom and used. AdmiralIfridge, $16.I-ID. dryer, $250. Viking aufomatlc waafsr, .D. $300. Four 15 rdiltFIresone ires, Pl 5/75R165, $50 each. 12 voif bal- tory, $50. Table and four chairs, ktchon, $100. 19 cotour TV., M35. Drsser, $6. LargeOoak deok, $1,000- Largo book ahaif, SI110. Office deok, wood, $350 SIaal book sholf, $6. Couch and reclnlng chair, lcasher, $65. Daok calcuator, $6. Atique couch and 2 matching chairs, $M.0 Cool rock. $100. Etecîrîn elovo, $30. Soat cash offer. CaI 6554»06. GRAIN CONVEVORULiIIle G0h51, 25 fi. on whof s, $69. Phsone 655- am0. 14 FOOT mahogany Fieeiwlng salîboat, $45. TIra. ton chain holot, $100. Boas ancher, $25. Laft-hassd golf clubs ansd cart, $15. Wofer $kilo, $45. Barbaque, $15. Cent lssok for rolllng loge, $W. Hoover, $3. Pick ax, $25. Phono 433-4689. CU% t mn 23 chaussaI mobile cdm aide bond and antenna, $50 par sel. Nom 50-4" coscref e blocka, 35* aach. Boy's BMX style biko. $25. Phono 668-9738. ALUMINUM shod. lOaS, 2 years nid, $160 or boss offer. 6664943. FOR SALE dlning room suife, soltd ainu, appesa. 6W year nid. 9 pac@#, table mifteloen- aos, buffet, china cabinet, 5 ida chaire and 1 armschair, (conm- pfetly refileihod tscfudtng 00w upholaored clolh asotta), prisa $1.550 or boat offar. Tel. 688- 2481. USED JACUZZI pont f tiser and mofor for 14x28 pont, $5. Phone 666-8271. -PLEASE READ- Whon tse adverllsed ifem is sold. diapoaed nf, or unavailable for whatouor reuson, tise item will bc deemed lu bure heen aoid and a commission wilI be charged busod on VIE ADVERTISEI) PRICE as iliustrafod heiow. rogardless i price la sauld wifls best offer" If tise item is NOT SOLD. or disposed uf. the ad wili he run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHIARGE of 97.56 will apply payableois udsance ut publication of the firof ad. The above minimum charge wiii he applied in ltho final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. AIl adver- fisomonts must ho placed os as oxclusive bais witis the WttITIY FREE PRIES ad rus aI lesaf ose moni h if oui sold. RATES If artile es sldl: 5% ut adverfloed price up to 1400.0 2% of balance over $400.0 EXAMPIE: Sold item advertlsed for $isa.00. ommission due $7.5051(minimum charge os $7.50) Private advorfising only! Pieuse ntify tise Whtlhy Free Press îînrnodiately when Item ia sold su tisaI we may delete ifriom lise foUlowing issue. Ail ado flot ifting the Emporium guldelinea wili be freated sud charged per week as regulur classified adsonosa pre-paid busis auch as: services. help wanfed, ciofiing, roui esiafe, and personul message type adas. or ada flot quotinig prce or quuntify. Privalo clasalflod ada may appear in lise Emporium section urider appropriale headongs. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTON tJNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIAL AD TO: ORt DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUIM If In dout calli 131 Brock Si. N. P.O. Box 206 668-6111 Whiby, Ont. Whitby, LIN 581 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTILESPETS & NEW& USED CAR BUYS FOR ALESUPPLIES IAD...RUi ..SML JUST CALL TEAK DINING rone sost, 8 pacas, $450. Custom made drapas, 2 compts sets. $30. Phase 68&- 0295. ROBERT BATEMAN prînta, tdta Muta Swans, muooum framad, $750. Bufflo AI Asboselo, $90. Phono 66-8528. FOR SALE 1984 Baiare 1200, stoops 8, tove, 2 way fridga, itialt, dining ishetter, completaly equtpped, Immacutata condttios, askisg $6.000. Cati Brca os 668- 1965. 