Whitby Free Press, 4 Jun 1986, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4. 1986. WITBY FREE PRESS Seniior's raise mon ey for Alzlieimer ' s Ta mark Ethe begin- nlng of the campalgn by nurslng home residents to raise funds for. research 'into Alzheixner's' Disease, there wll be a cam- natrn "Ki!k.fff" celebration lunch to, hlghllght resident ac- tivities durixig Nursing 22. Representatives fromn Nursing Homes ln Durham Region, and in the Counties of Nor- thumberland, Peter- borough, Victoria, York and Haliburton together with the Durham, Peterborough and York Chapters of the Alzheimner Socety vil gather wlth residents and local dignitaries on June 12 at Village Retiremnent Centre, 1955 Valley Farmn Rd. N., Pickering startlng at 10 a.m. This la a major annual fund ralsing event, co- ordlnated each year throughout the province by the Ontario Nurslng Home Association. In 1964 and 1985, the Nur- sing Homes in Ontario raised over $9,00 for medical research Into Alzheimer Disease, whlch la a deblitating disease that affects some 300,000 middlle- aged and elderly Canadians. Alzheimer Dlsease is a brain disorder causing mernory loas and serlous mental deterloration. There la no known preventian or cure for the disease that la the fourth most com- mon cause of death ainong Canadians. Men and women from age 40 onwards can be affected by Alzhemer Disease, wlth people over 65 being the moat vuinerable. The ailment may last from two to 14 years after ita onset. Signlflcant memory loss la the ffrst sympton, and as the person grows more forgetful, other mental capacities deterlorate until routine daily taka become im- possible to performn. Eventually the persan requires constant care and attention. Alzheimner Disease was once thought to be the result of senility or of siply grown old. It la now recognlzed as a speciflc dlsese for whlch, ln Urne, medical science wlI diacover the cause, treatment and prevention. Extensive research la presently being carrled out ln Ontario and elsewhere, lncludlng in- -vestigation Into a possible link wlth a speciflc virus. FROM PG. 19 Budget p oliey reviewed projections; one showlng the cost of con- tinming exsting programs which are considered viable; the second showlng the above plus the cost of completing the phase-in of new programs. The' commlittee wil also ask staff to submnit major new proposais ranked in order of priority, and a report of ail other proposaIs not tacluded in the prlority list. As welI the comznittee will ask for a report of ail proposed staffing in- crease. Lawaon said the finance commlttee would set the maximum rate of tacease for the 1907 budget ln Septem- ber. The church speaks By BON FISHER Pastor Hebron Christian Reforaned Church The Church of Jesus Christ is called ta ta a heaing camniunity. Our Lord muade that clear in Luke 4 where He statedi the reasan He came.ý, Quating Isaiah 61 Jesus said: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me ta preach good news ta the poor, He has sent Me ta praclaim release ta the captives and recavering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty thase who are oppressed, ta prociaim the accep- table year of the Lord, " (Luke 4: 18,19) We as the followers of Jesus Christ are called ta *walk in His steps. Right now there are acouple of issues that as Christians we must stand together on as a healing body. The first is the issue of pornography in aur local stores. We shouid ta encouraged that certain chain stores have said publically that they wauld nat carry certain pornagraphic magazines. This takes courage and conviction! And it rneans a cer- tain financial loss ta these stores. I believe that Christians should stand together ln appiauding, encauraging, and supporting these stores. Encourage the clerks and store managers. And we should stand together making it known that 'we do not support those stores that continue to infect our community with the blight of unwholesome * ,reading materials. Nol We cannot support you!1 For we stand for the Biblical understanding of marriage and family and wholesome human relationshipa that build upour nation, and protect and respect our citizens, yaung and old. I said there, were a couple of issues. Yes, the second is respect for life. I arn grateful that on November 9, 1983 the Whitby Ministerial affirmed that: "The power to create new life is a haly gift from God, and aur world is in seriaus need of a renewed sense of creation and reverence for unborn life. " We believe that we must speak clearly to our present situation. Ail hurnan fife begins with God. Godi calîs us to conimunity, and human life is nat an individualistic existence. Therefore, the Whitby Ministerial believes: a) that since the issues involved are camplex, and require sacrifical love by aIl, we muat struggle more vigarously with the social dimensions of the abortion situation, such as famhily breakdown, unemplayment and changes ln morality; b) that support should be given to the efforts of in- dividuais and groupa as they seek to give honour and dignity to unborn life. In addition, this Ministerial rejects: a) the notion that people have freedom to ter- minate the life of the unborn at will; and, b) the notion that abortion on demand is a suitable response for unwanted and undesired unborn life. May the Lord be with us as we seek to stand together as Christians on these issues. We are called to be comnxitted to God's Word, and the unfoldlng of God's Kingdam into ail of life. This oneans we must give prayful support to those who are in need of aur help in times of crisis as well as stability. Yes, as a healing community let us reflect the purpose for which our Lord came. i FFC -m~1 jFodes e DESKS e TABLES 0 FILING CABINETS a ADDING MACHINES e ARTYPEWRITERS l i e SAFES e KARDEX 0 CASH BEGISTERS 9 ELECTRONIC CALCULATORS 'ýSTEEL LOCKERS , FANS " SHELVING a TIME BECORDERS " TRANSFER CASES ETC. " DUPLICATING MACHINES DESIGN DESK CHAIRS FILES ETC. A COMPLETI PIiINTING SERVICE 218 Harwoad Ave, S., Ajax Shapping Plaza, Ajax Telephone 416-683-1968 and 416-683-1970 INSTANT PRINTI rIm- -

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