PAGE. 14, WEDNESDAy, JUNE 4, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS M eals program agood time for seniors By JAN DODGE Free Press Staff There are few places in town that offer a three-course meal with tea or coffee for $2.60, but thse Wbeeis ta Meals program does. Every Monday, Wed- nesday, and Friday at 12 noon, if you're over 55 -you can get a ride ta the Knights of Columbus Hall with a Community Care driver for a nominal fee and have your meal. "I think it (thse Wheels ta Meals program) is very good," says Nina Doyle who usually gaes twice a week. 11I like to meet new people.and we have'a BINGO after. People are very friendly here. We're just like one big family." Aithaugis she wasn't sure how long the pragram had been operating, she said sbe's been coming ever since it opened. Phyllis Cinnamon, president of the Whitby Seniors Co-perating Club whicb sponsors the program, bas been in- volved with the club for the past 12 years. She is convinced of thse need for sucis a program where people are taken ta the mneal as oppased ta tise more common Meals an Wheels where meals are taken ta tise people. "People like us get in- ta a rut," Cinnamon, a senior herself wiso uses a four-Iegged cane, says. "Tbey won't get up and get dressed. They need ta get out of their apartments and talk ta other people. if tbey sit at home, tbey just vegetate." Phyllis Barton, who says she cames for the food and friendsbip, af- firms this. "If it weren't for this we'd all be sit- ing at home." Harold Boys wbo's been coming for il years cames for tise same reason. "The rest of the time I have ta eat alane." Seniors sbauld have their big nieal at noan," Cinnamon says. It's easier for tbem to digest lt.e' Hillsdale Manor in Oshawa prepares and transports tise meal ta the hall and Cammunity Care provides drivers ta get the people there. Corn soup with rails and crackers, liver with onions served witb masbed potatoes and yeliow beans, and rice pudding were on the menu last Friday, buy Joyce Denyer who has been serving tise meais for. the past six years says there is lots of variety. "We had roast chieken on Monday and roast pork an Wed- nesday." Desserts in- clude everytbing from pies and cakes to bread pudding, she said. "Tisis is the only place I eat liver," says Fran- ces Foster. "At the grocery store you can't buy one suice by itselif. Thse same is true for roasts. "Wben you live alone, you dan't buy raasts - you go toaa restaurant." And tise food is good. 've neyer been here wisen the food wasn't goad," says Margaret Roper wha's been a regular for tise past eight years. "I came 'cause I can't cook and tise meals are good," says Daug Rowden who goes three times a week, except for holiday weekends when tbey don't serve. And tise portions are ample. "I neyer can eat it ail," Trudy Hachie says. "I tbink it's nice ta be able to came and eat without having ta prepare the meai .... Yau look forward to it and you miss someone who isn't here. You look for- ward ta being able to see people ta converse with. That's wisat we need at our age. " Tommy Cinnamon bas a different reason for coming. "I came for sexual connections. I'm flot a dirty old man, aithougis Ive been toid I am. P'm just an over- sexed senior citizen," and he says he carnies a card wbicb says tisat. He contriteiy admits, "You have ta take wisat 1 say with a stick of cmn- naman." Thse 76-year-ald Cin- namon sets up tables for tise dinners and also drives for Community Care for tise club. He could use same help with that end of tisings, he says. Cinnamon, wbo is husband ta the club president, roguisbly ad- ds, "I corne 'cause my wife doesn't make any meals at home." In spite af ail thse ad- vantages of an inexpen- sive meal and good company, Mrs. Cin- namon says the club has a problem getting seniors out of their bouses to enjoy it. Last Fniday tisere were 16 wba had dinner tagether, but thse usual is 20. She would like ta see mare. As Kathleen Wagar, wbo is treasurer and runs the afternoon BINGO says, "We need Opportunty kiock<s.i NATi VG National Trust will charge you need a new mortgage or w institution. Plus, you get:oeaE: a Savings with oui flexible pla family for just pennies a day Contact your nearest National you can't afford ta miss! * NATU c A Division of National WHITBY - 352 Brook St. 666-1800 308 Dunnias St. W. 668-9324 AJAX - Harwood Place Mail 683-7344 -mdiu pli utSWalt fl -dyý fou.dM n sl -ONAIL'S you NO FEE*, whether eish ta transfer from another financial ,cellent rates a Fast, easy approvals ans a Mortgage insurance to protect your Trust branch today This is one opportunity JNÀAL TRUSTr Victoria and Grey Trustco OSHAWA - 32 Slmcoe Si. 723-5207 PICKERING - Pickering Super Center 4 1792 Liverpool Road 831-6501 ut no medVGN 4IUMUItRtvE playing lu, 50 cents for the first card and 10 cen- ta for eacb card after that. Cinnamon says the Knights of Columbus bave been very good landiords, and she says when Pizza Pizza opened last February, tbey donated $1 for every large pizza they sold that month, which came ta $1,498. Other tisan that she says the club isas had no help from anybody. "IWe won't stop (Wheeis ta Meals) until we run out of maney, and we haven't run out yet, " she says. Seniors wanting ta, dine out Mondays, Wed- nesdays, or Fridays at noon should call Phyllis Cinnaman <668-4) for corridor Capers yB MARY MCEACHERN t'ail 725-8967 wlth IteMs for thiS ColUmn. THORNTON REUNION Thornton Community wiIl hold their annual Reunion at Heydenshore Pavillion on Sunday, Sept. 14 from 2:30 until ?. It will be a pot luck picnic, so bring your favorite dish, coffee and tea will be provided. The Thornton Community Centre (old school house) will be open for picture taking from 2:00 until 4:00 p.rn. The aid school house brings back many pleasant memories for former students and teachers, many of whom will be attending the reunion. Please eall Queenie Pipher or Mary Lof- thouse for further particulars. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH June 8 - Sacrament of Holy Communion. WHITBY CHAPTER ORDER 0F THE EASTERN STAR Welconie home to ail those happy sisters who were able ta take the bus trip to Washington last week. From ail reports, it was a very successful and enjoyable trip. Weicome home. CONGRATULATIONS To Susan Kornic and Bob Edgar who were married last Saturday in St. George's Anglican Church. Susan and ber five attendants were stun. ning. Our best for a long and happy marriage. COFFEE POT The 100 cup coffee perk will be available after the Brooklin Spring Fair is over. If anyone would like ta borrow the perk, please eall 725-8967 and reserve your time. Please cail with news items for this column. Correction A story about Block Parents in the Free Press last week inadvertently said the Block Parent sign was black and orange. The sign is red and white. The Free Press regrets the error. ANNOUNCEMENT DOCTOR DICKSON LEE (EYE PHYSICIAN & SURGEON) Would Ilke to announco the Opsnlng of hie practice nt 124 MARY ST. E.,, WHITBY PHONE 430-1683 'OR APP. MON.-FRI. 9:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. ISTERSL1 TIRE SERVIET ~PASSENG ER &LIG HT TRUCKS - BRAKES-SHOCKS- -TUNE-UPS- -COOLING SYSTEMS- 103 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-3356 571-3400 ~OflOEWO~WflO~O~ 162 KING ST. E. 0'5'4AWA 1