WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7,1986, PAGE 13 Fed paning els for Forest Week cbnss acute h eaLm am a plunt elrem A new elm that is resistant ta Dutcb Elm Diseise will be lanted ln key centres across Canada ta mark National Forest Week. Speciai planting ceremonies will be held in Port Aiberni in British. Columbia - national forestry capital for 1988 - as well as in Winnpeg, Sault Ste. Marie, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, Fredericton and Saint John. Cammenting on the development, the Hon. Gerald S. Merritbew, Minister of State for Farestry, said the littie- known Japanese elm could well replace the familiar American elms wiped out by disease in many areas of Canada. The Japanese elm was develaped from twa seediings planted at the Indian Head Forest Nursery Station in Saskatchewan in 1929. The new strain is hardy enough ta grow in most regions of Canada and sbould be available at commercial nurseries within the next two years. The new elm grows ta a heigbt of 8.6 ta 13.5 metres (30 ta 45 feet) witb a trunk diameter of about 38 centimetres (15 inches) at maturity. Its growth speed varies ac- cording ta climate and soul conditions. Specimens grown at the Canadian Forestry Ser- vice's research centre at Sault Ste. Marie bave averaged 60 cen- timetres (two feet) a year. in Asia, wbere the fungus wbich causes the Dutcb Elm Disease [s endemnic, elm trees have had ta evolve mer- damage created by the fungus. The Japanese elm, wbich is developed from this strain, bas the ability ta close off the vessels around the stricken area within four hours of an attack, trapping the fungus in wbat amounts ta be a watertigbt bulkhead where it dies. It takes the American elm 24 ta 28 bours ta thisi resu) the spreE tree. " TI thing able our and we h in thq Merr Thg FROM PG.16 Commg Events Calenüder continued the Fairview Lodge Anita Blackwood's Sydenham , Kiwanis children ta a summer loa SEPARATE auditorium. Because home in Port Hope and a Retiree's Club will be training camp. bakg SCHOOL the organizatian is en- tour of Mr. Blackwood's holding a flea mnarket B SBA Lpro< SCINCEFAI tering its tentb year, the studio. There are a and bake sale beginning OP EIG A Y ass< On Saturday, May 24 meeting will be a limied ubr O ta .m. adacio mNNGlag the Durham Regional special celebration and tickets avaîlable at the scbeduled ta begin at 10 Witby Minar o Roman- Catbolic a sing along is planned gallery. For mare in- a.m. at Centennial Basebail will be youJ Separate Scboi Board and refresbments will formation caîl 66"f8-485 United Cburcb, ceîebrating opening d a for wll be holding its be served. Seniors or- Roseilîl Blvd. off Bond Ma 0" inn a .0 prai Regional Science Fair handicapped wha need a - LAM R E St. W. Proceeds fram My10bgnnn t9 0 one at Paul Dwyer High ride ta the meeting can The Oshawa' the event will send bîind baesl.Tblswl e dy t Scbaol in Oshawa. caîl 668-6223. Also, aesl.Tbswi e The fair is open to anyone interested in students in grades 7 and volunteering, even if 8 from ail scbools in the just for a few haurs a_________ i.system and will be open week, is inviteci ta at- Q lU C I~ ft ied CJ Cl to the nuilepfronmil - 30 tend. a.m.. tdu 1:30 p.m. Awards wiil be presen- ted at 1: 30. COMMUNITY CARE MEETING Witby Community Care will be holding its nlnth Annual Meeting Wednesday, May 7 beginning at 7 p.m. ln COLLECTIONS STOUR Whitby Arts Incor- porated will be staging a collections tour Sunday, June 22. ickets for the tour are $18 and include lunch at Dressler Hause Dlning ln Cobourg, a bouse tour of David and [s too long and as a lt it is unable ta stop disease which -ads throughout the 'bis is one of the gs we have been ta accomplish at research centres the kind of things hape ta accomplish e future," said Mr. -ithew. e Canadian led with lots of home ced goods and ail Keeds will help the ciation and the gue teams. With re than 700 ingsters registered this season it >mises ta be a good so came out and en- thefun. cen- operates six regional centres and two national institutes across Canada. 0f these, four have been undergoing major renovations. This kind of work is important, be feels, nat- only ta the industry but ta the future of the coun- try. "The problem [s that wben you're dealing wîth forests yau're talking about something that takes 80 years ta came ta fruition.. resuits you and I will' neyer see even thougb we're investing hun- dreds of millions of dollars every year. "But If forestry is to remain a vital part af aur economic future, this investment is not only essential but crucial." One of the aims of the SEE PG. 22 -It's Ourast I. j The colour of your miug miay not be exactly as silowil MUGS..AND.KISSES MOTRER'S DAY Ã"NLY A MUG WFfr PURCHASE 0F $8 OR MORE. Every Mom deserves hugs, kisses and a mu gon Motherls Day Pick up Kentucky Fried Chicken at any Scott's Chicken Villa and this Mother's Day only, we'll givey ou a coffèe mug, with any purchase of 58.00 or more. Côme early, though. There's a imit of one mug per customer, and there are more Moms than mugs. mw.wý 1 Qaruiia