Whitby Free Press, 28 May 1986, p. 32

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'J TWO LADIES BIKES, $40 aaCh. TV. sand, $15. Siareo sand, $25. HI-Fl record plyer, $50. Coualler 6 pm., 668-4032. MODEL TRAIN SET, HO Gauge, 70 fi. trach, 4x8 table, engine, 12 cars, buildings, gond sarer sel, $200 Item. Cai 723-8660 aller 5 ENVIROLET elecîrlo alerlesa tollel, no maler, no sepllc tank, selle new for 3843.95 (US.) Retarb, Unit A. $385 pIus $45 vent kl. Ciii aller 5 p.m., 723 9109. KLONDIKEIlreplace Insert wlh fan, goad condiion, $350. Km- bail electelo orges mllh double keyboard and hench, $800. Cota. hisation terea and radia, $00. 66"4760. BICYCLE- girls 23 Inch Raleigh transt, $50 or hast oller. Phone alerOô p., M6-3274. ISNOWT84ROWER fer M.T.. trac. tor, useti or. sooson, campf aie wth wheel wlghls and chaîne, $60. Phone 681>5925. G.M. LOVESEAT. $M. G.M. lsd. dier oeot, $20. Infants car bed. $15. Fluke O 02 lst caler, $110 or erest cffer. 883.368 BUTCHER BLOCK style roand fable wllh four pinecese chairs, ose yaa cid, $150. Phono 6886. ROSEWOOD WALL UNIT wllh bar, 96" long, 3 sectiensa Ideal for aparment, ofice or famiiy rmcm, askisg $600. Phono 5798824. SPANISM style chealeef ld and chair, cuonm made, ose of a kin, $50. lmporled Europaan chandelier, $480. oit onscannas wall painting froc Mexico and trame, $200Cali1868-9288. ROTO TILLER, 5 hp., excellent condton, $295. Stop loddec, alamlnum, 1M5.Wheelboerow, $10. Malf-mocn table and magazine stand, $25 sach. Ladies bih., 340. Junior 10 epeedl, 845. Rock mopie ktchenseat,.$225. Solg machine, U35. Smal table, $35. Phone 6834836. ROLLER SKATES. Nike, back, sica 3. $25. Dominion, whie, siza 5 (adies), $30. Fity record aibumns, 1940-19508 music, snm. ciassîcai, $5 each. Phono 655- 3266. SINGLE BED, $35. Boysa 10 spaad bîko, $50. Kerosese heaier. 850.-Phono 436-0363. FOR SALE bar unit, $80. Calil 68- 9519. COMPUTER Apple Il plus, Cone, 48K., $200. Thrae penrliborards for abavo,8SM. Phone 668-8178. ENTIRE MOUSEMOLO frnituee, now and USd. AdmIrai trldge, $150. 1.D. deyer, 925W. Viking autnmatio woaher, 14..,$30. Four 15 radiai Firealone ires, P18875Rl5, $50 «ch. 12 vot bat- tory. $5. Table and four chairs, ktchen, $100. 19" coleur T.V., $350. Dreser. $W. Longs -o.k desk, $1,000. Lage bock sheif., $110. Office deok, wood, $35. Sleai bock sheit,$860. Couch and reciislng chair, isaiher, S55. Desk caiculalOr, $W. Atique coach and 2 machIng chairs, SM0. Cool rock, $10M. Eictic stone, $300. Boat cash aller. Cali 558«6. AIR CONDITONER 6000 8TU, Eiectrchnme, $17. Phoneo886-. 8185. 14 FOOT mahogany Fietwing saiiboat, $450. Three ton chais hoit, $100. Boai anches, 825. Lat-hand goif cubs and cent, $1. Waier exils, $45. Barbque, $15. Cash hock for eatling loge, 8$.Hooceur.$3. Pck axe, 825. Phone 4334089. FREEPRESSA Emporium Ad@ will only be accepted subjeet to the foliowmng conditions. 1r_______A__ __D_1L-_An When lire advertised Item la soid, disposed of, or unavailabie for whatever reason, thre item wiII bc deemed tu have beens old and a commnission wiII bc charged based os THE ADVEIITII6ED PRICE as ilusiraied below, regardlens i price o siated witr besi'offer'. If the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wiii b rus for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE ni$750 iii appiy payable iniadvance ni publication of!the frsi ad. Theuaiove minimum charge wiii bc applied lu the final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail adver- isements mstaibcwpiaced on an exclusive asiss mur the WIIITBY FREE PRESS and run ai icast one month If sol snid. RATES (if artcle ln seldi: 5% of advetlseet prce up to $40000 2% of balance avec 400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertised trcli,0f5. Commssion due 87.50e iminimum charge là 87.50) Prîvate advcrlislig onlyf Please notify tire Whitby Frac Pres mmeditely when item la saiti ao that we may delele il froc Uic fetsowing Iaue. Ail adis ot filng tihe Emporum guldelines wilibe tFat.cd andcharged per mach as regular ciassifledada an a prc.paldi