Whitby Free Press, 28 May 1986, p. 33

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WIIITBY'FREE PRESS.WEDNESDAY, MAY 28.1.9$6 PAGE 3 WH1TBY'S MOST WIDELY HEAD ARe, TICLES j,. ARTICLES MUSICALMUIA FOR SALE FOR SALE INSTRUMENT S INSTRUMENTS PAIIITNO & OECORATINO profesalonat bonded worftmsn- slip, reuidontlal and commercial, fras eslmaies. cal 3&W4277 or 6"712. EE1NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES Candlewicking, Coun- ted Cross-attch, Em- broidery and Crewel. We - even do Neediepoînt and eTrapunto too, Join In the fun. Have a Cmativs Circls clitss In your home. rTeachIng you ta stit- ch la easy. Book now 0and receive a Frs Gîft. Cali: Nadins 60-1490 W l:pondesnal ix.and t ansapsand Istall sptIOM M anks os your coutryN Eproperty, etaàvefy reaonableM rae lobull dozer wort. 4@ elfor a FREE ESTITL 6554M.6,Picksrlng ACCOUNTS RECOUElVu ServIce avaliablo FREE conoultatIon 723-53871 BUILDINGS oapeclfclearance. 2OX24 f., 32,30D. 24x24 fif, 82,600 2BX36 i., 33,900.32e36 iM., $4.300. 36x48 f.. 3,400 ssnd 40s60 ft., 3,10. Cali8&97930. GEOTYPE possa-on leliering aoc ln socki ai ictson Printing & 0f- fice Suppies In the Aise Shop.3 pIng plaza. Large »saectilonof styles and aines. Wliy psy more for e emailer sheot of lering? 7%sl CU. PT. freezer for sais, Ie Q~~~C TION ~j momInga, 181>.1489. MATTRESSES and boc springs ai hll prIce. MoKesa Furnturs, 524 SONOOL PROBLEMS? We SimcoosSreet South, Oshawa. spectalos lan educattonal 72-1. sasesamevîs and counseîîîag, 75581 Individual home Instruction and programmtag. 10 years exparlan- ce. Newton' Educationai Con- ~ R I E S sultants,M6&81458. 5U 1GRAMMER for people wha haite gravmer la tle Idasi pockai rference bootk for business peope. $3.95 par copy and avaitabie ai Dicksaos PrtvIng & 0ffice Scppiies ln the Aax Plusa. DeleIncu i.,,.,l Ivvifad 053155. FKOR $AME lieay duty utilty iraiter, woutd mattseexcellent f rademars trtter. Phone 8Oô& 7815. ~N~MOTIVE FOR SALE tructs cap and camper SHORT INTRODUCTORY and ad. stida.In unit, ciii sali together or vsnced computer courses: Word eeparalely, $450 for both or $226 Processlng, O.Bass, Lous, sacli. Cati 6689752 aler 5 p.m. Basic, etc. 4273010. MOTO YCLES £~FREEI ALES/RET LS 1883 auztîKI 650 L, 10w FREL ODrop lo thilsDiclson Prlntlngandsc Office Suppiy store n the Aise Plaza sad plots up a. ires copy 0f Ile 1986 Mairie daiendar. Prnted ln Ico colors. I makes for landy rsforence. "31968. TYPEWRITER renta, many moaes ad modela, by tls weetend, ceets or motif. Discounts avalabis. Octsaon Prlning & Offics Supplies In ftha Aiax Plaza. Cai us for business machine repar. 0M31988. milaaga, exccallent condition, cindehieli, chromae highcay page, and roll bars, Ictcdad ln price, askIng $2,5W0. Cati 688 9752 aflar 5 p.m. 1978 HONDA M00TcIn cith Cea. X firing, SM0. Pickering, 831- 3075. GARNENG ANSUPPLIES FOR ALL YOUR LaadscapIng and mainteane nveede cai ui. way Landscupingad Main. tenance'" 6493183. "NEROES of the SIble'colourIng boots avalabie ai ickssvn Pris. iing & Office Supplies, Alan Plaza, 88319U. Deaer InquIries Inviied. CHESTERFIELD siles, loveseals, sectIonais, lsa ihan th prIce. Large selectIon. McKeen Furnlure, 524 SImcoo Si. S., Oshaswa. 7255181. VISIT our used furnIlura werehouse by appoinlmenl. Sig savings on dealis, chairs, Illing cabinets, etc. cail DIckeon Prin. tIng & Office Supplies t0 arrange an appoinimeal la view. 683 TRIAILEA for sale, 4x6 fi.,$. 0. TV. iowsr and enonna wlth rotor and coior head, $125.6Ml 531. LOSE WEIOHT FOR SUMMER. We cen help yodi Over 3 million satIsfied customars. Ail our Her. bal Nurilonal producîs are SAFE and EFFECTIVE wlh a 100% 30 day monay back guaran. tee. Cail 433-M92. Visa accepîsci. ELDRIDGE, Jolhs William hors June 4, 1928, Brootiia, Ontario, searching for Inormation about paenats. Please crute John Tclly, Apt. 1002. 