5H04 TZU Puppy, 8 moaksolad 668-6111 mate, CI(C rgistared, shots, dewosned and homo raisod, non- shadding, non-atiorgtc, gond wtth chttdras, $350. Catt 1416-985- 3960. ~!Y~Imet PEREGO PRAM, larga Engttsh style, 6 yoars nid, gond condititn, navy, apron, basket, large wheets, $85. Car soat, bmown sinyl, gond condition. $50. Booster cor &sat, bromn vinyt, excellent shape. $20 Twtn sirnitor, oranga cannas. gond condttion, aida by ide a new sset, tods fit, $100. Cradia, white, $20. Crib, colonial t syle, baby? mih malrassanmd bumper pad, gond condition. $100. Phone 688-5925. NAVY PREGO Pram, apron and basket, $50. White change tabla, $20. Etaclric botte starliler, $12. Ginls 18 montha 10 size smo ciothes, $3 each. Botte armer, $3. Cati 668-523. PRAN, three-tn-ono, $120. GM lnvoseat, $40. Change fable, $40. Ait lke new. Vauth bod, $80. Phone 434-6947. ose more. aIyuWlcome Wagon Hos .t e ss no0m. Phono 666-2482 1978 0000E half ton wth cab, 1973 PONTIAC Laurentîs, 400 AMIFM cassette, asfomatic, cc mafor, use but neads morts, $2.100 or boss offer. Cali ofler ô Bisa cas ho baught for parto, p.m., 688-0984. $200. Phono 579-3030. 1977 FORD 1 ton, 351 V8. ps., phb., single mhaats, 8xo10sa box, excellent conditon, $3.400. cartfed. 866-385. 1977 OLOS Cuttasa Salon, con. soie hacikets, gond shape, easy ta certity, $1.600. Phono 668- 0188. 1977 HONDA halchback, es le, $1,000. Phonoe688526B. 1977 0000E window van, tom miteaga, gond tires, fair body, excetlent runser, $1.000 or boasf reasonabia offer. 576-8319, weekdays aller ô p.m.. maekends anytima. 1978 CHRYSLER CORDOBA pc., phb., air condlttonlng, $S0 or boas affer. CatI 655-3178. 1976 AMC GAEMLIN, ana omnar, standard 6 cylinder, tran- omission, as sa $500. 68-0159, weakands asysima, waokdoys af- ferS5 p.m. 1976 GREMLIN X runs bai neada mark or gond for parts. $200 or basf offer. 668-7816. 1975 D0006 Cub Cab, 3/4 fon heavy duty, aufomasin. gond ahape. 59000 original mites, but for th mhet traiter, cmuise con- frai, axtra air compressor and fank for tires, otra gas tank,. $3000. Phono 655-3006. 1974 BUICIC APOLLO, rusa gond. body gond, 6 cyl., $550 or boatsnf. fer. 433-1842. 1974 SUPER BEATLE, excellent condition, lady drivas, 28,000 original mitai. sunront. radio, new point, $2,750.725-3744. 1974 HORNET for site, ha 1976 motor 232 (40,000 miiesi, rebut trans., nom starter, body ruff, gond runnIng, as ta $500. Phono 668.9519. 1972 PI NTO, clean Iol de, body good, needo minar repaira, $700 or bast offer. Cait 688-7925. 1989 CHEVELL, four new fMes and severai brand new parf s, $300. Phone 666-1955, 98k for Dan. THE CHIEF FUNCTION 0F VOUR aODY IS TO CARRY YOUR BRAIN AROUNO. UlintW « hm cm« "a W h amu eli, 00000 kmiaao.d h Osa osi m &hWbs» ou utNdad. le. 54ks00.le nu Mai 0" wu à@ et0V 5. - a.gb% 868-6111544050 WHaa n FEE PRESS. ewCON FU Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: @are a private advertiser; ehave an artiicle to selI; and, *bave a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details). Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- Qm, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7.50? When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $40; LESS the minimum charge described above. IS E D? questions. 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