Whitby Free Press, 4 Jun 1986, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1986, PAGE 19 HIGH SCHOOL NEWS WEEK Hy PAM WALLACE & BRENDA WILDE Hamwood Secondary Hello from Harwood Secondary iAjax. We're> busy here with thse final days of classes, end-of-year activities and exam preparations like ail higi s chools in the end of May and early June. Yearbooks, ready to be autographed, are distrlbuted this week af- ter a full year of preparation. Tise Grad Dinner, for al graduatlng grade 12 students, took place at the Prince Hotel in Toronto, and presen- tations are being plan- ned for the Friday, June 6 assembly on tise last day of classes before exams. It's a busy time of year and in this final 'colwnn until September of next year, we'1l write about wisat's going on. Student Council elec- tions were held in the Bnd of May after a cam- Wagn period. This is the 'rst year that Harwood sas isad general elec- Ions for thse student ,ouncil executive. Irhere was an election assembly on May 20 and tise students voted on May 26. Tise students selected a very capable group of leaders, and Mr. Edwards (Student Council Advlsor) says Usat, "Tise Student Council Executive Commttee that was elected la a terrifie group of positive students who in sure will provide great leadership for Use up- comlng sciool year." An event that lias become an annual affair at Harwood Secondary took place on the evening of May 29: Tise Atletic Banquet. Tise event .was a huge suc- cess - ail tickets for Use top-notch sit-down din- ner were sold out before tise event. Tise Atisietie Banquet is a special nlgist set aside for tise atiletes at Harwood (and non-atiletes) to have fun and all get together and get awards and recognition for their effort in tise sport they took part in. There were special awards for those students wiso were out- standing in their sport. Also, awards were presented to top nmale and female athletes of Use year in the Junior and Senior category. Tise awards this year went to Tracy Under- wood and Ingvar Caesar in Use Junior category, and Heather Tyrreil and Scott Kingborn in Use Senior category. After Use dinner prepared and served by Harwood students) Usere was a video and sound show of the year's sports hihlights. After tise speeches, presentations and vldeo show there was a dance for the students in the gym. Tise event truly lived Up to its bilng: it was a first ciass evening from start to finish. On Use iast day of classes, tiis Friday, June 6, there will be an afternoon assembly for ail Harwood students. Two of the higisligists of this assembiy wili be the Awards Assembly and a presentation by our own S.A.D.D. (Students Against Drunk Driving) group, formed after being inspired by the S.A.D.D. presentation at Harwood by Port Perry High School students. During the Awards Assembiy recognition is given to the best students in each subject area in*grades 9, 10 and il. Special awar- ds are also given out for perfect attendance, honours, the grade 9 Mastery Matis program and Uere are special community awards. Foilowlng Use Awards Assembly, Harwood's S.A.D.D. group will stage tiseir presentation for ail Harwood studen- ts. Tise S.A.D.D. group, under Use direction of Miss Diamond, have been working isard to polisis their production durlng Use last montis. Well, Usat's just some of tise activities going on isere at Harwood. Well be back again in Sep- tember of Use next scisool year, but until tisen, have a, great summeri Board contemplates budget changes By JAN DODGE Free Press Staff Tise Durham Board of Education la going to set a limit on budget in- creases for 1987 before staff make subinissions. Having just brougist down Useir 1986 budget in April, Use board is already planning for tise next year. At Monday night's board meeting Sandy Lawson, cisairman of the finance committee, said, "If we set parameters and guldelines before, we won't waste staff's tume bringing in subniissionss we aren't prepared to fil."j "If staff felt it (budget linsit) needed to be in- creased above a certain percentage, we could FULL CAPABILITY FOR PRODUCTION 0F:* " LARGE OR SMALL ORDERS " QUALITV PRINTING " PICK-UP & DELIVERY AVAILABLE CONTINUOUS COMPUTER - REGISTER & DATA PROCESSING FORMS review that particular area," HeaUser Beveridge, Uxbridge trustee said. In order ta set budget limita Use finance coni- mittee will ask staff to provide two budget UTTERREAOS ENVELOPES - FLYERS BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS FORS RtESUMES-siROCHUEES CARIONLESS FMAIS PaoblAMS-Yic9ET COMPUT&IRIZgD TYPISETING DON[ ouN imisS5i '-SARVOD VE S,'JA SOPP Now banking's even b Ett ..er at55!jplus! Introducing & -Free Services: The new banking -bonus plan for people 55 and over As a member of "Performance Plus Fifty-Five' you can now enjoy ail the benefits and privileges of Performance Plus-aur popular allun-one account. The big plus is that naw you will be entitled ta a wide range af Perfarmance Plus services free af charge, plus extra bonus interest. Look at how much more you can save. and how much more you'Il enjoy-as a memnber of 'Performance Plus Fifty-Five*...just add up ail the plusesl Better lnterest: (Based on daily closing balance) " S 1-$999 Daily lnterest Rates PLUS an extra '/i% for members of Performance Plus 55. " $1.000-$4,999 Campetitive savings race PLUS i/2% for memnbers. 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CONTINENTAL BANK LO F CANADA 1200 Dundas St. East, Whitby Telephone: 666-2300 w f~)i~i~'~THE CORPORATION OF I~k#K)ITHE TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby Intends to pass by-Iaws to stop-up, close and seil part of Bou ndary Road as shown beiow, being composed of Part of Lot 18, Broken Front Concession, Town of Whitby, and being deslgnated as Parts 2, 3 and 15, on Plan of Survey 40R-9297. adll ; The Operations Committee of Whitby Town Coun- cil wIii meet on Monday, June 16,1986, at 7:30 p.m. In Commttee Room One of the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossiand Road East, for the purpose of hearing any person who ciaims their land will be prejudiclally affected by the byiaws. Any parson wishing to be heard by the Operations Commttee is asked to advise the Town Cierk ac- cordingiy by no later than Thursday, June 12,1986. Dated at Whitby, Ontario, this 21st day of May, A.D., 1986. Donald G. McKay Cierk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossiand Road East Whitby, Ontario LUN 2M8 Phone: (416) 868-5803 Iqqinow 1% 00 ri»fi» So» Cp PHONE 683-1968 218 HARWOOD AVE., S. AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA ir r"MN

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