PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Residents say ".yes to needs study By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff The Planning Depar- tmnent bas recominen- ded that the Town of Whitby proceed with a needs study under the iProvinclal Grant Program for the Brooklin comxnunty af- t er 370 of-602 question- naires maled eut were returned. The confidential questionnaire > was designed to determine if Brooklin residents would permit on-site In- spection of their septic tanks thus clearing the first hurdie to secure provincial funding to correct the towns sanitary sewer problem. Of the 370 responses to the questionnaire, 82 percent said they wouid slow an on-site inspection of their septic tanks, whlle 14 percent said they would not sllow the town to inspect their septic tanks. During- a public meeting held by the administrative commit- tee ln March, council mernbers and residents of Brooklin were infor- med that,45 percent of the total systemns in Brooklin would have te be inspected by the town before the Ministry of the Environment would itself do a needs survey in Broeklin. And of thg1M 45 percent, at least haîf of the systems would have to be proven deficient for the Ministry to include Brooklin in the Provin- cial Direct Grant Program. The resuits of the questionnaire indicated that the majority of the respondents are satisfied with their present septic tank system and perceive no deficiences in it's operatio *n. The resuits also in- dicate that of those that responded there is a split on whether a public or private- sewage systean isthe solution to Brocklin's problem. BROOKLINFLOUR MILLS __________ "Country Store Aimosphere"l Chocolts Chip Squares from "150 Doudeous Squares" by Jean Pare' 1/a cup butter* 1/ cup brown sugar '1/4 cup granulated sugar *1 eggl' tsp. vanlila*i cupiantreated ali-purpose flour * V tep baklng soda * 1/ tsp sait *'1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips * /a cup chopped wainuts Cream the butter and brown sugar. Add the white sugar. Add egg and vanilaeand beat weii. Measure ln the fltour, soda and sait. Stîr until blended. Add drlps and nuts. Spread ln a greased 9x9 pan. Bake 25 to 30 minutes at 350 degrees. 7 - *ingredlents avaîlable at Mill Store 655-4851 12WIB 23 CASSELS RD. E., BROOKLIN BROOKLIN CASSELS RD E. Oniy 51 percent would be wllling to financially participate ln a public sewer solution while 56 percent would be willing to support a private Sigers' The County Town group Singers have enjoyed The considerable member- 1968, ship stability since the Webb group was formed in ranks 1967. T his was 'eviden- 1970 ced recently when 17 joined memnbers of the present Mer singers were recognized active for their contributions of capsc time and effort over the and past 19years. Margaret ticipai Nelson and Pauline Luff years joined the singers in the Pat initial year of the choir Finan existence and is the Sherri longest standing mem- Mario ber. They've held a Nane3 number of executive Angel positions within the Browr choir and Marg is joined Bob]N In the group by her da Sec husband Bob who is Reci chairmà n of the C.T.S. preser auxiiiary and officiai mern photographer for the cerem NOW AVAILABLE ON BETA & VHS 76 Baldwln St. Brooklin 655.4229 when Town precia work1 extend musici The for ti sewage system solution, the questionnaire con- cludes. When the towns needs study is completed it will be submitted to the Mlnistry of the En- vironnient along with an application for con- sideration in the direct programn. if the Ministry concludes the- application by the town is justified it will com- mission a fuil-scale engineering study of ail the systems ln Brooklin to recommend solutions and viable alternatives. service recognized ip. le following year, ýpianist Margaret ber entered the cs of the choir and in Cathy Smythe Bd. embers who, are still ve in various icities in the choir have been par- ents for ôver 10 sare: Jack Willis, Pluanmer, Ann