Whitby Free Press, 4 Jun 1986, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WEDNESI)AY, JUNE 4. 1986, WHJITBY FREE PRESS TWO LADIES IKES, $40 each. ROLLER SKATES- Nike, black, TV. stand, $15. Stetoa sstand, $25. sizo 3,$25. Dominion, whl, size HIFi record ployer, $50. cati aller 5(liadiasi, $30. Fllly record 6 p.m.. 668-4032. albums, 1940-1950's munie, some ciassicat, $5 each. Phre 655. -..n .. 3266. MUUCL iTAIN SET, HO uauga, 70 i. track, 4x8 table, engina, 12 cars, buildings, gaod starter sot, $200 ires. cati 723-8909, aller 5 p.m. ENVIROLET elecîrlo wterlana 1011., fno waler, fia septia tank, nseenon for $94395 (U.S.) Relurb, Unît A, $395 plus $45 vent kIt. Gali -aller 5 p.m., 723- 9109. KLONDIKE ireptace Iinsert wlh fan, goad condiian, $350. Kim bail electrlo organ wilh double koyboard and bench, $600. com- bination sterea and radia, $50. 6-4760. BICYCLE - girls 23 lnch Raligh transit, $50 or bonI ollar. Phono allar 6 p.m., 66-3274. 5NOWTHROWER for M.T.D. trac- lot, uned ane season, complota nlli whoel welghla and chains, $600. Plhone 688-5925. GM. LOVESEAT, $30. GM. lad. dier soat, $20. Iniants car bed, $15. Fluke 8020B lest meter, $110 or neareai aller. 683-3658. BUTCHER BLOCK style round table wth faut pinecans chairs, ans ye o ad, $150. Phone 660. 6554. 'cARPETS, lwaoulO0, ane 11013, $30 each. Football haimol, $15. Fiee gallon 118h tank wtth ac- cosonles, $23. Liquor bat lot rec raom, $50. Phone 5799167. SPANISN style chestenlieid and choir, customs made, ana ai o ktnd, $50. Imporaed Eropeon chandelier, $460. Oit an canyon watt panting tromt Mexico and trame, $200. cati 6689286. SINGLE BED, $35. Boys 10 npeed bike, $5. tetasene bouler, $50. Phono 4368363. FOR SALE bar unit, $80. colt 668- 9519. COMPUTER Apple Il plus, Clone, 48K, $200. Three perfriol boards for abave, $30. Phone W68.178. ENTtRE HOUSEHOLD lurnIturo, non and usod. Admirai Ilrdga, $150. HOD. dryer, $250. Viking automatllo asher, HO., $30. Fout 15 radiai Frestone tires, P195175R15, $W0 each. 12 voit bol- tory, $50. Table and foar chairs, ktchen, $100. 19 calour TV., $350. Drsser. $60. Large oek dosk, $1.000. Large book aheit, $110. Office denk, wood, $350. Stel book shel, $60. Couch and rocltntng chair, toathor, $550. 000k coicutatar, $60. Antique couch and 2 matchtng chairs, $400. Coasirack, $100. EtectrIc save, $300. BonI cash cller, cati 855-89M8. GRAIN CONVEOR, Utile Meant, 25 fi. onn hes, $695. Phono 655- M00. 14 FOOT mshagany Fillng sliboat, $45. Three ton choin hotat, $100. Boat ancher, $25. Lolt-hanrd gol clubs and Carl, $15. Water akis, $45. Bartooque, $15. Cent haok lotratiling toge, $30. Hoover, $30. Pick axe, $28. Phono 4334089. CI'S, tno 23 channot mobile c1w aide bond and anenne, $50 par sel. New 504" concrets bocks, 35s each. Boys MX stylo biko, $25. Plions 68-09738. GLASS and chrome calloe table, 3 ier, $150. Dohumidifler, dark brans, $80. Wlcker coiffes table, $20. PIClureous lace dlock, $25. Phono 427-6592. -PLEASE READ- When the advertlsed item la sold, dilsposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, tho item wiul be deomed ta have been aold and a commission will ho charged baned on THIE AIJVEI6TISED PIICE as llunrated helnw. regardions If price na stated with hbest offer'. If thie item la NOT SOLD, or dlsposed oT-the-ad..wilI.-be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 87.50 wltl apply payable in advance of publication of the first ad. The ahove minimum charge willt ho appllod tu the final commission duo. Maximum commission: $100.00. AIl adver- tisoments must ho plscod on an exclusive basin with tho WHITBY FREE PRESS and run al, toast one monlh if flot noid.1 RATES tif article lasuoldi: 5% af advertlsed price Up t10940.00 2% of balace over 140.o0 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlued for 1150.00. Commission due $7.50 (minimum charge 11.50) Private advertlsing only! Please natlfy the Whltby Free Press immediatety when item Is aold sa, thal we may delete h t ram the following issue. Ail adsn fot ftting the Emporium guidelinen wilI be treated and charged per week an regutar clasnlfied adn anaà pre-pald basin auch as: services, help wanted, ctothing, roal etate, and personal mesnage type adn, or adsnont quotlng price or quantlty. Private classified ada may appear in lte Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: OR DIELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIU.M If In doubt caii. 131 Brook St. N. P.O. Box 206 668-6111 Whtby. Ont. Whtby, LIN 581 THE DEADLINE FOR'EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 5oiO' ARTICLES ~ FOR SALE W~LIES FOR SALE dtntng roam suite, solld weinul, appron. 