Emporium Ad@ wiII only be accepted subjeet to the foliowing conditions. ADM .-,A "- ID A T TWO LADIES BIKES, $40 oa0h. T.V. stand, $15. Sterao stand, $25. I-iFI record ployer $50. Oei aller 6 p.m., 668-4032. MODEL TRAIN SET, HO Gauge, 70 fi. Irack, «B8 table, engins, 12 cars, buldings. good starter sel, $200 lIro. Caîll 723-8969, alter 5 p.m. UENVIROLET electrIa %valorises toilel, fno 065er, na septlo tank. sella new for 8943.95 (U.S.> Refurb, Unit Ai, $395 plus $45 vent kil. Cai aller 5 p.m., 723- 9109. KLONDIKE lîrepiace Insert wilh fan, good condition, $35. Kim- bail eiectrlc organ wllh double keyboard and bench, $600. Com-. bînaion atareo and radio, $50. 884790. BICYCLE - girls 23 lnch Raleigh transît, $50 or hoat oller. Phone aller 6 p.m., 666-3274. SNOWTHROWER for M.T.D. trac- lar, uaed one seuabn, complote wiIh wheei welghla anid'chaîne, $600. Phone 868l5925. G.M. LOVEBEAT. $30. G.M. todi dier' seat, $20. Infinie car, b.d. 316.;Fluke O020 telt mater, ;l110 oj,nearest citer. 683-368. LARGE Colonial atyle armchair, comfortabie and In good con.' dItIon, $40. Interlor door, $15. N@w vanity bain, $5. Grey Per- lfuitlength Mouton fur coat, per- taet, size 16, $75. Foli young sîlver Mapie lroe, balied, to b. dug up before May, $15. Older manuit typewrller, $20. Phone SPANISH stle Chesterfield and chair, cuatom, made, one CI a kInd, $500. tmfporled European chandelier, $480. Oit on cannas walI painting from Mexîco and trame, $200. Oeli 6611l9288. ROTO TILLER, 5 h.p., excellent condition, $S9. Step Iadder, alumlnum, $25. Whaelbarrow, $10. HaIf-moon tableanmd magazine stand, $25 sien. Ladies bike, $40. Junior 10 apeed, $45. Rock mapte kîtchen sol, $225. Sewing machine, $35. Small table, $35. Phone 6834638. M- ROLLER SKATES- Nike, back, size 3,$25. Dominion, whlle, sizo 5 (ladies), $30. Pif ly record albums, 194019508s muslc, some ciassîcai, $5 each. Phnne 655. 32W6. SINGLE DED, $35. Bnya 10 speed bîke, $5. Kerosena heater, $W. Phone 436.36. FOR SALE bar unit, $80. Cali 668- 9519. COMPUTER Apple Il plus, Clone, 48K.. $200. The penfrial boards for ahane, $30. Phone 668.6178. ENTIRE HOUSEHOLO lumnIture, new and usod. Admirai frdge, $150. HOD. dryer, $25. Viking automnatin waaher, HOD., $300. Four 15" radial Firastone tire, P19678R15, $W0 ech. 12 volt bat. tery, $50. Table and four chairs, ktchen, $100. 19" colour T.V., $M5. Dresser, $6. Large oak desk, $1,000. Large bock aheîl, $110. Office desk, wood, $35. Steelbok shelf, $60. Couch and recllning chair, lather, $55. Dosk caiculalor, $60. Antique couch and 2 malchlng chaira, $40. Cool rack, $100. Eiectrlc stovo, $300. esI cash offer. Cali 6554.896 When te adverbiaed Item lasosnd, disposed of, or unavaitable for wltatever measos, the item wl)b. deemed 10 have heen aoîd and a commission wit) b. charged besed on THE ADVERTISED PIlICE as Ilutrated helow, regardleas If prîce lestted withh hest oser-. If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposad nf, the ad wili ha mon for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 97.50 wilI apply payable in advance nf publicationsnf the first ad. The aboya minimum charge wl))ha appled 10 Ute final commission due. Maximum commission: $100009. Ail edoor- isemens muet b. placed ons an exclusive bauls wilhtae WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ai lansI one mnh if not sold. RATES (if article ls soidi: 5% af advcrtleed prîce op ta $400.00 2% nf balance anar 8400.06 EXAMPLE: Seid Item advertised for 815.96. Cammission due $7.50 1 minimum charge le 87.50) PrivaIs advertising onlyl Pleene nnfify tae Whthy Frea Prose immediebely when item lusnld un that we may deleeIl from tae iollwtng issue. Ail adn not fiting tae Emporiums guldalins wiiI b. freated and charged par week os raguler clasified adn an a pre-peid basin such as: services, help wanted, cîthing, meal aabete, and persoa emssage type adn, or adn not qunîing prîce or quenlity, Privaîe clasnifiad adn may appeer lnte Emporiomnsectdion under eppropriate headingo. ALL ADS WILI. Go IN CLASSIFIED SECTION LINLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. liox 2m Whitby, LIN 581 litsn daubt cali: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brook St. N. Whitby. ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. PEREGO PRAM, large Engliih style, 6 yeasm old, good condition, navy, apran, basket, large wheeis, $85. Car seal, brown'vinyi, good condition, $50. Booster cor sat, brown vinyl, encllent shape, $20. Twln strolier, orange canna, good condition, aide by aide seals, foide fiat, $100. Cradie. white, $20. Crlb. colonial stylo, wlth maitress and bumper pod, good condition, $100. Phono 66&5925. SHIH TZU Puppy, 8 weeks old maie, CKC roglslorod, shots, dewormed and homo ralsed, non. shedding, non.alierglc, good wlth chIldren, $350. Oeil 1-416985- 3960, 1978 DODGE half ton wlh cab, AMIFM cassette, automallo, 82,100 or bosl aller. Calllfer ô p.m., 666-.094 1977 FORD 1 ton, 351 V8, PS., p.b., Single whoia, BalO stake bon, encollent condition, $3,400, cerllfled. 666-3850. 1977 OLDS Cutiass Salon, con- soie huchais, good shape, èesy la cantif y, $1.600. Phone 688. 0188. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA pse., p.b., air cnndIlioning, $60 or beet offer. CatI 655-3176. 1976 FORD HAROUIS station wagon, PS., phb., cruise, vert, good condition, 92,000 milea, M500flrm. 831 -08WafterB6p.m. 1976 GREMLIN X runs but snde work or good for parts, $200 or hast ofler. 868-7816. 1074 BUICIC APOLLO, ruse good, body good, 8 cyl., $550 or beat aI. fer. 433.1842.- 1974 SUPER BEATLE, excellennt condition, lady drivan, 26,000 originel miles, sunroof, radio, n0W peint, $2.750. 725-3744. 1073 PONTIAC Leorentan, 400 cf' motor, ouns but snde work, asmo con ha hought for parts, $200. Phono 579-3030. NAVY PREGO Pram, epron and basket, $50. Whte change table, VkIflî$20.Eecîrlo boule sterilizer, $12. NEED o KNO G$20 18 monlhs ta siza lwo AB cloîhas, $3 oach. Botîla mermer, SC)METHING AOUT $3. Oeil 6680523. 'îtUR NEW aOMMUNI1Y? Call TRAILER TP Robai, soIt top, on- cellent condition, somo camping l emmeoqulpment Included, $950 or besl Phone. RaAAC offer.668.6178. TRAILER. Nlmrod, Rilera, satfI »icksOm 1 t -P 1 top, fair condition, etras In-. & Of.l// pplis O l ciuded, M50. Phone 655-3142. il HM\SDAV s J. WITRYFR'SV 0 PR1F.,DD1?.127inOVn12rAV MS'JlA1fl04 lo, Ar'Opi Give - UNICEF» gifts.and cards Ui and help a'child Contact; 443 ML Rsaani Rd. Toronio. Ont. M4S 2LB 1iM02k6364(ln "BC. 112WO02686364. ~Iliii Yeu .1 yen oh- -*0 mhm flemm o m.. l 4yhe OhdMI *7 @"I bu 900 le 0eableaetcu eon.BY FR EE oPRESSl CONpFUSEýDz Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have questioaîs. Hopefully. the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do cali 668-61 il and we'1l be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article ta seli; and, ehave a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details). Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies ta each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $750? When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% Up ta $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum ýcharge described above. I have read the Emporium guidelinE following advertisement placed under IPress. ies above and wish to have the rthis section of the Whitby F'ree i I1 dool lforge( tIninctode your phone numharî i 'Il 1 '1 enclose $7.50 to caver the minîmu ý Charge $750 to my Visa account. moe printi ('ard N. Nameilia Address City îm charge. MAIL TO: Fnp bDale WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Postel Code- Below are somne examples of' what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are ' thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE.1 Advertised Price Up to $150 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $ 600 $ 700 $800 $ 900 $1.000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000oand up Total Amount Payable $7.50 $10.00 $15.00 S20.00 822.00 $24.00 826.00 $28.00 $30.00 332.00 $52.00 $72.00 $92.00 $ 100.00 1 1 A 1