i, Lynda Hatfieid, ry Keating, Dave lwe, Sid Spencer, cy Sutherland, la Wiilis, Jim vn, Mabel Spencer, M4orrison, and'Lin-. cott. ,ognition pins were ented to ail 17 ibers at a special nony held recently ýail the County nSingers couid ap- ite the "pioneer" these people have aded to this fine [ca organization. e next opportunity his region to listen to the County Town Singers wil be at their Spring Show to be held at the Oshawa Little Theatre, Russett Ave., Oshawa, on May 21. Tickets are available from ail choir members or by calling 668-5419 or 576-1922. Tickets may aiso be picked Up at Saywell's, Oshawa; Middleton's and Ruf- fies, Whitby; and Deli Delicious, Ajax. Whitely brothers perform May 24 The third and final presentation of this year's Magic Toybox Festival. brings family entertainers Ken and Chris Whitely to Oshawa May 24. Born in the United States but raised in Toronto, the Whiteiy brothers have been per- forming their par- ticularly boisterous' brand of chlldren's music on a professional basis since 1965. Between them they Ail occasion Party Supplies LFRIDAY, MAY,23 Frtef Irst 24 cus tomers, get arbehq bi o ny.9 tor tehe bl or morey.9 wlth a minimum purchase of 15.00orme 76B BALDWIN ST. BROOKLIN' 6 655-8828 Home Satellite TV:- The Greotest Show On Eorth A ction-paed movies arc just the bcginning of the Iprogram1ing now showing on home satellite TV. Look at what else you've been missing: @More movie, sports, news, educational, religious, and children's programming than 's available from any otiler source. 010')-plus channels to choose frcm, for about the same monthly paylnents as cable TV. 'Free and legal reception. To rind out more about how home satellite televi- sion works, ask us for a FREJE copy of Tuning In Home Satellite TV. But hurry-supplies are limnited. (jqBROO~KLIN ELECTRONICS 4605 Baldwin St., Brookllnâ (1/4mile N of Famlly Kartways) 655-4069 À 'ibunclerbrd -o//ôand Cu/yCu play more than 12 in- strumnents, including the guitar, fiddle, banjo, trumpet, washboard and spoons. Veterans of the Canadian children's concert circuit (in- cluding shows at the Oshawa public llbrary in the past) the Whitelys know how to get their audiences up on their feet, clapping their han- ds and singing along with songs made famous through their two albums, Junior Jug *Band and Lots More Junior Jug Band. The Magiec Toybox Festival, presented by Arbor Theatre and sponsored by the Cam- peau Corporation, brings the Whlteiys te Oshawa for two"shows,' at 1 and 3:30 p.m., at Eastdale Collegiate. Tickets are $6 and $4. (for either aduit or child) and are ayallable in advance at Kiddie Kobbier, Coles and Sam the Record Man in the Oshawa Centre, Saywell's on Simcoe St. S., Zan's on King St.. W., Rickaby's in Bowman- ville and Hope's in Newcastle. Tickets are aise available by calling 433- 2561 (credit cards are welcome) or at the door. Track cap removed Holiday World at 1916 Dundas St. E. had a truck cap removed froan it's premises sometinie Saturday night, May 17, The truck cap is valued at$650. FROM PG. 6 Programs a commitment in in- dustry from sellers such as Bell Telephone, AT&T, and- CNCP Telecommunications, - and from users such as CIL, IBM, EDS, and GM. Therefore, Michie said the college will probably get some assistance, either from companies allowing students to use their equipment or by donating equipanent. 'We are accepting enrolments now,'" Michie said. rPRO SHOP SPECIALS, @GOLF CLUBS WILSON 'S STAFF Mon'. loft hand REQ. $88000 OUR PRICE WHILE THEIVLASI $49500 (ALI. CLUBS il pc. SETS) WE CARRY BOSTONAN GOLF SHOES, THE SHOE PERSONALLY WORN BY JACK NICKLAUS *GOLFSLACKS REGI. 84V80110 NOW'2 *GOLF SHIRTS<O&O. LENO>NRE. 824"10NOW 09 POWER CAR SPECIAL IWEIEKDAYS DirFONS 000A.M. AND MPER -300 P.M(2 GREEN PUES à POWER CAR) $03400 NEG '43"6 *.WEE-KENDS A HOLIDAYS SAVE $900 AfiTER 3:00 P.M.. LADIES SPECIAL! FRIDAY AFTINNOONS AFTER 00M. 0 300 LADIES GREEN FEES 995MyrtIeRd.w- AbHBU" < 1 il 000- 1 lie 1 [HMOMFIý-'