11307-99 Avance, Ed. monton, Abera, T5K 0H2. LOOK OREAT FOR SUMMERI 0ur ALL NATURAI. HEABAL producîs ciliiglas you the healîhiasl looiing skin and huir yoc va ever lied. Our HERBAL lanning producis are recommen. ded for aven the mosi fir skia- ned. Oil us and wa'il gel you lootsIng greal for summari 100% gcaranfaed. Cali 433-0902. Visa accepied. WUVACATION V.WRE TALS 10OMobile HomesI IClearwater -Three bedrooml Imoile homes. H555d Pools,I tniclose io baclis and 1maor attracions 0hIldlren caicome. Issa f han mofel rom.683-5503 HeIp your Heart... HeIp your Heairt Fund FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 668-6111 WANTED shara apartmentInl whiby, close 10 dowsiowa. Plions aifer ô p.m., 606365. UHAUTIFUL older home, 12 acres, aultahie for home person, 1 90cr front Mtro. Cali (70) 437 2184. BRECHIN AREA, 50 acres, dlay tiied, syslemeiiceiiy drained, six bodroom brick ceniuy home, compieely ranovatad, excellent barn, Impement shed, $150000. 705484-5149. PRIVATE SAL, second f 10r condo, The Citadel, Whilby, 2 levai, 3 hedroom, 1 W baîlia, $72,9W0. $5,000 depoai, no agen- ts.06M"512 eifer 5 p.m. PIIIVATE Income Proparty on Hcy. 2, ceai of Whllby, cili 11hi afnrey houe@send store, sutabie for gardon centre or imilar, «khing $195,000. For more Infor- mation colt 416) 5n35729 fier 6 ISLA, St. Pfes Fiorida Beasch, golf las, 2 bedrooma, 2 basa S35Oiweets. Caîl 6Bi1 427M82. Wilt consîder trade for properties ln Toronfto, Whlby or Oshaca. MAN UFACTU RER'S CLEARANCE VINYLSIDINO n 6 colours,1,600 lastock.........from 19,19q. ALUMINUM STORM DOORS $'ng 1SO In stockt...................... from $799 PATIO DOORS WoVn!& Aluminum 50 ln stocts..................... rm $ 3 9 LADDERSALUMINUM STEP & EXTENSION d9 GARAGE DOORS if99 Wood & SeIstaok......... f rom$209 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Wood, Vinyl & Aumtncm$ 9 5W0 ln stock...................... from U s1q. h. GALVANIZED & GALVALUME AgrIculurat Steel $89q 4,000 shoots lnstock ......... from 3 10q Wm. BIG FORD ALUMINUM SALES LTD. R.R.3, BRIGHTON, ONT. Ion.-FriSat. 8on-Fi (347,5-0521 8-12 1 YARD SALI Saierday, May 31 end Sunday, June 1, 89a&m., 164 Way Rd., aroolIln. THABE FAMAILY SALE Saturday, May 31, 25 Frguson Ave., Brocliin, inorlli aofasCshy Lumb. Ou0r Junts couid lie yocr retaure. TWO FAMILY yard sale, M05 An- ses St., Whtby, Saturday, May 31,80a&m. to04 p.m., tain data June 1, householci Iteme, memorabelia, record pfoyer, etce. THABE FAMILY yard sale, 903 Byron Si. N., WhIiby, Satsrday, May 31, beglnnlng 9:30 &.m., rets or alune. 1-peed bits., elecîrlo furmaca, batlroomn vanIty, tant, camping equlpmesi and muccl more. COURT SALE, Otiercrests, Draper Cours, Saturday, May 31. Pur- nture, liousiscld Items, cloilea, toye, refreelimenta. TWO FAMAILY SALE Saturday, May 31 and Sunday, Jus. 1. 8 &.m. bo 4 p.m., ris or alune, 15 Vipovd Rd., BrocklIn. YOU ARE INVITED to share cili Sf an and Bell Grille at an Open Houeseon ils occasion ai their 401h Wadding AnsIaereary 10 lie field aI Port Perry Unted dhurci Auditorium, Sunday, Jane 1. 