Whitby Free Press, 28 May 1986, p. 1

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P A W goes to tender Despite f"nt quarter atatistica that would ap- pear ta Indicate the new town operated animal control service is being run better than' ever before, ,the Pickering, Ajax Whitby Joint- Animal Contrai Commlttee (PAW) la looklng to the private sector to see if a better service can be provlded even for less maney. Accordlng to PAW chafrman Rosa Batten, the commlttee had a "dvery short time" to put together the new animal control service after refuslng to pay the 48 percent budget hike requested for 1M06by the Ontario Human Society, former operators of the service. In January wben the committee and Whtby Clerk Don McKay set up the new service, Batten said It was decided that the town aperation was to be an interim measure. "It talces tinie to make a long term plan for somethlng like this and we wanted to make sure there wasn't somebody Ini the private sector that could provide a better service for lesa money," said the chafrman last week. True ta thelr word, the comnnttee decided at a recent meeting to proceed with the preparation of tender documents whlch wil be let out over the sumnmer. Batten said the commit- tee would review any tenders in September. "I* want ta maki it clear tbat we're well satiafied with the ser- vice that's being provided now. There have been absolutely no complaints about tbe service or the cost but we want to go through with this to, make sure there Isn't something we're not gettlng for our money,"l said the chaimian. The current service is operated by the Town of Whitby under the direc- tion of PAW and charged back to Pickering and Ajax. In January when PAW took over. the service. animal contrai staffing was cut in half, the number of animal con- trol trucks was reduced and ail patrolling ceased except enroute ta and from oeils. In a story whlch ap- pearedi the Free Press Februar 12 of this year, Ontario Humane Society president Tom Hughes accuaed the committee of maaking a significant reduction In service with "phony" dlaims of lncreased efficiency. "Thisalia just a play they've trumped up ta justify theniselves ta the media. They will not and cannot provide the level of service this SEE PG. 27 A first quarter report indicates that everythlng is runnlng smoothly since the Pickering Ajax Whltby Joint Animal ContraI Comrnittee took aver operation of the Whltby animal shelter. Sheiter manager Carole Lang la seen here admiring one af her charges. Free Press Staff Photo The Wbitby Brass Band supplied the entertain- ment during the officiai, opening ceremonies for the new Gazebo i the Rotary Centennial Park Iast Saturday. The Gazebo cost $45,000 to bulld with the Town of Whitby donating $15,000, the Rotary Club donating $20,000 and a Wintario grant of $10,000. Coundillor Ross Batten, chairman of the Parka and Recration Departmnent officiated at the ceremonies and told those in attendance that the Gazebo wil be used extensively during the summer months. It has already been booked for weddlings and the Oshawa Pipe Band-will perform a concert on June 22. As weII, the Whitby Brasa Band wiII perform i the Gazebo during the montha of JuIy and August. The Iandscaping around the Gazebo was donated to the people of the Town 0f Whitby by Oshawa Garden Flowers. Free Press Staff Photo 36 pages Couneil loses battie with Merchants Market By MINE JOHNSTON Free Pes Staff Although-the majority of council are opposed ta the newly opened Mer- chanta Market ithe Kendalwood Plaza, legal advice from the town's solicitor has for- ced coundil to pass a motion allowing it to continue unless the business extenda aut in- Wo the parking lot. If the market expands into the Kendalwood parking lot, the town wiii prosecute ta the ful extent of the law. That was the decision cauncil made at its meeting Manday night after a lawyer represen- ting the owners of the plaza, Devese Graup Properties Inc. and two citizena, made deputationa requesting council ta make a decision on the market. Lawyer Andrew Patan, told council members ta, leave hîs client, and the people who operate the 80Ostails in the market, alone. "It la a concernti t us ta have ta came here and if the market is illegal then you have the right ta prosecute. You can look at the business and do a study ta diacover ita affects on other businesses in tawn but leave us alone ta run a legal business, " he said. "Permission tW open the market was given by the platiner wlthout any public input," said William Lavelock. Lovelock along with Bill Kfrkton ' appeared before ,cauticil and asked them "Wt clarify their poition." Councillor Joe Bugelli took exception Wo Lovelock'a statement and lnfornied hlmn the platiner did flot make a declsion but was responding ta infor- mation requested by Devesc.. Paton tald council the information iaclient received stated that the market la legal withln the confines of the by- law and therefare did nat appear befare coun- cil ta, ask for their per- mission. Cauncullor Tom Ed- wards had previously asked why the owner had not appeared before council ta Inforni them of hla intentions. When Paton. com- pleted his deputatian and council members were finlahed asking questions, councillor Bugelli stated that "the tawn has received al the legal adviae it Is going ta receive," and SEE PG. 27 Brooklin septie study proceeds By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff The Town of Whitby wii commence a Ineeda study' itot the Brookli sewer problem begin- ning on June 2. The study wull take four weeks for campietion and wiii ha undertaken by six studenta hired by the Mlnlstry of En- vironnient. Planning Director Bob Short told coundil on Manday nlght that the studenta vii have proper iden- tification with their pic- ture on it. The study wii include Iocating and inspecting septic tanks and tue fields, <die testing wln- dshield surveys, wel samplings and sali testlng. The water quality of Lynde Creek wlI also ha monltored. Five monitoring stations viii haset up alang the creek, and they wiii ha checked every three weeks into the late faii. The plan- ning department has determined this vii capture samples of the SEE PG. 28 w .Vol. 16, No. 21 Wednesday, May 28, 1986 Gazebo Opens * I REE PRESS,

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