WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1986, PACE 15 Advisory Board reviews 1985 at Whi Tbe. third annual meeting of Whitby Psychiatric Hospita's Community Advisory Board was beld May 1. Representatives from community hospitals, District Healtb Coun- cils, healtb units, and community agencies at- tended. Board members and senior ad- ministrative staff of the bospital welcomed tbe guests. In his report, Henry Polak, Chairman of the Board, blgllghted tbe ac- tivities that the bospital and the board bave engaged in >during tbe past year, witb par- ticular emphasis on the planning for the redevelopment of the \,hospital. V. Mrs. Macfarlane, Adainistrator, wbose report followed, em- pbasized tbe excellence of care the bospital provides, as evidence by its recent two year ac- creditation award and the expansion of tbe hospital's Community Mental Healtb Services. In the coming year, as the hospital prepares for a review of its ac- creditation status, em- phasis will be placed on the bospital developing a. Quality Assurance program. The Chairmen of the Standing Committees of the board provided brief hlghlights 0f their committees' activities. The Community In- yolvemnent and Coor- dination Committee bas been working on "role consolidation" in tbe Outreach Programs of the hospital. This com- mittee's mandate is to build on relationsbips witb other mental healtb, providers; to determnine attitudes, needs and concerns wbicb require bospitai response; and to monitor tbe bospital's community programs in WOMEN'S CONFERENCE A special women's conference entitled Ex- pandlng* Our Horizons wlll be held at Durbam College in Oshawa May 9 and 10. FROM PG. il Harwood School sweaters were on sale for Harw ood students and staff al last week. This is the first year we have sold sweaters. The schooi bas a new logo this year, for the "Harwood Huskies", and t-shirts are available witb this logo on them. We could not finish this columa without mentioning tbe S.A.D.D. (Students Against Drunk Driving) program fromn Port Perry . High Scbool whicb visited our scbool on April 16. Tbe per- formance they presen- ted to Harwood students was about the dangers of drinking and driving. Tbank you from ail tbe terms of meeting con- munity needs. The Building and- Property Committee of the board has continued to vigorously pursue its mandate of ensuring the adequacy of the present hospitai facilities and it has acconipiished this by visiting, during the past year, ail patient accommodation areas, meeting wth staff providing care, and with those responsibie for the safety and maintenance of the physical plant. This comrittee has been concernied witb Issues of dignity and coinfort, patient and staff safety, and the total environment ln whicb patients receive and staff provide care. This committee's mandate includes researcbing infor- mation reiated to newiy designed psychiatric facilities and to trends in space design in an- ticipation- of a redeveloped bospital. The Public'Relations Committee of the board has a mandate to promnote the understan- ding of mental health issues and to-interpret the role of the hospital to the comnmunity it ser- ves. One avenue of M eet the converted ... just a -few of the hundreds of drivers across Ontario who are converting theirvýehicles to Natural Gas auto fuel-mainly because of the savings. Pivate cars, taxis, delivery services, and fleets are rapidJly converting to Natural Gas. Switch to Natural Gas auto fuel tody. Do itbecause of the savings. H-eather akerMississauga:. «Canvertiog ta Natuorai Cas is the best thing we cold have done. The whole idea cames down ta savin& mancy' rid Barrtt, Toronto.. "Its cheap... a lot cheaper than gasoline. 1 amn lookingat a new miini- van and the first thingi arn going ta da is have it converted' communication that this committee bas deveioped is tbe quar- terly publication "Up- date" wbicb is distributed to ap- proximately- 200 in- dividuals witbin tbe heaitb care community and to al bospital staff. In tbe past year "Up- date" has featured ar- ticles on bospital programs and outreacb services, the respon- sibilities of individuai hospitai departments, and tbe process of ac- creditation. Activities of the Volunteer Association, and new developments in the have heen higbligbted. The Hiistory Sub- Committee of the Public Relations Committee is making excellent -progress in the developmnent of a writ- teai history of the hospitai. Future plans include an audio-visual presentation. Tbe historical display at thse board's third an- nuai meeting was an ex- citing example of this enterprising sub- committee. At a planning con- ference beid in the fal of 1985, the Community Advisory Board Ron Speaning, St. Catharines: "Natnrai Gos is leting me do hetter thing,'v wih my moncy thon putting it into tny gos tank' CONVERSION IS AFFORDABLE. Convert your vehicle now and Consumners' Gas, the Federal Government and the Ontario Government will help pick up the tab. VEHICLE CONVERSION COSTS Crent New y Prca sud Vetîcte Vehel, Cost oft conversion S22002800 $22002.800 Federat grant ($500) I500) Consumners'Gas Grant' (5500) ($500) Ont. Gou't, Inentve- Nil ($1,000) Net cost $1,200-1,800 $200-800 limited nuober o) grants available. Onlv those residerot wihin the Consumcr' GCas Systern are elgible. -Saes tax eemption 0on SCw cehichr, converied to natural Cas. tBased on $1t4,285, ve<ickv.t Cotosumners' Gas will do even more fory ou. Not only do we gýve you $500 toward conver- sion, but we also let you finance the balance on our monthly gas bill wvith two years to pay. Warren McCormick, Toronto: "I ike the idea of itbeing an add- an systemt <ojive me dual fuel capability. 1 con go from natural gos o gasoline- and bock with the flick of a switcb while driving' WfUlIYOUR VEIHICLE SflLL RUN ON GASOINE? Yes. With the fiick of a switch on your dashboard, you can go from Natural Cas to gasoline- and back-even while the vehicle is moving. And because Natural Gas isan add-on system your driving range is extended by 100-200km. HOWDOES TBE NATURAL GAS FUEL SYSTEM WORK? Natural Gas in pressurized tanks is connected to a regulator installed in the engine compartment. The regulator reduces the pressure of the Natural Gas. Prom the regulator, the gas is fed into the carburetor where it is mixed with air. It then enters the engine through the initake manifold where ignition takes place. Consumers' Gas will give you toward your cost of conversion CALL NOW. .tby Psych evaluated its first two Clinicai years of operation-. to disct wbich,. essentially, issues a focussed on the comn- regulari pietion of - the sub- Patient mission to the Ministry major of Health of the; committ IlRedeveiopment Re- receivinj port". the bot A new standing corn- Assurar mittee of the board TheC recentiy appointed is visory1 "The Patient Care and its knoi Quality Assurance -hospital Committee" whi.ch will progran provide a forum for the mittees exchange of ideas that forward will enhance and im- and acti prove the quaiity of hospital patient care. This corn-, developE mittee wiil provie op- role witl portunity for the health cz 1Unit Directors uss patient care and will receive reports from the Advocate. A focus of this tee will be ng reports fromn tpital's Qualîty nce Committee. Community Ad- board, through wledge of the 1 and its ms and its com- structure, looks 1to an exciting tive year as the 1evolves and >s a leadership Ihin the mental ,are system. NATURAL GAS SAVES MOST. OUJR GUARANTEE. I during the twelve month. period following the con- version of your vehicle, the average price of Natural Gas is flot below that of gasoline, on an energy basis, and as a resuit, you have flot saved on fuel costs by using Natural Gas, the Consumers' Gas Company Ltd., will remove the natural gas systemn and refund double your net conversion cost. This offris vaid untii December31 1986. Ruas Domina, Ottawa- "Natural Cao han proved ta be sa reliable that 1 feel there's a significant increase in the re- sale of my vehicie' (416) 668-9341 MEETi CON VERTED.@