Whitby Free Press, 30 Apr 1986, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1986, WHITBY FRI± IPRESS Lipizzans comng to Whithy May 6 Colonel Ottomar Herrmann's legendary Lpizzan Staliions will be rolling. into Whitby Tuesday, May 6 for two shows at the Iroquois Arena. The magnificent, white staliions, known as the "Ballet Dancers of the Horse World, " are famous for their per- formance of airs above "Capriole" where the their haunches and stallions ieap horrizon- maintain a 45 degree tally kicking out their angle for several secor- hind legs at the height of ds. the jump and the The origins of these "Levade" in which the airs are rooted in the -taUilansa nint in fn- 1 1manai ctutlions' SUPER OVENFO SUPER MOMS Fast, clean, cool Hot air circulation cookîng. Food is î ~ I brosens, bakes tender, juicy, i. .ji and brouls faster tresh tasting and - - than a regular nutritious. For tull MICROWAVE CONVEC1ON oven. For crispy meals, snacks, or quîck even cookies, flaky defrosting. Saves energy tot crusts. luffy cakes. THE SANYO SUPER OVEN THE SANYO MICRO-CONVECTION OVEN, MODEL EM52O. NOW AT A NEW LOW PRICE! The Saayo Saper oven g ves fast efircenl mcrowave * Iantitely variable power leaielcarlîrol. co ing hva il! it a convection oves, plus tha - Temperature Probe lots yo caak Io a preciseinternal b as fbth in aspecial microconvection cycle. food lemrperature. Mcrowavesand holair aherataor theidealmetharial * Automalc Hold Warm keeps food ai desired temperatura. raasting and baling.Food ia leader and liacy avside, - 2-Level Whole Meal caokiag, dehcaasly crsp and brown asiside. al in mach -rs *Aslomalic Pre-Heat lime than a conventianal aven. -Soh t 1ach Controls NOW 6 ONLY69 !RÀSANYVo EM2621 ONLY This 1-cublc-foot oven can be set to comptete up to three different cooktng stages wthout manuel resetttng. 2-stage cooktng Improves cooklng resutts as meny fooda taste better when cooked fora spectflc pertod of tlme et one temperature. The three-stage memory inctudes a prograrhmed defrost. Set the tunicttons ln any order for up to 99 minutes and 99 seconds In each stage. 9 Il Thrge Stage Memory CI Delay Sturt Il] 99 minute, 99 second Elsctronic Timer EI Temperature Probe Il Autometlc Hoid Warmn E Digital Dlupiay Timer wth Timo of Day Ciock QUALITY ABOVE AL Stock is'Iimited, see us today! i68 Water St. Port Perry 985-9888 à.2, ail Corridor Capers By MARY Mg (att 725"967 with Re [CEACHERN Ims for this columo. Ï1.1 4Z Whitby Ambulance Service During the weck en- ding April 24, Whitby Ambulance Service responded to 127 calls inciuding three emergency calîs for motor vehicle accidents in which eight patients had to be transported to hospital. Another 17 calîs responded to by the ser- vice were for emegn dies ranging from heart' related probleins to strokes, seizures and in- juries sustained in falis. There were 18 patients transported with other medical problems, in- ciuding emergency transfers and another 47 patients were transpor- ted from one medical facility to another or home after a stay in the hospital. Whitby Ambulance also provided 30 stan- dbys to area services and seven imes during the week an ambulance was disppatched and then cancelled whiie enroute to the caîl. The service also notes that there has been a rise in the incidence of motor vehicle acciden- ts. The number to cail for ambulance service in Whitby is 723-5232. 76 Baldwin St. Brooklin 655-4229 id training as war horses ,e for Austria's Hapsburg - Empire which they ser- ved for over 300 years. ;e Ridden into battie by the ie Austrian nobiiity, the s'animais' fantastic leaps and plunges terrorized the enemy. once horses became obsolete in battle, the Lipizzans were used ex- tensively for the art of refined horsemanship by the nobility and many riding schools sprang up, the best known and longest lasting being the Spanish School of Vien- na - 50 named because Spain was the Lipizzans' country of origin. Many people have come to know and ad- mire the stallions through the Wait Disney film "Miracle of the White Stallions" which depicts the dramatic story of how Col. Herr- mann and his father saved the stallions first from the Nazis and later, with the help of General Patton, from the Russians. Col. Herrmann is a direct decendant of the