80 yeors aid. 9 paes, table it exten- stan, ballet, china cabinet, 5 aide chairs and 1 atm chair, lcom- plotoiy rollntuhed lnctoding new uphootlered clolt seasi, price $1.550 or best aller. Tel, 668& 2461. USHO JACUZZI pool iller and maotot 14x28 pool, $50. Phone 668-8271. ROBERT BATEMAN prInto, idie Mute Swnn, muaoum lramed, $750. Bufalo AI Ambosoite, $900). Phone 066-8528. TRAILER TP Robot, sai top, on- cellent condition, somo camping oqatpmenlt nctudod, $950 or bonI aller.660.8178. FOR SALE 1984 Bonutre 1200, sloops 8, slave, 2 way lridgo, bibIe, dinting shaer, compltely eqaipped, immecuilte condition, osking $6000. CailtBruce aIt888- 1965. SHtH TZU Puppy, 8 noeks aid male, cKc regiloered, shols, dowotmed and home raised, non- sheddtng, non-allergic, good nilli chlidren, $350. cati 1-418-985- 3960. PEREGO PRAM, largo Enlglilih atyle. 6 yeors aid, goad condition, navy, apron, baket, large nheota, $85. Cor seat, brown vinyt, good condition, $50. Booster car seat, bran vnyl, excellent shope, $20. Twln arotier, orange canvas, good condition, ida by aide soots, flnds fliai, $100. crodie, nhite, $20. Crib, colonial style, nilli mattress and bumpor pad, goad condition, $100. Phono 68-5925. NAVY PREGO Pram, apran and basket, $50. White change table, $20. Etecirin boIte te lritizer. $12. Girls 18 manlhs ta size Ina cilhes, $3 each. Batie warmer. $3. cati 666.0523. PRAM, lhtoe-ln-one, $120. GM laveseai, $40. Change table, $40. Att Ilke non. Vault bed, $80. Phono 4346947. NEW & USED CAR BUYS READ ...BSUY. ..SELL JUST CALL 668-6111 n this worid, (bres elwoys room for one mare. ýkaLggon1 Calilyour Welcome Wagon Hostess naw. Phono 686-2482 1978 DODOE hailtotnnut cab, AMIPM cassette, aulomatto, $2,100 or best aller, Coti aller ô p.m. 660.094 1977 FORD 1 Ion, 351 V8, p.s., p.b., aingie wheels, 8x10 stake boa, excellent condition, $3400, corltied. 660.3850. 1077 OLUS cutlios Satan, con- sale huckets, good shape, easy la cortliy, $1,600. Phono 668- 0188. 1977 HONDA hatchbach, os la, $1,000. Phono 66848528. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA ps., p.b., air candltltanng, $600 or boat aller, Cati 855-3178. 1975 GREMLIN X rune butl needa wnrk or goad lot parts, $260 or boni ollor. 668-7816. 1974 BUICK APOLLO, tans goad, body goad, 6 cyt., $550 or bonI al- fer. 433-1842. 1974 SUPER BEATLE, eocelent condition, lady drivon, 26,000 original mites, nunroal, radia, now pint, $2.750. 725-3744. 1973 PONTIAC Laurentan, 400 cc molar, rune but nea ons, aleo con b. boughi lot porta, $260. Phono 5793030. 1972 PINTO. cleon Inside, body gond, needa minor repaira, $700 or boni aller. Cotî 660.7925. 1969 CHEVILLE, four new tires and aeverol brand nen porta, $30. Phone 8&1955, ask fat Dan. ORVAL MoLEAN AUCTION CENTER LINDSAY THURS. JUNE 5 6:00 P.M. 100 blue spruce plus 500 evergreen shrubs 6:30 P.M. Furniture Appiances, some an- tiques, property of The Moodys. Air conditioners, chests, dining room suite, tes wagon, iamps, antique oak Morris chair, 3 bed- chesterfieids, china, cabinet, walnut cedar chest, Kenmore mini washer, refrigerator, stove, cdocks, large freezer, baby fur- niture, power mower, wicker furniture, Jaches & Hays settee set, spindie bed, wireback chair set, antique wooden chairs, aid settees, dishes, toots. To lot your sale cal 324-2783 ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTER LIN DSAY TUES.,JUNE 24 10:00 A. M. Conslgnment Sale Accepting farm machin- ery, tractors, vehicles, boats, campers, recreation riding iawn mowers, construction equipment & toois. CONSîGN by June 14 bring to barn or phone 324-2783 Lindsay. 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