WH-IT3Y* FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1l, 1986 PAGE 37 "Stork Club" inductees Devon . McNeill Ingham celebrates her first birthday on Wed- nesday, June 18, thanks ta the timely assistance of two attendants from Whitby - Bowmanville Ambulance Service, one year ago. The headline in a local paper a few days later read "Expec- tant Whitby Couple Has Unexpected Delivery". This headline got the proud parents thinking about the "Stork Club" awards that are presen- ted ta Toronto ambulan- ce attendants who deliver babies; and how we could have the at- tendants from Whitbv receive the same recognition and praise. The wheels were in motion ... Whitby will soon have its first two inductees irito aur own "Stork Club". On June 18, at 3:30 p.m., at lit Cedar St. in Whitby, Russ Pastic and Derek Cocker - the two ambulance attendants from Whitby - Bowman- ville Ambulance Service - will receive their citations and Provincial first for cadets Pickering Mayor JohnA hand for the official opening in Pickering. Seen here wit' Honda representative, Jeriý Honda Opening Anderson was on Kevin Egan and Pickering ýcouncillor Alex gof Caunty Honda Roberts. th the Mayor are ry Chenk, awner 38TH OSHAWA BROWNIES Monday, June 2, was the final meeting for the 38th Oshawa Brownies. It was a very special evening for Rabbin Caedy, Heather Cohen, Megan Hearne, June Manley, Andrea Pembertan and Sanja Powell, who ail have completed thiree years in the Brownie pragramn and earned their wings ta fly ta Guides. It was also a special event for Lia Coleman and Ailisan Ritchie, who after only one year as a Brownie walked ta Guides. They were met by Mira Buchanan, Sharlene Minley, Louise Reed, Lauralyn Wild and Stephanie Wing, who took the girls to meet their guider - Jean Senko. This was the last officiai duty for Jean, who is retiring fram, Guides after 10 years as a leader with the l8th Skills FROM PG.24* every stage of the process. After Greenwaod departed the students cantinued ta work on t}eir writing skills and in mnid-February they were asked, with the help af their parents, to select their best piece of fantasy writng for in- clusion in Flight inta Fantasy. Free said it is hoped that seeing thieir stories in print will give the studènts a real sense of accomplishment and encourage them to con- tinue writing. WEHY PEOPLE MISS ONE OF LIFESGREATEST PLEASIRES I PAIGTELSTISALET Free Press Staff Photo Oshawa Guide Company. A delicious lunch of cake, cookies!- nd juice was prepared by Chantel Bennett. Vicky Howarth, Amy Wright and Carrne Ann Yutronkie and was served by the Brownie hostesses of the evening - Laura Doaley, Heather Gibb, Tamara Wiesiolek and Robyn Wylie. The Guides. assisted the Brownies and served the tea and coffee to the families of the girls who were honoured during the evening. A gift was presented ta Barb McKinnon in appreciation of ail her help at the meetings throughout the year. THORNTON CORNERS REUNION Thornton Corners Community will hoîd their an- nual Reunion at Heydenshore Pavillion on Sunday. September 14 from 2:30 until ?. It«wiIl be a pot luck picnic, 50 bring your favorite dish coffee and tea will be provided. The Thornton Community Care (aId school hause> wiIl be open for picture taking from 2 until 4 p.m. Thornton School House brings back many Pleasant and (sometimes unpîeasant i memories for former students and teachers, many of whom will be attending the reunion. Please cal Queenie Pipher or Mary Lofthouse for further par- ticulars. Ail are welcome. COFFEE POT If you are in need of a 100 cup coffe perk. please caîl 725-8967 and reserve your time. The coffee pot is usually in demand, and is Ioaned out neanly every week. The Corridor Area Ratepayers Association is happy ta supplythis service ta the community. Hot on the heels of their first place finish in the drill without arms competition held in Toronto recently, memn- bers of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Core Whitby 226 repeated their finish at the. Provincial com- petition held in May at Camp Borden near Barrie. The team, 16 cadets from the care, placed first in the drill without arms, the cadet band placed fourth overali and second in their category of bugle and drumn and Chief Petty Officer, Rick Heighway captured first place for team captain. . Eight Flotilas from across the province were represented during the weekend of campetition which in-, cluded 360 sea cadets. "They were just fan- tastic they really deser- ved the win," commen- ted instructor Paul McCabe. - Once again the band wishes ta thank those institutions which have made the year very suc- cessful including, the Brooklin Legion which donated $1,000 to the core, the Whitby Legion whic donated $2,000 and the Kinsmen club which donated $M0. congratulations. West Centre Ward Cauncillar Marcel Brunelle and the owners of the ambulan- ce service will also be ln attendance. Whitby's Mayor, Bob Attersley, along. with Jon and Jo- Anne Inghamn (the proud parents) will present the awards at this precedent-setting event. It's aur way of saying "Thanks guys 1 " For more information ta R.S.V.P. please calli Jo-Anne Inghamn at 668- 0878. Refreshments will be served. Dining Guide GOLDEN GATE 107 Brook St. S. Whitby 668-2222 CHINESSE FOOD MULTI PLATTERS 6 Different. Items servod f rom 12-8 p.m. SZECHUAN- DISHES SIZZLING STYLE Peklng Beet served slzzllng & flamlng SEAFOOD DELUXE LEMON CHIOKEN COMBQ PLATE' PIZZA SL ICEÉ $1 u25pus tax QUICK &DELICIOUS SINCE 1874 FINE DININO LOUNGE TH AN K Faiber <' lue i iiiilbe verv spe< î<d alIlle/ivi 122, If e suif 1w wsrrin,1/4 eri irilirdnun 'qu 1(11% Ourrmenu uivii defig/i Vn ui i /n ii enlirefunf jî iar îfunng and ihî/înk f)uf<>1 /on his t i i<Yi~ I C. 47(C1122 DA D HAVE A-N ICE DAY from Management & Staff of CATCH 22 - 301 BYRONST.S.,yWHITBY CALL FOR A RESERVATION ~1k~-~-- --666-3070 /4 Corridor Capers By MARY M( (ail 72S-8967 wth jitr CEACIIERN tms for this column. %à L-»Mý mmmm!qz