Knight Ritter von Schoebel who first began breeding the animais in Austria more than 300 years ago and the Herrmanns have continuèd to breed and train them ever since. Today, Col. Herrmann views the stallions' per- formances as being more than just a superb horse show; in his estimation, the perfor- mances are a recoun- ting of history and his immense pride in the stallionsý is as much a product of their history as it is a respect for their tremendous skiii and beauty. The Royal Lipizzan Staliions' tour of On- tario this spring is spon- sored by the Ontario Humane Society and proceeds fromn the tour will be used to help finance the construction of an Equine Rescue and Rehabilitation Cen- tre. Plans for the centre have already been drawn up but construc- tion is contingent upon funding. The centre will be a home,f'or abused and neglected. horses until new homes can be found for them. Advance tickets for the May 6 Iroquois Park shows at $7.50 for aduits, $5.50 for seniors and children under 12 and $1 extra at the door. Advance tickets can be purchased at the Free Press office at 131 Brock St. N., Iroquois Park Arena, Mac's Milk and the Bass Ticketron in Scarborough. The Durham Region Public Works Association wiil be holding their Third An- nual Snowplow Rodeo on May 24, at the Regional Oshawa- Whitby Depot. The purpose of this event is two-fold: to have a friendly com- petition between ail the municipalities within the Region to determine the best Snowplow Operation Team; and to try and make the public aware of the professionalism in- volved in Public Works Activities. Winter maintenance is an operation unique to municipalities and can- not be measured by any yardstick. This event will help increase un- derstanding of the dif- ficulty of these drivers' job. A similar cotapetition has been taking place in the Chicago area for about ten years. The event will include a written test on the rules of the road; a cir- cIe check on a vehicle <to find defects), and then a driving test. Trophies wiil be awarded to the winners. This event wili be starting at 9 a.m. Satur- day morning. For fur- ther information or a copy of our registration manual, please contact: George Francis, Region of Durham, R.R.1, Sun- derland, Ont. LOC ffHo, (705) 357-3140. WHITBY CHAPTER O.E.S. NO. 248 On Thursday, April 24, Whitby Chapter No. 248 O.E.S. met in the Masonic Hall, with Worthy Matron Bey Rogers and Worthy Patron Len Waltham presiding. The evening was to honour Past District Deputy Grand Matrons. Tfiere were 12 P.D.D.G.M. from Cobourg, Toronto and surrounding districts. They were honoured by two Past Grand Patrons, Earl McKeever and Brian Lee. There were many Past Matrons and Past Patrons from Whitby Chapter and varîous chapters also visitors. Worthy Matron wished the sick a speedy recovery, also mentioned her projeet 'The Children's Wish Foundation'. A draw to be held in May. The members who were honoured for their volun- teer work at the Seniors Citizen Activity, Centre were given a hearty applause by the chapter. Sister Winnifred Newton, P.D.D.G.M. spoke on the frien- dliness of Whitby Chapter etc., and her closing remark was "Confusious says 'sit down'. " The entertainment was enjoyed by ail and was given by Jackie Guthrie. Refreshments followed with a social ime to close a very pleasant evening. THORNTON INTERESTED PARENTS Garage Sale - The Parents Advisory Committee of Dr. Robert Thornton Public School will be holding a garage, craft sale on the school parking lot on Saturday, May 10 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Spaces may be rented for $10 each (tables $5 each, or bring your own). To reserve your space, please cail 725- 6794 after 6 p.m. Spaces are limited, so reserve early. DECOM For those of you who have been following the goings on of Decom Medical Waste Transfer Station, the hearings will resume on June 2 at the Whitby Municipal Building. Decom is not the most desirable company to- locate within such a populated area. GET WELL WISHES A speedy recovery is hoped for Bill Walsh. -BilI has had a most unfortunate accident and we wish him back in good health promptly. Please caîl 725-8967 with news items for the 2olumn. Snowplow Rodeo

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