basis auch as: services, hcip wanted, cIlthtng, real colite, and pcraenal measage type ada, or adas ot qutlng price or qaantity. Private ciasaifled aada may appear in Uie Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADSTO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.0. Box 206 Whtby. LIN ONt If la doubi cai: 668-6111 131 Brock SL N. Whltby, Ont. THIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SALE ~~PETS SI_______ I E CHIEF FONCTION 0F VOUR FOR SALE dlning room suite., DM184 TZU Puppy 8 VdOOks aid BODYv TO CARRY VOUA .4ll w...m, t esreo s"ore maie, CKC regisered, chois, DRAIN AROOND. aid, 0 places, table wth exles- absn, buffet, china cabinet, 5alde chairs andi 1 Vanschair. (con- plately refilalhed Inciadîsg 50w upholtered ciolh soala), pelce $1,550 ar boat affer. Tel. 68- 2481. USED .IACUZZI paol tiller and mater for 14x28 pool, $5. Phone W"8.271. ROBERT BATEMAN prinîs, Idie Mate Swan$, Museuma rameti, .,,,, e. oureraAt#rnos tom RIa Cols, lwa 23 channel .........c/w Phose 868.8528. aida bond anti anenne. 850par sel. New 504" cancrtle blocks, 354 ooch. Boyse BMX style bils, SM. Phase11,8-97311. Give TRAILER TP RobaI, soit top, ax- U.1NICEF . f cellent condition, anme camping gifs nd ,. eqalyment lncloded. $950 or bs aller 6668178 cards1 and help a child FOR SALE 1984 Bonaire 1200 Cntacs aleepa 8. stove, 2 wîy rldge. Unk IceCandai) tobib, dlnlng sheller, complelely 443 U. P luasasiRd eqalpped, immaculato condtion, Trnto. Ont. M4S 2Lt asklng $6.000. CatI Bsue.eaI 68 OrcatiUNICEF Caadfrm) 9,e 865. î»2666O4 I.BAC12e02e63641 shetiisgnon.llDric, on'-t chîdltrn. $350. CDII 1.418.985.it 3960. PEREGO PRAM, large tsEnlish style, Dyeees oltigeeti condition, sny, apros, basket, large whaels, $85. Car seaot, bions visyl, gaod cantiion, $5.Booster car eeat, brawn vînyl, excellent ehepe, $20. Twln sioliler, orange convas, gooti conditian, eide by aide seeta, 10de fia, $100. Cradia, white, $20. Crib, colonial style, wilh mattres aond bumpor pati, gond candition, $100. Phase 868-5925. NAVY FR0250 Prara, apron and basket, $50. WhIle change table, $20. Elecrlc bacille eerlilcor, $12. Girls 18 manlirs la sica Imo ciothes, $3 each. ollia armer, $3. Cal 6-0523. PRAM, lhree-in.one, $120. GM lovesoal. $40. Change table, $40. Att Ilke nev. Yoalh b.d. $60. Phon@43447. li 1878 0000E hait ton murh cab, AMIFM cassette, automnallo, 82,100 or boat olter, Cail aller 8 p.m., 68680884. 1877 FORD 1 ton, 351 VIps., p.b., single whecie, 8010 @tek$ bas, escellent condition, $3.400, certIf led, 866-385. 1877 01.08 Cuiiaes Salon, con. sxie buckais, good shape, easy te certlly, $1.800. Phono 6688- 0188. 1977 MONDA hatchbock, os le, $1,000. Phone 6884528. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA p.$., phb., air condiling, 8800 or boat aller. Colt 8553178. 1875 GREMLIN X rasa but needs work or.good for parie, $200 or boat aller. 668-7816. 1874 BUICK APOLLO. rasa gocd, bady gond, 6 cyl., $550 or besi af- fer. 433-1842. 1974 SUPER BEATLE, excellent condition, lady drIves, 26,000 original miles, aunroof, radio, new paint, $2.700. 725-3744. 1873 PONTIAC Lurenlian, 400 ce motor, runs but noeds worh, acos b. hought for parta, $200. Phone 579-3030. 1872 PINTO, cdean InsIde, body good. needs misor repaira. 8700 or besi offer. Cail 68867825. 1869 CHEVELLE, four new tires andsa eral brasd 50w perla, $M0. Phase 688.1955, 08k for Dan, boyme- = al ~ 01o. oa laO Vu dm Oh wber80 km meha * " e0.le 00e w su e agde«OOsc *0« muncdl*0,0 "luteoe yOMI .U cet Pea*0,hmý Moili1 4!pCON FUSED&? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the -advertisIng guidelines confusing. Don't miss out- on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If YOU: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to sel:; and, ehavea specified asking priée for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guldelines above for more details). Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold <maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. 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