2 to 5 p.m. Seat wiahea oaly plaes. CONGRATULATIONS on yocr tortlicomIng marriage. Piesse vec 0cr sampias of evgraved wsdding Invifations et yodr oieraIn 0cr Aax Plaza store. Ololson PrIvtiig & Office Scp- plias, 683.168. tr*Los se vou do 4D$ j1 rJ ASIFID AUCTIONS Il ADS FUN FOR CONTINUE THEWHOLE N SEE I FAMILY ATTEND ONETHIS PAGE 34 WEEKENDI ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Pleasecheck your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when caliing. If bilied - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14e each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic RTS, ETS-$70 o he is 00w*s 1cec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BdiRtH, lwodEA. << o eftt10wr~1<ec such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of te first insertion., diina od replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in te paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one ay efor thy ca bechaned r caceled.or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43pper lins.(<No word ads allowed). to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditionai word if pre-paid. You may charge your Ciassified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your dîtional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wil make 668-6111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDOTHERS Ciaima againat the estate of BHAGWAN KAUR HALL, laie 0f the Town of Whltby, ln the Judîcial District of Durham, who died on the 7th day of Juiy, 1968l, muet be In my handa by June 10, 1986 afler which date the estate wilI be distributed. Ranjît Slngh Hall, Apt. 2003, 1025 Rchmond Road, OTTAWA, Ontario, K2BS8G8, AdmInIstrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTH ERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F AR- THUR RICHARD WHIT- TLE. Ail ldaims agalnst the Estate of Arthur Richard Whittle, sate of the Town of WhItby In the Regionai Munleipailty of Durham, Retlred, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of January, 1988,-muet be f lied with the under. sIgned personai representatIves on or before June 3th, 1988; thereafter the under- algned wiii distribute the assets of the sad estate havIng regard oniy to the dlaims then f lied. Dated at Whltby, On- tarlo this 26th day of May, 1988. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Exoeutors, by thslr Sollcltors, Coath, Lîvngston à Johnston, 101 Dundee Si. W., P.O. Box 327, Whitby, Ontaro LI N 584 GREEN AUCTION THURS., MAY 29 6:00 P.M. At Oddfeiiows Hall, Port Perry, opposite Lake Scugog Lumber. With Blue Spruce, Maple, Austrian Pine, White Spruce, Jursiper uprIghts, large Juniper spreaders, fiowering shrubs and much more. We accept cash, cheque or Visa. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 6558073 AUCTION SALE THURS., MAY 29 6:30 P.M. At ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY. Large estate sale, furnlture, applian- ces, antique chest, chesterfielda, piano, dishes, tools. To list your sale cal! 324-2783 MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS CORNEILIS AUCTION BARN FR1., MAY 30 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Brîtaîn Rd. Five plece parlour suite (newiy uphoistered), pine tables, flat-to-waii cup- board, pressback rockers, gIngerbread dlock, oak dInlng roomn chairs, washstands, Boston rockers, Evln's Brothers uprlght piano, Eaton'a reliabie doill <dr. ca 1920), walnut chest of drawers, Craftsman 10", eiectronice table saw (2 months old), quantity of china and glss, In- cludlng carnival, Benington, brIdie basket, collectabie plates, etc. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-78e2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., MAY 31 11:00 A.M. Property of the late HOWARD SLEEP, R.R.2, Bowmanviiie, at the llth Ilin, east of the Courtice Rd., south of Hwy. 2. Complete household furniture, pump organ, sewing machine, loveseat, buffet, oc- cassional chairs, dressers, washlng machine, bookcases, bedroomn suite, garden tractor, torches, smaii Ford tractor, large-num- ber of amail tools. Terme cash. EARL QAIJSLIN AUCTIONEER 840-5398 LM

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